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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. oh, you meant riding resolutions? I'll be happy if I work out twice a week, and don't allow myself to be baited into political debates on facebook. I have no clue how many miles I logged this year. Resolution #3 is to get some kind of gauge setup on the tuna. Sadly, I think it will only magnify the amount of neglect my bike(s) see(s). In the interest of being a better dad and husband, I'll probably do even less riding on weekends than in recent years.
  2. I am in love with the idea of this type of trip, but I'm not up for the reality of it... good luck.
  3. I misread the post I was responding to. It didn't occur to me that Bosrtom had previously held the lap record. The way it was written, I was thinking they had Bostrom out testing the EBR with them because it was a track he knew better.
  4. Most of the horror stories I have heard involved people who didn't know the rears dance so badly. I'm sure you'll be fine
  5. BBoz is retired, and is faster than Pegram? I hope Larry was taking it easy.
  6. I actually have a friend who worked as an engineer for Schlumberger. What kind of connections are you looking for?
  7. My middle school wrestling coach permanently injure his shoulder after flipping a 3-wheeler.
  8. That's how it's spelled in the Ohio revised code.
  9. I very much enjoy the idea of owning my own business, but not just being my own boss. My goal would be to sell out to competitors within a decade. Really hoping marihuana sales become legal in Ohio soon... I have a business plan drafted and investors lined up. It would be great to retire at 50
  10. What kind of business would you start?
  11. The 3.0 is the same one they've been using for a couple decades... It's been in the ranger and the Taurus primarily. If nothing else, parts will be plentiful for the drivetrain. Probably pulls the escape damn well, since I believe it's basically a taller focus chassis.
  12. I alluded to it in one of my earlier posts, but I am 99% sure that a Celica GTS engine (if not just the supercharger) is a relatively straightforward swap for someone who knows what he's doing. That would be a fun project if my goal was to spend a lot of money on making a slow car slightly less slow...
  13. bad journalism is good business. Therein lies one of the largest problems in the United States today. It doesn't matter if this cop was completely justified. Angry people will distort the situation into whatever injustice they want it to be, and stupid people (of all races) will believe the distortion and react inappropriately, perpetuating stereotypes and ultimately making the whole situation worse.
  14. That's listed as a drug offense, not a traffic offense. The legislative intent is to prevent people from huffing nitrous while operating a vehicle. Plus the bottle is only "open" when the button is being pressed. I don't know how much nitrous costs, but if you see lights in your mirror, what's to stop you from just purging the bottle until it's empty? Then you're possessing an empty bottle instead of an open bottle. That's my argument, and i'm sticking to it
  15. Thank you. An explanation, rather than just telling me how dumb of an idea this is.
  16. isn't this the case with any power-add though? let's pretend for the sake of example that a "10-shot" of nitrous adds 10hp to a motorcycle (round, easy numbers). How is the stress on the engine from the nitrous system different than a 10hp increase from an exhaust, tune, map, and higher-octane fuel? I'm not asking to be difficult, I just want to understand how (or if) the stresses are different when power is increased through different methods.
  17. those tow-carriers are interesting, but I don't think I would trust the XR to safely sustain highway speeds for any extended period of time. Plus the point of the trailer is to be able to take 2 or more bikes to GA for the Herrin Compound. But let's stop being practical about my question and starting talking nitrous. What kind of stress does that put on an engine, and what is likely to fail first? I am shocked this doesn't get brought up more as a cheap mod. I'm picturing newbs putting spray on their EX500 when they realize that a pipe and jet kit are adding 2-4 horsepower max...
  18. Well here's the problem: ...he tried to turn a Challenger at greater than parking lot speeds.
  19. You find me a tow vehicle that will get 40 mpg in nice weather, and I'll consider it.
  20. That's actually a great idea.
  21. i'm struggling to find decent youtube results of a nitrous corolla, but as someone already mentioned, the 1.8 is tuned to much higher output in other applications. I don't think a small shot would destroy it, and the advantage would be that you CAN just leave the button alone and still get 36 mpg highway. That's not possible if you start bolting on Celica GTS parts and increasing the overall output at all times. All that said, I know next-to-nothing about nitrous, which is why I asked if it was a dumb idea, or one worth looking into. I've got to say though, the youtube videos of guys blasting a rental Crown Vic with a 150 shot (100 hp increase at the wheels) make me want to try such foolishness with the Tuna
  22. that would be a pretty ridiculous citation when there's a trailer behind the vehicle. What ordinance are you thinking of with the NOS thing though? I recall reading some proposed legislation that sounds similar, but I also recall it being extremely subject to attack based on a 'void for vagueness' defense. Racing is a behavior, not a piece of equipment. Besides, if you're going to say a civic with nitrous, putting out 300 or so horsepower is automatically a "racer" and thus breaking the law, then how can the law reconcile allowing Corvettes and the like to legally exist?
  23. none taken. I was (apparently mistakenly) thinking I could set up a de-tuned spray for more prolonged use. The kits I was browsing all claimed 30+ whp increases. That was the baseline. The top-end was 75-150hp increase for larger engines. I was theorizing that a 30hp increase would use the bottle less quickly, and maybe last to GA and back if I only used it when I needed it. I think the real strategy is to anticipate hills by getting up to 80 mph before the incline starts, and then slowing back to legal speeds as you hit the grade. But that's not always possible in traffic, and there are plenty of scenarios where a burst of acceleration (or that option) really helps... As if I need to tell a bunch of riders that
  24. I currently use my wife's SUV as my tow rig. it's totally adequate for my needs, but she does not like driving my shitbox while I'm gone for the weekend. If we ever have a second kid, the shitbox will be completely impractical to leave her with overnight. I am also considering upgrading the wife to something larger, newer, more reliable, and safer. This would provide an opportunity to add a hitch, or not... So I've considered throwing a receiver hitch on the 'rolla. It's rated to tow as much as my trailer is rated to carry, but I foresee problems on extended hill-climbs, even with a relatively light load. Would it be totally ridiculous to install a mild nitrous system to add power in such scenarios? My knowledge of NOS is limited to what I read online, but the idea would be a small amount that the engine can safely handle for a longer duration. It's an automatic transmission, so I would wait for the car to down-shift under acceleration, and then help it out by giving it some spray. Intelligent, or stupid? Parts appear to be about $600-$1000, depending on which kit and how large of a bottle.
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