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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. So we ended up having a solid 10" of snow fall during the day yesterday. I just got new tires last week, and I still had to be pushed out of my parking spot. Spent 45 minutes digging out my car, and helping push other people out to earn my help getting out... Then it took me an hour to get from the parking lot to the highway... Normally I use the entrance 2 miles down the road, but that ramp was closed due to weather or an accident, thus making the next entrance a clusterfuck... I chose to drive down Mentor Ave to bypass that clusterfuck entrance, and get on after it. The 6 mile trip took an hour, and a cop car got stuck in front of me on the way. I helped push him out (after taking a picture, of course) The highways were not terrible. Not clear, but 30 mph was quite possible. Then I hit the Euclid city limits, and it was as if it hadn't snowed at all - just wet pavement, and 60mph. Still took me 2.5 hours to get 40 miles. This morning's return to work took 1.5+ hours... Barely made it in time for my 9:00 hearing
  2. it's 11/13/14, and I just brushed 5" of snow off my car AT LUNCH. FUCK!
  3. Check out www.ex-500.com if you need parts (or buyers). The site has a LOT of new riders who don't know what they're talking about, but there are also a few crusty veterans who know their stuff inside and out. That's a clean un-molested bike. No aftermarket signals or any of that stuff (I'm guilty of blinging mine up a bit with that garbage...) also, what year is hers? I know the black grab-rail denotes that it's post 2001(?), but I'm not confident on that year. Mine was a '97, and they had body-colored grab-rails back then.
  4. is that a Two Brothers pipe? Is it a 2-into-1 system? Regardless, if you want to recoup some cash, work out a trade+cash for the stock cans.
  5. Never ridden one, but I dig the look of the XB9. Problem is that they seem to be really expensive for what they are. It's a cooler SV650, but people want R1 money for it. And no, they're not "collectors items" yet.
  6. I don't recall Dr. Bardine being on staff in the English department when I was there, but it's been almost 10 years. My B.A. in English wasn't the best decision I've ever made...
  7. It's really hard to fault the EX500 as a first bike that could be your forever bike. The biggest issue they face these days is that some people have pristine examples from 2007 and expect $3000 for them. To me, that's completely nuts. There are just so many better bikes to be had at that price. So that's not really a criticism of the EX500, as much as a fluctuation in the market that makes them less valuable (IMHO). You can't (cheaply) do much to fix the noodle chassis, but beyond that, they can be made to handle quite well for what they are. Great comfortable street bikes for a smaller rider.
  8. I'm wondering if the driver saw the bike's signal flashing from his lane change, and assumed he was going to turn left at the same intersection. If the driver sees that left signal flashing AFTER he's executed the lane change, but not prior, he's thinking to himself "that bike's turning left. No reason for me to yield if he's not going straight." Obviously flawed logic, but not as egregious as simply not looking for the bike. This is one reason why it's illegal to change lanes in an intersection. I think the bike had his lane change complete well prior to the intersection, but the car in front of him might also have shielded the driver's view. this is why street riding scares me, and I don't enjoy it as much. I went out for about an hour yesterday and reminded myself that the world is full of stupid...
  9. That's always nice to hear. Jason has several kids, and I'm sure he remembers what they were like when they were 2. He was probably impressed your kid said "please."
  10. Which department chair at UD was hosting a metal guitarist?? Dr. Morris is a friend of mine, and he would totally be up for this kind of guest, but he's a jazz saxophone guy... Jim McCutcheon was the guitar teacher when I was at UD, but he wouldn't have breathed on an electric guitar. Maybe that would be motivation for him to bring in someone else for something like this. Pretty awesome stuff
  11. Go with an ASHI or NACHI endorsed inspector. Years ago I worked with home inspection franchises. Getting our guys to get one or both of those endorsements from one or both of those agencies was a huge initiative, and any of the impropriety of giving a favorable inspection based on realtor referral would cost them their certification. That said, our inspectors were strongly encouraged to build referral relationships with realtors. People buy 1 or 2 houses in their lifetime. It's hard to get repeat customers who aren't realtors.
  12. That 500 will feel like a complete beast compared to the 100! I remember the first time I rode my EX500. It was impossibly fast. I was shifting at 5k, and the thought of doubling that RPM before I got maximum horsepower was giggle-inducing.
  13. So it would race against the pre '99 ZX6's and Honda F2/3. I don't see too many yamahas out there, but I bet the right rider could keep up.
  14. What year? It's probably V7 eligible for WERA and you may find a buyer for it there if no one wants it here. Can't beat your price for something to learn on at the track.
  15. The 200 is only entertaining to purists, and it really requires television to work. There will still probably be some 200 mile race there, just not run by moto America.
  16. Recently started watching 2012 episodes of "doomsday preppers" on Netflix. I think the people featured take things too far, but they are legitimately prepared. What I find "nutty" is their insistence that they know WHAT the disaster will be, and that it's IMMINENT. Economic collapse or bird flu outbreak - it doesn't drastically effect how one prepares. But some of these people are certain the magnetic poles are going to reverse, but have no plan for any kind of pandemic or civil unrest... I am learning some things and making note of good ideas - like having plywood pre-cut to size for all my ground level windows. That could save valuable hours in extreme weather, let alone civil unrest.
  17. I don't know about the H2, but I want that 100!
  18. That is what I have seen as well. And you would really need 2 days to really get comfortable there. It's a huge track.
  19. probably not the thread to bring it up, but I'm considering putting a hitch on the corolla. I get a legitimate 36 mpg average under normal use conditions. Even if my economy drops 50% with a small trailer and 1 real bike or 2 minis, that's acceptable for as infrequently as I actually do it...
  20. This is all a meaningless debate unless we're all using our truck for the same thing... I would like to see a true "light" truck that gets 25 mpg or better, burning gasoline. If that means 2wd and somewhat strange looks for the sake of aerodynamics, then so be it... A small diesel option would likely achieve the same economy in a 4x4 model, but at a premium price. All that said, I am not one who needs or wants a full-sized truck. They're extremely nice, but I wouldn't be able to rationalize the cost of owning one unless I were using it to plow a parking lot or tow something for work.
  21. And I will again in 2016 unless someone else Impresses me more.
  22. No one is going to be better off until we have a president who isn't funded by corporations. Both parties are bought and paid for. We need more patriots and fewer politicians.
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