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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I'm going to have to go on a workout/diet binge and drop under 160 lbs. I'd like to catch Gavin this season, but my progress at CRP has slowed considerably.
  2. anything done to the suspension, other than the fork springs?
  3. yeah, Gavin is definitely 176. He has stepped it up a TON this year. Last season, I could almost keep up with him, but he was impossible to pass. I blamed his weight advantage. This year, I'm a couple seconds faster than I was last year, and he's still a solid 2 seconds faster than me... And that's not because he's lighter. The kid can ride.
  4. I'm looking for an under the desk secretary.
  5. Same thing happened to the 636's for a few years. It was a labor-intensive, but relatively straightforward fix. Beyond my skills, but probably only because I didn't have the guts to attempt it.
  6. I can't believe my buddy's neighbor Tom wasn't there. He has 4 or 5 mustangs. Everything from a recent Mach I to a 1970 Cobra Jet. Two other 60's models as well. All completely restored.
  7. I have had good luck with the purple disposable ones... They seem softer than most other brands, which makes them more comfortable, and easier to get to stick in my hears while I put on a helmet. I use them for commuting, so 75mph or so, with no wind screen on my bike. They're just about perfect for my liking. I could still hear the bike sputtering when I was running out of gas, but the wind noise is almost completely gone.
  8. if the insurance is vastly cheaper on the FZ8, I wouldnt' completely write it off. Everything I've read about them says they're good bikes - but when you start talking value, the FZ09 (at least new) appears to be better.
  9. I'm betting a dollar that night practice will probably on the weekend i'm on vacation, or the day of my father-in-law's 60th birthday party. I'll definitely be at the next race round though.
  10. redkow97

    Deals Gap 2015

    I haven't stopped in on their forum in some time, but every junkie I meet in-person is always decent enough to hang out with. I've definitely had more positive interactions with them than negative. /$.02 I would foresee the groups splitting up for rides down there anyway.
  11. redkow97

    Riders Down

    I'm not going to pretend I would have reacted any differently, but this is the opposite of everything I've ever been taught in riding schools. The theory is that you always have more traction on pavement than in the grass, and standing the bike up just means that you've given up on making the turn. Especially when crossing a double-yellow is involved, I understand the theory. But like I said, I'm not pretending I would have the balls or skills to pull off the preferred method. There's a weird problem with any moderate paced ride, because you're almost always going quick enough to get into trouble, but not quick enough to really keep heat in the tires, or put a knee down to save a lowside. I tend to ride like a pussy on the street...
  12. redkow97

    Riders Down

    I have a theory that it's sometimes better NOT to see gravel, as trying to avoid it can end up worse than simply riding through it, and dealing with the loss of traction. But it's always easy to armchair quarterback such things after the fact. All's well that ends well. Rest up, and heal quickly.
  13. I heard this on the radio, and have not watched the video yet. I had a somewhat similar case at work. From what I have heard, I would charge everyone. The 'zombies' are acting disorderly (physically offensive condition that serves no lawful purpose), but you can't respond to that kind of action by driving the car over them. That whole "two wrongs don't make a right" thing applies even when you end up taking the worst of it.
  14. I maintain that most of us are joking. I am, anyway. The only time I legitimately get irritated with cruiser riders is when they try to tell me that their heavy, loud, (relatively) slow bike is superior to everything else on two wheels, because it makes noise and allegedly has greater resale value. The C50 is a fine machine for what it's designed to do. I enjoy a cruising pace on my portly sport(y) bike.
  15. The alumi will shit bricks if it's the organ doesn't make it back into the chapel. It wouldnt' even need to be re-built or functional to keep most people happy... I spent the last 2 weeks listening to people bitch about the redesign of the athletic logo. It's been a lot of "you're changing the identity of the university!" They seem to be ignoring the fact that the university logo has remained unchanged, and the logo update was only for the sports teams... Anyway, alumni never likes changes at their alma mater. It makes them feel old and disconnected from the university. Having been in the Chapel on a handful of occasions, the renovation is necessary, but they're going to have to tread lightly on that... Most alumni are going to want a good cleaning, and not a modernization. Off the top of my head, I'm guessing the Chapel was built in 1850, or shortly thereafter. This definitely isn't the first renovation.
  16. I hate citing to Wikipedia, but this is the first place I found what I had previously read: It's not explicitly stated that "derived from" means a sleeved-down version of that motor, but "bore reduced" seems to imply that.
  17. I seemed to remember reading that it was. The weight point is a good one, but is the FZ6 especially light? It's built to a price point, so I wouldn't be shocked if there are some steel pieces that could be aluminum on the FZ8.
  18. Isn't it a sleeved-down FZ1 motor? I wouldn't write it off, but I also wouldn't pay a lot for one when the FZ09 is so awesome.
  19. Let me know when she wants something bigger. I would take that XR off your hands for $400!
  20. WERA is on unless the track isn't up to it.
  21. At least the rental cost was cheap. I am not privy to the club's financials, but I was under the impression that covering this weekends expenses wasn't a major hurdle.
  22. Have fun and stay safe guys. I'll be remodeling a house and cutting down some trees on Saturday. The closest thing to "riding" getting done this weekend is painting the gas tank on Tubby. I hope.
  23. I apologize if my tone got snotty or adversarial - I'm predisposed to both, especially online. there will be a GROUP of people RIDING bikes that began life as dirt machines at G&J on Saturday. I think that's why Todd brought up the kart track in the first place. The $25 fee is extremely reasonable for the opportunity to go as fast as you deem safe, without risk of tickets, cars, gravel, deer, or other road-related hazards. I know Kent was also looking into having Dolly on site for medical staff and timing/scoring help as well. Like I said, your $25 would be well-spent. If you need to buy/rent/borrow some gear, someone will likely help you out. I would have shipped you my spare 2-piece suit with more notice that you needed it.
  24. yeah, I was looking at other cheap pistols, and the reviewer casually mentioned that the TCP is (in his opinion) the best compact pistol available. He's basing that on the fact that his shop rents all the popular pocket pistols, and the Taurus is the only one that hasn't had some sort of failure in over 10,000 rounds. That's an endorsement if I've ever heard one! Which shop, if you remember?
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