The dd/mm/yyyy format is 99% downside wrt any sane way you'd want to sort it.
The sysadmins set our JIRA to have this as the default date format and they deserve to be on the same level of hell as the people that refuse to return shopping carts to the cart corral.
Was down there for Fuel CLE. I'll follow this, if only for the post-event stories of shenanigans. Unless @Tonik is Ubering everyone on westside in the eco-mobile.
I was tempted to join, but have a work function tonight.
If Roush wants to sell a leftover R6 or R1S for a song and a dance, let me know. I'd even be willing to give up an SV1K to sweeten the deal.
Enjoy your pizza... and Tonik cake.
Politics, talk about them, a lot.
That'll chum the waters. People can't resist proclaiming their self-important opinions and telling other people that they're wrong in the internet.
Definitely redirect the homepage landing straight to the political category.
You guys are ALL out of the loop - Bankruptcy was posted about 4 days ago...
It appears your sensitivity to my words makes you...what do the folks say now... a snowflake.
You're Yellow snow.
(Ok, now you can report me for racism )