As Todd brings sunshine to the conversation..... Anyway, Lebron isn't going anywhere, but will continue the ruse, as it has to be quite entertaining for him. He wants to be mentioned as being on par with Jordan, and his boy Kobe. For that to happen, he has to stay in one place. And money is a non-issue. He's already proven he has undeniable start power from the Northcoast, so moving to NYC will only make it more expensive to live. He wants championshipS, and his best opportunity for that is here. Gilbert will keep the team stocked with front line talent well beyond this year, regardless if they win a title this season or not (which if they stay healthy is a very realistic). Z will be back, because LBJ and Ferry wouldn't have pulled the trigger if otherwise. It makes no sense for the Bullets (yes, I said Bullets, Agent 0) to keep him, and the talk from Z's agent saying that "several teams have contacted" him is just part of trying to give the deal some semblence of being honest for the other teams in the league. Whatever, it doesn't matter. I just want to be in the arena that first game back when he's announced to enter the game.