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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Guy, is this an OR only event or an OR price for an already scheduled event. $100 is wicked cheap! I might have to treat myself to a late birfday present for that.
  2. JRMMiii is an engineer and you don't listen to him. Hi, Pot, this is Kettle. Thread jack over. Please go back to the conversation at hand.
  3. RVTPilot

    ZZZ Trade

    As Todd brings sunshine to the conversation..... Anyway, Lebron isn't going anywhere, but will continue the ruse, as it has to be quite entertaining for him. He wants to be mentioned as being on par with Jordan, and his boy Kobe. For that to happen, he has to stay in one place. And money is a non-issue. He's already proven he has undeniable start power from the Northcoast, so moving to NYC will only make it more expensive to live. He wants championshipS, and his best opportunity for that is here. Gilbert will keep the team stocked with front line talent well beyond this year, regardless if they win a title this season or not (which if they stay healthy is a very realistic). Z will be back, because LBJ and Ferry wouldn't have pulled the trigger if otherwise. It makes no sense for the Bullets (yes, I said Bullets, Agent 0) to keep him, and the talk from Z's agent saying that "several teams have contacted" him is just part of trying to give the deal some semblence of being honest for the other teams in the league. Whatever, it doesn't matter. I just want to be in the arena that first game back when he's announced to enter the game.
  4. RVTPilot

    Shaun White

    I'd let her squat and pee on my chest, and I am not even into that kind of thing.
  5. RVTPilot

    Shaun White

    Butterface? Wow. Somone's standards are WAAAY to high.
  6. "...with a spoon in them." And Likwid if you can tell me where that is from I will celebrate 8 crazy nights in July.
  7. I have been on sport bikes since I was 22. From an FZR600, then a Gixxer 750 in '97, yet always having a soft spot in my heart for a v-twin. Still want a 996 someday, but when the RC51 came out, I was sold. Just had to wait for life to get me some places first. When I was all but done with my associates a few years ago, I decided it was a nice grad present (just a class or two early). Absolutely love it. Its loud, kinda chubby, can be mean or cool, and yet has a certain nichy sexiness. Just like me.
  8. That one is in really great shape, but I am with redkow. Not sure $3300 isn't too high. $25-2800 maybe.
  9. Glad you're on the mend. I have have spent the majority of this week sleeping on my living room floor thanks to my sciatica flaring up. And I too have hurt my back doing absolutely nothing. Take good care of yourself, and the business will take care of itself.
  10. I was disappointed that Tressel couldn't get Henderson, but Tressel has something working against him this year he hasn't had to deal with in a while. He doesn't have room for that kid to start this year, perhaps even next. USC can have his start as a true freshman, and the kids wanna play right away. Think about it. OSU finished strong, and has to be a favorite to play in the BCS Champ game, ahead of USC. We have an all upper classmen line (though obviously those guys will need replaced at some point). I think OSU pitched all they could to Henderson, but the one thing that they couldn't guarantee him that USC can is playing time. And personally, I think the kid made a huge mistake? USC over OSU as a lineman? Good luck with that. Not to mention you're going to play for Lane Kiffin, and he did wonders the ONE year he was at UT. They won't win the Pac10 again this year, and that kid will see OSU playing for the crystal football while he's already starting the USC offseason program.
  11. Oh Jesus Christ. Please tell me that thing is filled with water.
  12. My Leo Vince slip ons were a cakewalk. The midpipe had the clamp attached to it, and used the stock bolts to hang them. Once you have them on, make sure to check for any leaks, then you'll want to monitor that after the first couple rides as things settle. A little snug up here and there, which anyone should be doing as PM. Nice choice, BTW. I have my Leo's left after my wreck and were they not aluminum, I'd still have them on.
  13. Depends on the thickness. Are you looking for seat cusioning or packaging?
  14. And apparently a significant weapon in the Nazi arsenal.
  15. OOHhhhhh! It's my girls b'day? Ummm....got some spankin's lined up fer you! Srsly, Happyiest Of Birthdays to you girl!
  16. Hello there! Weclome to the board!
  17. www.woot.com That is all.
  18. Probably the most accurate post in this thread yet!
  19. Fade is caused by just as much going on at the rotor/pad transaction as the fluid and lines, if not more. Most of what attributes to fade is heat, or more accurately, the lack of dissipation of it. On the street you'd be hard pressed to notice the difference betwen lines unless your lines are really old and the rubber had degraded. SS lines dissipate heat better and (in a vacuum) would be the better option. On the street? Eh. Track? Yeppers. But there are so many other aspects in a fluid power circuit that are just as likely to be a culprit.
  20. Hey r1crusher....what were the lines on your K7 that were so short?
  21. Hush hus shoosh hush. Posession is 9/10ths of the law. An' stop pickin' on MJ for 2 seconds. She is a girl, but we like some of the things that make her a girl. okay...the 2 seconds are up. MJ, you'r efair game again. hey...wher'd the noob go? Weren't we talking about him? Or something.
  22. You're mah boy, but yer an idiot. I had shingles back late last summer. Thought I had gotten bitten by some freak insect on my back near my armpit. By the time the pain was in full swing, I wanted to throw myself in front of a semi. And it took weeks to go away. Srsly, like 4-6.
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