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Everything posted by magley64

  1. You don't have a constitutional right to the internet.But then I don't consider the US constitution to be a flawless document of righteousness either... The Constitution also considers black people 3/5 of a person and prohibits the manufacture and sale of alcohol for human consumption... It can be amended, and should be amended over time. Many of the founding fathers intended for laws to expire after 20 years so every generation could be in charge of their own society...
  2. Because cars weren't invented back then...
  3. $198,000 charge on a debt of less than $200 is bullshit... Lawyers and court proceedings are the legal fees to which I was referring... Should they make their profit? sure... and they do because they bought the debt for a percentage of what the debt is.. collection companies typically buy debt at a fairly low percentage (less than 50) so the debt company buys the debt for lets say $65 or $70 at most... pay their lawyers, and their fees and they profit $180,000? that's no bueno...that's bullshit.
  4. Then why do people sit in jail awaiting trial?
  5. Yep, reading the story that's basically the gist of it... Had the option to pay before and after legal proceedings. refused, or thanks to some mental instability, wasn't of sound enough mind to do so.... I don't think it's right, and if it's done, the people being evicted should at least get the equity from the sale, leaving the forcloser with the original bill amount plus their legal fees at most.
  6. Nothing at all... media manipulation FTW
  7. Now I'm even more confident in my response... You want adjustment when you cut a new chain, ideally close to the inner stop, (allowing for room to adjust out later) but not jammed right up against it... I'd take it back with your concerns, and hopefully he will make it right.
  8. I think "the guy" Fckud up and cut your chain too short...
  9. Putin is just afraid of the US, and rightfully so... Syria and Russia are buddy buddy like the US and Israel... If any other (smaller) country had threatened syria, putin would have just strongarmed them, and not even entertained a peaceful solution. again, he doesn't want american rockets pointed at russia while still backing his bestie in syria..
  10. sounds too tight to me... adjust for proper slack, check again in a week...
  11. Funny how an off the cuff remark can turn into a viable solution... starting to look like Pokestradamus is 0 for 2... http://news.yahoo.com/obama-sees-possible-breakthrough-syria-weapons-proposal-010203859.html
  12. Kicked the mirror off of a Mercedes that was trying to merge with me while following dweezel home from the scavenger hunt a few years ago.
  13. NO! it was muslims, obama is a secret muzlum, all muzlums hate 'merica... only christian nation loved by god, and hated by izlams cuz of our freedom and real true god. silly logical argument that islam was used as an excuse by the terrorists and a scapegoat by the media ...pshh Islam is liable for 9/11 the same way christianity is liable for abortion clinic bombings, everything done by the KKK, and every hate crime against gays...
  14. alright, I got $5 that says it's a blip... barely noticeable...
  15. Wait wait, what "conclusion" did I jump to? I'm just utterly shocked that this upstanding patriot has once again met the business end of our legal system...shocked.
  16. True.. but I'm willing to bet it's not going to have a noticeable impact on traffic in DC... which is already pretty crappy.
  17. IF syria gets bombed... Pokeystradomus isn't well known for his predictions coming true...
  18. If they wanted to have a peaceful demonstration that didn't involve shutting down a number of public roads, I'm willing to bet dollars to pesos that it would have been approved...
  19. Oh no, I'm sure this is some sort of misunderstanding, maybe his wife had some iced tea or skittles.... and he had a flashback...
  20. No, the issue here is closing traffic to the general public to allow for a parade.
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