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Everything posted by AOW

  1. of course there's the humidity, tornadoes, crappy Mexican food, no natural lakes, mosquitoes, and the inbred morons Welcome to OH....IO
  2. I would offer to educate you, but PM VRODDAVE for lessons, he's local. These were my exact thoughts. My bike happens to be a Harley, but I am NOT a "Harley" guy. Idiot riders roll on all makes and models of bikes. Me personally I have NEVER seen an HD rider pull a wheelie on the highway in traffic. I also seem to remember an OhioRiders ride March of this year where we had several bikes go down, and none of which were HD's or cruisers for that matter.
  3. missed it last night, but it comes on again on Saturday at 11am... DVR is set! Thankx for the heads up
  4. Words to LIVE by!!! Glad it was a minor incident. I only accept the "come on out" wave when at an all direction stop sign. Any other time it's a set up for disaster.
  5. AOW

    has anyone?

    but it is interesting that you have Richard Simmons photos stored on your "hard" drive....
  6. don't pull the plug completely, just unscrew it enough to where oil starts to flow out in a steady stream. Doesn't have to be a gushing stream, and just be patient. When I thought I over filled my bike, I used a marked empty peanut butter jar to drain out 1/2 qt.
  7. where's the "Because I just dig this bike" option. Life got in the way and I hadn't ridden in over 10yrs. I got bit by the bug and started checking out my options. I could have purchased any bike or car I wanted, and nearly came home w/a new RX-8. I went to the Harley/Buell dealer and checked out several HD and Buells. I went upstairs to check our the Sportsters (promised my best friend I would consider them), and the VROD w/the 240mm rear tire was just calling my name. After a 5 minute conversation w/the sales chick, I wrote the check, and me and my 3yr old son headed home. Came back a week later when temps warmed up to 33°, and rode the VROD home with an ear to ear grin the entire 40 miles!
  8. AOW

    Winter riding...

    OH, especially the Columbus area, treat salt like it's an endangered species.. They barely and rarely salt the road. They will throw a shit load of gravel/sand every now and again, but now much in way of salt, calcium chloride, or other ice melting materials.
  9. Just because you can't see the armor does not mean those of us that ride in jeans aren't ATGATT. This ain't church so skip the sermon.
  10. if you're going to post stuff like this, then bring all the info. What percentage had alcohol and or drugs involved? What percentage were <25yrs old... Or more importantly, fuck that HD guy on this forum giving you shit. He don't pay your bills, you don't pay his, so why give a shit what he thinks of you, your ride, or your riding style. This ain't high school Bueller
  11. As of an hour ago, I have 11k this season
  12. AOW

    Winter riding...

    Most on here tend to be "fair weather" riders. Won't ride in the rain, won't ride if it's cold, won't ride if the weather man sneezes. While I lived in PA and OH, I rode all year round. If the roads were clear I was riding. Last New Year's day I did a New Year's ride w/MotOhio. It was 12° when we started, and 3hrs and 70 miles later, it warmed up to 23°. Yeah salt sux and washing your bike in the cold sux more, but it sure is fun.
  13. :them: sympathy goes out to the family and friends they left behind.
  14. use an armless dining room/kitchen table chair. Because there aren't any sides on the chair, her legs can go completely behind you and wrap around the chair. Since you're sitting, all the weight is support by your pelvis/ass and no weight on your legs at all. The only draw back to this position is that after you heal up, she's still going to want to do it this way.
  15. Insist on genuine new Ford crap I mean parts. There is no reason not to repair/replace your Ford parts w/Ford parts. If you are serious about using your father's attorney, make sure the next time the other insurance company calls, you direct them to your attorney.
  16. everything being equal, fat people use more soap
  17. AOW

    Pooh Eeore

    From the album: Random

  18. AOW

    Here we go....

    I won't flame you for this, but only because I still owe you for 4 cases of goodness:D
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