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Everything posted by AOW

  1. AOW

    Mini van or SUV?

    Crossover Suv = mini van
  2. found this on one of my other forums.. Had to laugh and share. If it's a repost... deal with it!
  3. AOW

    Afro Down!

    Glad you're OK and welcome to the club. Getting indecisive while in the triple digits will bite you in the ass every time!
  4. Let's not confuse efficiency with cost effective. Gas is by far the most efficient means of heating your home and water. The caveat is that when your gas furnace kicks on, the blower must kick on as well which is electric. If the electric heating system (baseboard heat) is installed correctly, electric heat is far more cost effective in the long run. Electric baseboard heaters need to be installed into every room individually, by doing this you gain the ability to only heat the room(s) you intend on occupying. Just can't do that with forced hot air. P.S. Columbia gas of Ohio sucks MAJOR!!!!!
  5. $15/mth, unlimited text, data, and voice dial, 450min/week.. /the minutes suck, but the rest rocks for $15/month
  6. Pussy! where are you guys at now?
  7. I always make them install one of those electronic devices on my gas line. That enables them to park in the street and read the meter. The water company does it as well, but for some strange reason the utility companies in Ohio are still stuck in the 1960s. Make the offer for them to either relocate your meter outside of your house or install a remote relay reader for it. If they say no, either switch over to propane or go all electric. Electric is cheaper anyway.
  8. 2000 miles puts you damn near in California if you head west or 1500 miles past NJ and in the Atlantic Ocean..
  9. Doesn't matter if it takes 6 months and a thousand dollars, you know it what it needs to be street legal and how much it will cost you. Either make your bike legal for road use, or keep it off the road. It's pretty straight forward and simple. For my first 3 months in Ohio I did not have my concealed permit so using common sense... I didn't carry my concealed! Now that I moved to CA I once again don't have a state legal concealed permit, so the concealed stays home until I do. Can't get upset over folks getting cited for breaking a known law.
  10. I like this idea (not the font), and the bikes need to face each other or both point in same direction, instead of heading off in two separate directions
  11. makes lane splitting look better and better! Glad you're ok.
  12. it's really sad when a parent's stupidity robs a child of their innocence... My heart goes out to the kids. He knew the consequences of his actions and did it anyway.
  13. somebody has to keep Darwin busy
  14. AOW

    Just a heads up

    Motion sensor light, and I hope, and pray that you don't just have that cable lock going around or through your wheels. You need to chain wheels and frame.
  15. AOW

    Car tires

    put tires on my LS and the wife's Mountaineer before we left Pickerington back in June at Tire Mart. We went w/Consumer's Reports best buy rated Continentals.
  16. AOW

    On my soap box.

    Well, I read the first 3 pages of posts then just skipped to here. What the hell is going on that O.R. is attracting so many cry babies. I have no idea how much neg rep or pos rep I've received, and the reason..... I just don't give a fuck if you agree or disagree with my opinions or thoughts. It seems that more and more of the sport bike crowd is becoming more and more like the die hard HD crowd. They buy a bike and think they're buying into some type of brotherhood of secret handshakes and decoder rings. Well guess what boys and girls... if people thought you were an ass hat before you bought your bike, they now think you're an ass hat with a bike. Buying a motorcycle doesn't come with any membership card or secret decoder ring. Grow the fuck up and get over what people that don't know you, never met you, think about you or your ride.
  17. AOW

    Drunk Texts

    (614): went to a strip club for my bachelor party. about to get a lap dance and realized that when she turned around ... it was my mom.... Only in OH-IO
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