on a serious note, here is what bugs me about squids the most. I couldn't care any fucking less if they ran off the road into a tree and died a slow and painful stupid death. If you get on one of these machines and don't wear the gear, you are asking to become a corpse. That being said, I have always been a big proponent of ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time), but couple years ago in a fit of laziness I jumped on my bike with just my boots. I was hit .9 miles from the place I was staying, and .1 miles form my destination by two cars. I shattered my jaw, which is now held together by 5 plates and 20 screws, and shattered my right arm (yes, I'm left handed), arm now held together by a..... *insert dramatic pause for the ladies*... 15" rod and 15 screws. Yes, I do have a 15" rod!!!! I was suffered lots of pain once I awakened from my 6 day coma, but the pain and suffering you cause your family is the worst. So, if your are a selfish asshat and still choose to ride without a helmet or other gear you are a dumb mother fucker and deserve what Darwin has lined up for you, BUT for your family's sake, gear up.! over.