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Less than a month! MotoSeries Round 1, Nelson Ledges May 3-5


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I'll be at CRP saturday, but if the wife will let me, maybe I'll sneak down on Sunday and get even out the sun-burn that inevitably happens on my hands, neck, and face when I'm wearing leathers all day.

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  candybluzx6 said:
Cant wait to try this crack you guys call racing! If i got addicted after a few track days i should be flat broke by the end of this season

For racing a 600 with moderate tire changes, travel cost, race fee's, food etc....for say a half- 3/4 season (TD+2 sprints & Mini 20)....set as side about 3-4k. With any damage or crashes it can easily excede 5k.

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  SJC1000rr said:
For racing a 600 with moderate tire changes, travel cost, race fee's, food etc....for say a half- 3/4 season (TD+2 sprints & Mini 20)....set as side about 3-4k. With any damage or crashes it can easily excede 5k.

Ill be on the SV so im hoping it may be a bit cheaper. But made my budget for 4k...... Ish

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$4k budget for racing? I just spit out my water!!!

Guys, do not get any false ideas (Hate to be a Debbie Downer) you can race on $4k...

Here's a break down that doesn't even cover everything:

-License $120

-Trackday and two sprints - $250 (I think I added that right)

-Gas (Pump gas - 10 gallons to cover both days $3.85/gl) $38.50

-Tires (I am using a VERY low number as some guys run a new set and then the take offs the following weekend, etc or SVs vs 1000s, etc...) $300

-Food $20

-Water $5

-Gate fee $10

-Fuel and maintenance for the car/truck $60

On a bare bones operation and you living close to the track and camping at the track, you will have about $800-$1k a race weekend. EASY.

THIS IS IF YOU RUN NELSON. Add Hotel for some of us for Nelson, extra fuel for some of us, extra maintenance for some of us, extra food since we may eat out or similar, etc...

You add in the Putnam rounds and you have a high fuel bill, higher maintenance on your truck/car and more food.

You won't be able to do this series if doing both days under $8-$10k a year. No way. And even at that, the little costs add up and will surprise you.

My tire bill alone is over $5k!!

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I didn't mean to make you spit up your water Brian lol. I was given that price as a half season, not a full one and more geared towards the starting guy. I've yet to complete a full season due to injury or bike crashes and spent way more money then I anticipated. Money is the primary reason I'm taking this year off to get other much need projects done.

One can easily break the bank, limit the credit cards or max out the student loans trying to finance this hobby. So as a warning to the up and comers is to only do what you can immediately afford.....NOT what your credit card allows you.

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I will not be making it to this round. Wasn't able to get Saturday covered for work, so I will be working instead. Hope to see all of you guys at round 2.

Keep them upright and have fun. Also, think of me while doing something gay.

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  The Murse said:
I will not be making it to this round. Wasn't able to get Saturday covered for work, so I will be working instead. Hope to see all of you guys at round 2.

Keep them upright and have fun. Also, think of me while doing something gay.

I will miss you and your soft hands.

Yeah, this is an expensive hobby, more expensive than you can truly put a number on cuz it varies for everyone.

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  The Murse said:
I will not be making it to this round. Wasn't able to get Saturday covered for work, so I will be working instead. Hope to see all of you guys at round 2.

Keep them upright and have fun. Also, think of me while doing something gay.

You better make round 2 otherwise you really fuck up the plans that John and I arranged.

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  jbot said:
matt, craig, brian all out? it's almost not even worth going to anymore.

gonna go cry in the corner now.

I'm in. The bike is seemingly cured of electrical gremlins. We are set to be there Saturday to learn the bike and find a setup in a short day.

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Well hell yes Dave and Toni's Bistro will be open, is that even a question? They even have surprises for us this weekend and specials. They post up on MS often and Dave's a fucking cool dude.

The Toy hauler is at my inlaws, the new truck pulled in about 100000 times better and is ready for the trip. Just need to load the bike, well after I finish installing the TRS's, that is, since 4 holes just happened to hit a floor joist and the supplied bolts aren't long enough of course. The 2 I grabbed to try aren't thin enough, so lot's of suck on that.

Friday about 9pm-10pm is our arrival, probably get in, unload the 2 bikes, level out and pass the fuck out. I feel like a dick leaving my 6 month preggers wife as we have an open house Sunday and I am really fucking up things by going, but she's been really cool about it. Just not good timing for the old truck taking a shit, open house, and parents leaving for TX so no one to watch the dog.

But high note Cox will be blowing me for 3 straight hours 2 out of 3 days in the car, and if Candybluesuckmydick is cool, he can maybe give me a reach around too.

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I have gone once and they weren't there. It was a sad, sad say!

I'll have to come find you and meet up in person. I'll have a faded green ez up and open trailer, black 4Runner with bumper stickers on the windows. A friend of mine is potentially coming now so I may have my yellow SV and a silver F4i.

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As insanely jealous as I am right now, I hope everyone has a great Round 1! I'm really most upset about not getting to see all my boys after a long off season. I miss you fuckheads. Keep the rubber side down and don't go dropping too much time before the next round. See you guys at Round 2! Even though the Murse and I will be hitting Grattan next weekend, I'm really just excited to get back to Motoseries and good ol' Nelson Ledges!

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Although I have to say, I am also very excited to spend some quality time with the Murse next weekend. Just the two of us doin a trackday together at Grattan and stuffin each other as hard as we can, just like the old days!

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  hollywood33 said:
although i have to say, i am also very excited to spend some quality time with the murse next weekend. Just the two of us doin a trackday together at grattan and stuffin each other as hard as we can, just like the old days!


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