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Another evil person shoots a little girl.


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But he isn't old enough to legally own a gun, gun control should have already stopped this right? Gun control laws work right? Once again this is a people problem not a gun problem. The gun should have been stored properly and the kid taught its not a toy treat all guns as if they are loaded. Let me know when you find information about a gun killing people on its own. Had this kid stabbed her with a knife this probably wouldn't have made the news.

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To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.

Seems he wasn't taught, as he should have been.


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Magz, you're douchery never stops...you are the definition of a fuck-tard if there ever was one.

He should have been taught how and when to handle it. This is the fault of the parents, not the child (or the rifle).

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Loaded guns have no place around kids, outside the control of an adult. They just don't. Don't need to legislate it, just need to heed it. Train, educate, scare, threaten, whatever you want, but you don't trust a five year old. Condolences to the family. Wouldn't wish it on any one.

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Really? Way to use the death of a toddler to attempt to prove your "point." Stay classy douche bag :nono:

So it's bad to reference a tragic death to point out that tools designed for causing death are dangerous?

So the only time we can reference guns is in a positive light? Noted...

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So it's bad to reference a tragic death to point out that tools designed for causing death are dangerous?

So the only time we can reference guns is in a positive light? Noted...

Its the way you portrayed it. "Another evil person..." who are you blaming here the 5 year old or the irresponsible parent?

So a kid drowns in pool is the next thread going to be "Evil pool guy kills child"

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Its the way you portrayed it. "Another evil person..." who are you blaming here the 5 year old or the irresponsible parent?

So a kid drowns in pool is the next thread going to be "Evil pool guy kills child"

No no, the wayne lapierres of the world have insisted, the only time a gun is dangerous is when it is being fired by an evil person with evil intentions.

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So it's bad to reference a tragic death to point out that tools designed for causing death are dangerous?

So the only time we can reference guns is in a positive light? Noted...

You do realize in this particular instance this is a serious lack of parenting that allowed for this to happen? If you do then you specifically posted this in this manner in order to piss people off, if you didnt then you sir are the stupidest mother fucker around.

Troll is an obvious troll

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Are you riding with us 2morrow Magley-troll? I am betting not.

I'd kinda like to, but it's not in the cards this time, working on a mustang for my cousin.

I've ridden with doc a few times in the past, you'll have fun.

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So it's bad to reference a tragic death to point out that tools designed for causing death are dangerous?

So the only time we can reference guns is in a positive light? Noted...

Key word in there is "tool" the gun did not load aim and fire itself. From the story it states the parents didn't think it was loaded. It's no different than a table saw being left in a room of unattended children and the excuse being I didn't think it was plugged in. The wrong tool in the wrong hands is dangerous. That doesnt mean that people who use them properly shouldn't have them or should have a harder time obtaining them. Hell children fall into 5 gallon buckets and drown or suffocate because of plastic bags does that mean that buckets and bags are dangerous? I'm guessing you'll ignore this like my previous posts because it is logical and makes since.

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Key word in there is "tool" the gun did not load aim and fire itself. From the story it states the parents didn't think it was loaded. It's no different than a table saw being left in a room of unattended children and the excuse being I didn't think it was plugged in. The wrong tool in the wrong hands is dangerous. That doesnt mean that people who use them properly shouldn't have them or should have a harder time obtaining them. Hell children fall into 5 gallon buckets and drown or suffocate because of plastic bags does that mean that buckets and bags are dangerous? I'm guessing you'll ignore this like my previous posts because it is logical and makes since.

Are you honestly comparing a gun to a table saw? You think he would have turned on a table saw, cranked the blade up then picked up his sister and slid her across the blade? Do they market table saws to children? (other than the Fisher price plastic ones?)

Yes kids drown in pools and buckets, but they don't violently and accidentally blow big holes in their siblings with them. Also if you hear the splash in time, you can perform cpr. What can you do if your child has a hole where their heart should be?

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