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What would you do?


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This literally just happened and I am still hot about it but what would you do in this situation?

So I am on an on ramp merging into the highway and the person merging in front of me is putting along at 5 under the speed limit. I see my opportunity to pass when a Subaru outback decides they want to speed up real quick and take the spot I am already merging into. She gets pissed, speeds up next to me after we pass the slow car and she proceeds to merge into the lane I am occupying and forces me off the road to the point I have to smash the brakes to avoid come rely going off road, the whole this lesbian is looking at me so she did it on purpose. I was so livid and still am but I don't have dash cams all over like scruit so I have no proof anything even happened. What would you have done? It would have been 100% her fault if we touched(we were 2 inches away at one point) but I wouldn't have had proof. I really wanted her to hit me though!

End rant

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next time, kick the shit out of her door while she comes in on you and when she swerves into you in a scissor flash of fury and rage, and your corpse tumbles under her unshaven under carriage, you'll know you "won".

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I should clarify, I was in the cage as well or there would be several dents on her door. Also there was a car in front of me so my only options were go off road or brake hard to avoid crashing.

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Hopefully there's no next time, but follow her from a discreet distance. Let her get to her muffin eating convention, and when she goes in, put nails or something under all 4 tires. Leave a note on the rear windshield wiper where you let her know you love her. But you don't want her seeing it until AFTER she's backed out of her space and flattened all 4 tires.

Passive aggressive is the way to go with a situation like this. Or just pee on her doorhandle, and into the vents at the base of her windshield, depending on where she's parked... You don't want to do that at a mall or something...

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Something like this happened to me once.

I followed the guy, he eventually pulled into Walmart.

I went straight, then circled back around from the other entrance.

I saw him walk inside, I parked my Jeep between the front door and his truck, then promptly removed all four of his valve stem cores.

I relocated to WAY across the parking lot and waited...

He came back out twenty minutes later, and I think he was pissed.

He slammed his bag of walmart shit on the ground, kicked one of his flat truck tires, and proceeded to call someone from his cellphone.

I wonder if he ever found his valve cores, neatly placed on his windshield, above his wiper blades.

True story.

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Let her come over and hit you if your in the cage. Try to have the nose of your car lined up with the rear bumper of hers when she does. Take the hit the police should be able to tell who did what. Also when they get there stay calm and not screaming like a Jackass and being all pissed off. It will make you appear more level headed believable rational and honest.

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ohhhhhh you were in the car. now i can stop being a sanctimonious douche.

i always wonder if someone did that to me, and as they came over onto me, i would ease up just a bit to line the front of my car with their rear quarter and pit maneuver the fuck out of them. and maybe, i could get them completely sideways and gun it to roll them like a greased manatee, and i would push-roll them down the road like i was trying to free willy.

and the whole time, i would scream "OHHHH THE HUGE MANATEEEEEESSSSSSS"

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  jbot said:
ohhhhhh you were in the car. now i can stop being a sanctimonious douche.

i always wonder if someone did that to me, and as they came over onto me, i would ease up just a bit to line the front of my car with their rear quarter and pit maneuver the fuck out of them. and maybe, i could get them completely sideways and gun it to roll them like a greased manatee, and i would push-roll them down the road like i was trying to free willy.

and the whole time, i would scream "OHHHH THE HUGE MANATEEEEEESSSSSSS"

I just spit out some grape pop on my desk. Are you happy?

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  snot said:
Not on a bike I would of played chicken and not move. On a bike I would get the plate and call the police and report her.

I tried for as long as I could, I held my ground for probably 10 seconds before I realized she was driving a piece of shit and gave zero fucks about her car, that is the point we were about 2 inches from each other and I was a foot over the left line and I decided to hit the brakes.

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  BadTrainDriver said:
Something like this happened to me once.

I followed the guy, he eventually pulled into Walmart.

I went straight, then circled back around from the other entrance.

I saw him walk inside, I parked my Jeep between the front door and his truck, then promptly removed all four of his valve stem cores.

I relocated to WAY across the parking lot and waited...

He came back out twenty minutes later, and I think he was pissed.

He slammed his bag of walmart shit on the ground, kicked one of his flat truck tires, and proceeded to call someone from his cellphone.

I wonder if he ever found his valve cores, neatly placed on his windshield, above his wiper blades.

True story.

Good stuff and any more tales from the rage :cheers:

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  JStump said:
I tried for as long as I could, I held my ground for probably 10 seconds before I realized she was driving a piece of shit and gave zero fucks about her car, that is the point we were about 2 inches from each other and I was a foot over the left line and I decided to hit the brakes.

I certainly would have done something along the lines of what BadTrainDriver did. And then scratched into her paint "courtesy of the biker you intentionally tried to kill. Bitch."

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  BadTrainDriver said:
Something like this happened to me once.

I followed the guy, he eventually pulled into Walmart.

I went straight, then circled back around from the other entrance.

I saw him walk inside, I parked my Jeep between the front door and his truck, then promptly removed all four of his valve stem cores.

I relocated to WAY across the parking lot and waited...

He came back out twenty minutes later, and I think he was pissed.

He slammed his bag of walmart shit on the ground, kicked one of his flat truck tires, and proceeded to call someone from his cellphone.

I wonder if he ever found his valve cores, neatly placed on his windshield, above his wiper blades.

True story.

I've often had the desire to do something very similar but instead of removing the

valve stems, I've wanted to just cut them off with a pair of side cutters, all four of them.

Another thing is to pour fish emulsion plant fertilizer down the vents at the base of their windshield. That stuff stinks and in the summer time when it's hot, oh jeeze!


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Nah, I've seen too many pairs of cars bounce off of each other in a "shared" lane merge. I'll pass. It happens, and I'll yield. Just keep an eye out for it coming at you.

Btw, if such happens in front of you, be prepared for one or the other to get all total lack of control and spin out. Like suddenly turning their front wheels the wrong direction to recover.

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No, we all merged on together and it was one if those every single car behind you passes before you can situatuons, but I saw a gap I could fit in and took it. She had decided to floor it after I started to merge.

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  redrocket04 said:
Hopefully there's no next time, but follow her from a discreet distance. Let her get to her muffin eating convention, and when she goes in, put nails or something under all 4 tires. Leave a note on the rear windshield wiper where you let her know you love her. But you don't want her seeing it until AFTER she's backed out of her space and flattened all 4 tires.

Passive aggressive is the way to go with a situation like this. Or just pee on her doorhandle, and into the vents at the base of her windshield, depending on where she's parked... You don't want to do that at a mall or something...

I like this response... Good ideas! :D

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  BadTrainDriver said:
Something like this happened to me once.

I followed the guy, he eventually pulled into Walmart.

I went straight, then circled back around from the other entrance.

I saw him walk inside, I parked my Jeep between the front door and his truck, then promptly removed all four of his valve stem cores.

I relocated to WAY across the parking lot and waited...

He came back out twenty minutes later, and I think he was pissed.

He slammed his bag of walmart shit on the ground, kicked one of his flat truck tires, and proceeded to call someone from his cellphone.

I wonder if he ever found his valve cores, neatly placed on his windshield, above his wiper blades.

True story.

Well shit, remind me to never piss you off.

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