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"doing What He Loved To Do"


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 He threw out some bs of why he did it and conveniently he didn't have a dash cam in his car..


lol what was his excuse?


you know, a lot of them don't like dash cams. makes it hard to illegally search them or plant evidence when you're on cam.

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He said I was fleeing from him, first since baseline, then since wild horse pass... Those roads are 8 miles apart, so that's a pretty big change in his story ...he's full of shit... If I was fleeing from him, he would have never gotten next to me in a crown vic... I was only going 70 something in a 65 and he "paced" me at 88, whatever... Now I have to go to court

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 I thought 18 was always a teen, hence the eightTEEN part... :fuckyeah:

yeah there is that suffix...


I know if i see an 18 year old doing something silly, stupid, or absurd, I go "look at that kid" I remember being that kid... driving some old rust bucket, spending more money on stereos and neon lights than routine maintenence...


Maybe it's because I'm almost 30?


I do think of 18 yr olds as kids, and if I thought one needed my advice, I'd say "look kid...listen up" then dispense unwanted advice.

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oh god not reefer! my cousin was addicted to marijuana and was sharing marijuana needles, when he took 3 marijuanas and ODed! thank god the police got this dangerous marijuana addict off the streets!


Why are you so defensive of marijuana? Whether you think it's harmful or not doesn't change the fact that it is illegal and we pay the police to uphold the law.

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Why are you so defensive of marijuana? Whether you think it's harmful or not doesn't change the fact that it is illegal and we pay the police to uphold the law.


Yeah, but everyone knows they "uphold the law" at their own discretion....

Cut big breaks to fellow police officers, let judges' kids get away with everything, let their friends off with warnings...etc...

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18 is an adult, you can go to and die in war.  If you're old enough to do that, you're old enough to know better than to do stupid shit like this.  We've developed a culture that treats people like kids until they're in their late 20's nowadays and glorifies being rebellious little shits.

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18 is an adult, you can go to and die in war. If you're old enough to do that, you're old enough to know better than to do stupid shit like this. We've developed a culture that treats people like kids until they're in their late 20's nowadays and glorifies being rebellious little shits.

You can die in war at any age...

Doesn't mean you're not a kid. Different people mature at different ages. 18 gives you rights and privileges as an adult in our country (aside from drinking) but it doesn't mean you're fully intellectually or emotionally developed.

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If i lived in AZ, i might be more tempted to just flee...

I didn't even know he was pulling me over at first, he flew up next to me and I thought he was passing me, then he tried to run me over... Kind of a wtf moment, wasn't even sure why he was stopping me... In hindsight, I should fled and will remember this next time. He actually told me I'm lucky he didn't run me over.. Prick

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You can die in war at any age...

Doesn't mean you're not a kid. Different people mature at different ages. 18 gives you rights and privileges as an adult in our country (aside from drinking) but it doesn't mean you're fully intellectually or emotionally developed.


You're a master of subtle spin Magz.


I said, "go to and die in war," clearly anyone can be killed during war.  Never said being an adult meant being fully intellectually or emotionally developed, which are certainly not required of being an "adult" and I'd argue many people never reach.  What ought to be expected is a certain level of maturity and conduct.  Don't get me wrong, Im not saying this kid deserved to die or anything remotely close to that, but rather as a society we should have higher expectations of 18 year olds, adults, than to just view him as a "kid" or "child."  It just lowers the expectations for those that really are kids/children for what they should expect to get away with.

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Why are you so defensive of marijuana? Whether you think it's harmful or not doesn't change the fact that it is illegal and we pay the police to uphold the law.

because if it was so bad posession of 100 grams or less in ohio (without paraphernalia) would carry more weight than a speeding ticket... Edited by zx3vfr
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Hell, I would vote for a tax increase if the police were shutdown. That's right. I like taxes more than cops. :eek:

I like marijuana and id pay a 100% tax on it to buy it from a dispensary rather than pablo who sells me mostly seeds and stems

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Lol... I love people who "hate" cops... Yet as soon as someone does them wrong... "Omg where are the cops?! I neeeeed them!!" How about you cop haters stop worrying about someone else actually doing their jobs? If you want to break laws, then be smart about it. Don't be mad about getting caught when YOU broke the law. It's not that difficult to avoid being in an altercation with law enforcement.

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Lol... I love people who "hate" cops... Yet as soon as someone does them wrong... "Omg where are the cops?! I neeeeed them!!" How about you cop haters stop worrying about someone else actually doing their jobs? If you want to break laws, then be smart about it. Don't be mad about getting caught when YOU broke the law. It's not that difficult to avoid being in an altercation with law enforcement.


I don't think you'll have to worry much about Pauly "needing" the cops.  Seriously.  I believe what he says here:


I've never needed a cop. I've called them a couple times, because I was naive enough to believe they'd actually fucking show up. They didn't, and I gained much wisdom and insight into the uselessness of the police force.

I don't have a personal agenda against cops...especially individual officers. I just don't find them useful or relevant.

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Lol... I love people who "hate" cops... Yet as soon as someone does them wrong... "Omg where are the cops?! I neeeeed them!!" How about you cop haters stop worrying about someone else actually doing their jobs? If you want to break laws, then be smart about it. Don't be mad about getting caught when YOU broke the law. It's not that difficult to avoid being in an altercation with law enforcement.

because they don't do their jobs.

They're sworn to uphold the constitution, yet enforce unconstitutional laws.

They lie, steal and plant evidence just to make themselves look good

Edited by zx3vfr
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Lol... I love people who "hate" cops... Yet as soon as someone does them wrong... "Omg where are the cops?! I neeeeed them!!" How about you cop haters stop worrying about someone else actually doing their jobs? If you want to break laws, then be smart about it. Don't be mad about getting caught when YOU broke the law. It's not that difficult to avoid being in an altercation with law enforcement.

because they don't do their jobs.

They're sworn to uphold the constitution, yet enforce unconstitutional laws.

They lie, steal and plant evidence just to make themselves look good

A local example of 2 cops stealing, and this was the same small town I grew up in that has 10 cops working. 20% crooked. So much for such a small percentahe being bad cops


Wake up people, cops dp not care about you or your well being. They just care about a fat paycheck and early retirement with a great pension.

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remove cops and see how quickly chaos spreads.  I am a military policeman, myself.  I work with LOTS of civilian officers both in the military and as a civilian.  Using grossly biased negative media as a reference for your own prejudices is not based on facts.  We were just talking about this the other day, the stealing that is.  It is VERY common for an officer to have been accused of stealing by one or more suspects.  This happens all the time and MOST of the time is unfounded and based on the suspects trying to get the officers in trouble.  No matter, internal investigations are launched over each and every incident.  Yes, just as in any profession there are going to be bad eggs.  That is why departments have made the hiring process EXTREMELY rigorous.  You can't sift out every bad seed, however the media and individuals like yourself constantly focus only on the negative.  Just like how people focus on the negatives with gun control, people want the general population to consider these events to be "the norm", when in fact they are quite rare.

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remove cops and see how quickly chaos spreads.  I am a military policeman, myself.  I work with LOTS of civilian officers both in the military and as a civilian.  Using grossly biased negative media as a reference for your own prejudices is not based on facts.  We were just talking about this the other day, the stealing that is.  It is VERY common for an officer to have been accused of stealing by one or more suspects.  This happens all the time and MOST of the time is unfounded and based on the suspects trying to get the officers in trouble.  No matter, internal investigations are launched over each and every incident.  Yes, just as in any profession there are going to be bad eggs.  That is why departments have made the hiring process EXTREMELY rigorous.  You can't sift out every bad seed, however the media and individuals like yourself constantly focus only on the negative.  Just like how people focus on the negatives with gun control, people want the general population to consider these events to be "the norm", when in fact they are quite rare.



I don't believe all cops are crooked. I believe most are honest, hard-working people. I just don't have a use for them. They're an expenditure that I have a hard time justifying..that's all.



I believe cops are just as honest and hard working on average as the general population. I'm not particularly biased, but I wouldn't trust a cop any more than I would trust a stranger.


Some are good, some are bad, some are inept, some are capable... Having a badge doesn't affect their personality, but the power can be a corruptive force.


I've never had an occasion to call a cop for anything, but I haven't had too many negative interactions with them either. A few have pissed me off, either by their incompetence or their attitude, but by and large they have treated me just fine. This may also have something to do with being a white kid in a rural setting, if i were darker skinned and living in a more urban environment, my attitude and experiences may be quite different.

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lol, i'm not getting upset. i just don't understand the logic behind saying they aren't needed. If you want to see what it would be like, just look across the pond to the middle-east and see the rioting, looting, and killing going on.  

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lol, i'm not getting upset. i just don't understand the logic behind saying they aren't needed. If you want to see what it would be like, just look across the pond to the middle-east and see the rioting, looting, and killing going on.  


yes, because nobody riots or loots or kills in this country... :crazy:

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