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Witness Bike Accident!


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I witnessed a accident today with a motorcycle involved.  I was traveling east on Sullivant Ave. Approaching the light at Norton which was red. A few cars ahead of me, one stops short to allow a car to make a left out of the gas station, heading west on sullivant. As I'm stopping a bike comes from behind me merges into the left turn lane, which had zero cars in it. And this moron pulls right out in front of the biker. He locks up brakes and lays down bike to avoid contact. Bastard in the car drove away! When I yelled at him, he sorta tossed his hands up like "hey no big deal not my fault and then took  off! I was freaking out sorta, but recited the plate # to others and wrote it down, while I turned towards the biker to see if he was okay and being tended to. I turned back around car was out of sight! Cops on scene said I didn't have enough digits to be a full plate #. Then he tells me all Ohio tags are 7 digits! Which is bullshit. And I  never said it was a ohio tag, but it was. You all remember about 3 plates ago  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2003_OH_passenger_plate.jpg


Well anyways it was a black sedan foreign I think, plate # EZ4537 Cops didn't even act like they were going to run the plate. So if you see this guy on the road be careful. I don't know the rider of the bike, he refused medical treatment, but was shock up and had some road rash. Bike could of been worse but was bad enough. The foot-peg and brake on right side were twisted and the front right fender took a scrape. I wish I could of done more. The other witness that stayed was the dipshit that stopped and motioned the black sedan to come on out, needless to say he had no info on the vehicle description either, beside black car black driver. 




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Woah, that looks like my buddy's bike. Waiting for a text back from him. 


Does he live near sullivant and norton ave, in Columbus? Cause this guy does and was a good size rider. And yea bike wasn't to bad, but sure not as pretty as it was before.

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Not even all STOCK plates are 7 digits.  Some are 6.  (bicentenntiel and special plates like OSU/conservation etc)  I wonder if there are any really old plates left over from the 90's when it was blue on white XXX 999 format.


Then there are vanity plates which can be any number.

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That plate is not a currently registered Ohio plate.


And how did you conclude this?


I think the state forced all the old blue six digit plates out b/c they wouldn't renew the stickers on them. That was me a few years ago.

The Bicentennial plates are still on the street almost every where you will see them, look again. In fact as I was talking to one of the officer's and the bike rider, two cars with the 1803 2003 (6) digit plates pulled up to the light. And not to mention the special plates like OSU/conservation etc Scruit mentioned.

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