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Wild NY Bike Attack Vid


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the actual joke was the boots being furloughed (because the section of DCMA that accepts shipments IS furloughed).  we can't all be awesome and clever and be an expert on defense contract manufacturing like me though.


It's true...


the only reason i even thought of it was my cuz's post "while the rest of the government is shut down, we are holding hand to hand combat matches."

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So it seems there was more than just this one video with the suv.  This website claims 7 other videos shot from the same dude of the same group, same day.  It shows them running redlights, driving on sidewalks and damaging at least one other vehicle while terrorizing the public.  They even have video of several of the idiots riding 4-wheelers on the highway.



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Revealed: FIVE off-duty NYPD officers were among the bikers involved in SUV attack but not one of them intervened to help father as he was viciously beaten in revenge for running one of them over

  • Injured biker Edwin Mieses Jr now faces permanent paralysis
  • Two detectives and three other officers, all off-duty, witnessed the attack
  • A number of off-duty corrections officers may also have been present
  • The attacker is expected to turn himself in soon

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2445011/5-duty-NYPD-officers-bikers-involved-Edwin-Mieses-Jr-SUV-attack.html#ixzz2gr6xOsPS



At least five off-duty New York Police Department officers have admitted being present at the savage revenge beating last weekend on the Henry Hudson Parkway, according to reports. Among the off duty cops were at least two detectives and three other officers, all who witnessed the attack and did little to stop it. One of the detectives, an undercover narcotics officer, watched as the violence broke out and chose not to break it up for fear of ruining his cover.



(Funny getting the news from the Brits)


Hmmm, seems like there was a little more to this than first reported, at least for the "ride" part. Undercover cops?


I have to wonder how exactly the Range Rover got the attention of the riders.

They are clearly shown to be ignoring other vehicles. Wonder what this guy did to attract their attention in the first place?


I have seen cagers do stupid  things to riders in groups which caused them to suddenly find a lot of bikes around them.

Never seen things get this out of hand though, still have to wonder though.


Not promoting either side of this but rather pointing out there has to be more to this story that we have all heard so far.

The Lawyers and the Politicians are running center stage on this now so we may never hear an un-biased report of what really happened.


Strange days are upon us.

Edited by Strictly Street
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Also a new video on youtube..shows the same group harassing someone back in 2011...description says they tried to delete it off their site, but someone managed to copy it and post it 





Also noticed them run at least 2 red lights around the 00 :48 mark

Edited by RLeav20717
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Revealed: FIVE off-duty NYPD officers were among the bikers involved in SUV attack but not one of them intervened to help father as he was viciously beaten in revenge for running one of them over

  • Injured biker Edwin Mieses Jr now faces permanent paralysis
  • Two detectives and three other officers, all off-duty, witnessed the attack
  • A number of off-duty corrections officers may also have been present
  • The attacker is expected to turn himself in soon

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2445011/5-duty-NYPD-officers-bikers-involved-Edwin-Mieses-Jr-SUV-attack.html#ixzz2gr6xOsPS




(Funny getting the news from the Brits)


Hmmm, seems like there was a little more to this than first reported, at least for the "ride" part. Undercover cops?


I have to wonder how exactly the Range Rover got the attention of the riders.

They are clearly shown to be ignoring other vehicles. Wonder what this guy did to attract their attention in the first place?



Strange days are upon us.


It's NYC, Manhattan at that.  My money's on the Rover getting on the entrance ramp at the wrong time and merging right into the sea of squids.  Couple that with the one squid brake-checking the Rover and you have what you have here.  There wasn't much the Rover could have done to avoid this, in my opinion.


The fact that Mieses retained Gloria Allred tells me all I need to know about the strength of their case.  She's in it to get her name in the paper, and that's about it.  I wonder if NYC law has any provision for civil liability immunity in cases of self-defense, and I expect that question to be answered here in the coming months as the legal process does it's thing.  Bottom line is that no jury in the world would convict this guy of any criminal act, and even though the bar for civil claims is set lower than criminal, exigent circumstances are all over this thing.  My guess is that Lien settles with Mieses (for a paltry sum, all things considered.  Allred knows she'll get clobbered in court, anyway) and either gets judgements on or collects settlements from the other charged riders and possibly the NYPD.  It would be pretty awesome if Mieses gets charged unde RICO, though.

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The guy who shot the viral video has spoken out.




He claims that the bikers were slowing down cars that got intermingled in the ride so that all the other bikes could pass safely.  Also alleges that the SUV either threw a water bottle out his sun roof or sprayed water out of a water bottle at them. Appears to be what started the whole confrontation.


Edit: He also claims that the battery on his camera died at the moment the video ends and that he didn't edit any of the video. He was merely a witness and does not expect to be charged for anything.

Edited by DerekClouser
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He claims that the  SUV either threw a water bottle out his sun roof or sprayed water out of a water bottle at them. Appears to be what started the whole confrontation.


Edit: He also claims that the battery on his camera died at the moment the video ends and that he didn't edit any of the video. He was merely a witness and does not expect to be charged for anything.


That sounds plausible...

I had suspected there was more to the story...


I don't condone the actions of the motorcycle riders in question, but thought there might have been at least some sort of provocation on the part of the range rover.

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FWIW, undercover officers are not allowed to commit felonies for the sake of preserving their cover unless it is a life & death situation.  They are generally 'allowed' to commit misdemeanors to preserve their cover though.  Breaking the rear window of a car is vandalism or criminal damaging.  I doubt it's a felony offense.


His choice not to intervene can be called into question on moral grounds, but in the moment, I understand his hesitation.  As for the off-duty officers, they're idiots for associating with people who are participating in such brazen criminal activity, but I'm not convinced that makes them culpable.

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The guy who shot the viral video has spoken out.


He claims that the bikers were slowing down cars that got intermingled in the ride so that all the other bikes could pass safely.  Also alleges that the SUV either threw a water bottle out his sun roof or sprayed water out of a water bottle at them. Appears to be what started the whole confrontation.


I probably would too if a series of bikers were brake checking me on the highway.  He's an idiot if he thinks everyone is safer if all the cars on the highway slow down while they speed up.  He's just making shit up to CYA.

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I probably would too if a series of bikers were brake checking me on the highway.  He's an idiot if he thinks everyone is safer if all the cars on the highway slow down while they speed up.  He's just making shit up to CYA.


Pretty much this right here.  He can claim he doesn't expect to be charged with anything, but that's not up to him.  I'd be happy to nail everyone identifiable in that group as accessories.

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All down for charging this guy, but gang assault? I might be overly cautious, but I'm a bit worried about that charge.


I guess you don't know what Gang Assault is...


Gang Assault 2nd Degree -- A person is guilty of gang assault in the second degree when, with

intent to cause physical injury to another person and when aided by two

or more other persons actually present, he causes serious physical

injury to such person or to a third person.


Gang Assault 1st Degree -- A person is guilty of gang assault in the first degree when, with

intent to cause serious physical injury to another person and when aided

by two or more other persons actually present, he causes serious

physical injury to such person or to a third person.


Yup...that about perfectly sums up what happened. I'd say he should be charged with 1st degree gang assault.

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