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Did you sign up at HealthCare.gov


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$400 Million is a lot to pay for a mostly broken website. 

but it's less than 2% of the 24 Billion we just paid for a broken congress and 2 weeks of bullshit...


We should have paid no more than 1/10th of that.  You're totally right about the $24B Teacation, not to mention the massive amount of military waste which is ardently protected by ACA critics every year.

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$400 Million is a lot to pay for a mostly broken website.

but it's less than 2% of the 24 Billion we just paid for a broken congress and 2 weeks of bullshit...

Irrelevant straw man comment. Bullshit is bullshit and its not excused because of other bullshit.

And it's not 'mostly' broken. It it's criminally insecure and did not pass the mandated security audit.

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The mainstream media is starting in on the whole thing. Starting to get real numbers not Obamacare talking points.

- Interesting times we live in.



The Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, has taken a toll on President Barack Obama's standing in the polls. The latest Gallup poll now shows Obama's approval rating at just 39%

Here are seven Obamacare facts dragging down the president's approval rating: 


1. Obamacare will cost taxpayers $1.8 to $2.6 trillion over the next 10 years. Over the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates Obamacare will cost American taxpayers $1.798 trillion. The Republican Senate Budget Committee says CBO's numbers rely on overly optimistic economic assumptions and puts the true cost at $2.6 trillion.


2. At least 3.5 million Americans have already received health insurance cancelation notices. According to data compiled by the Associated Press, 3.5 million Americans have received notices from their health insurance companies that their plans will be canceled due to Obamacare--something Obama explicitly promised would not occur. Worse, the Associated Press's calculations are expected to rise, as they are based on data for just half of the states.


3. The now-infamous Obamacare website cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 billion to build. A Bloomberg analysis finds that the broken Obamacare website and its supporting IT infrastructure cost American taxpayers over $1 billion

4. The New York Times says Obamacare "will leave out two-thirds of poor blacks and single mothers." The Times' analysis concluded that Obamacare "will leave out two-thirds of the poor blacks and single mothers and more than half of the low-wage workers who do not have insurance, the very kinds of people that the program was intended to help."


5. Tens of thousands of worker hours and jobs have already been cut due to Obamacare. Local stories of employers slashing jobs and worker hours have become common since Obamacare went into effect. As of Oct. 17, Investor's Business Daily's running Obamacare scorecard listed at least 351 employers who have cut jobs or hours in response to Obamacare.


6. Premiums will rise by 99% for young men and between 55% to 62% for young women. As CBS News has reported, an analysis by the Manhattan Institute finds that, despite the Affordable Care Act's name, health insurance premiums will rise dramatically under Obamacare for young men and women--the individuals Obamacare relies on to fund coverage and subsidies for older, sicker Americans. 


7. Obama promised no less than 23 times that "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan." NY Magazine compiled 23 video clips of Obama promising that Obamacare would not result in Americans losing their current health care insurance.

President Barack Obama signed Obamacare into law on March 23, 2010.



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So my son has been scheduled to testify before Congress on November 17th about the website. And they are looking for a way for Congress to hire him to do a security audit on the website. He is so getting audited by the IRS.

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At the same time, don't belief every anecdote you're hearing. A good bit if it is tripe... http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-november-5-2013/affordable-horror-story




Fact checking seems to be the new thing to do. Sounds like a pretty good idea.

Clearly we can't trust the talking heads on TV or anybody using talking points.

Which may be the same thing come to think of it.


Seems like all stories have a side to them. Everything is bent one way or the other.

We have a right to a free press, just makes me wonder what the word "free" means these days.

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Talk about out of touch, wow. Did you see this? It didn't feel like any kind of apology to me it felt more like he was blaming me for something. Obama offers fauxpology for 'situation'



Using lawyerly care in choosing passive-construction words, President Obama last night apologized for something, but most definitely not for lying to the American people in order to sell his health care plan on false promises and get re-elected. Here are the words he uttered to Chuck Todd, White House correspondent for NBC, friendliest news agency among the progressive media toadies.


"I am sorry that they, you know, are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me."


Obama%20fauxpology.pngApologizing that people find themselves in a situation is not the same thing as apologizing for lying. And the situation that people find themselves in (losing their health insurance) is not the result of his assurances, it is the result of the law itself. Only if one connects several dots, realizing that the only reason the law passed and the regulations got written by Kathleen Sebelius is because people believed his lie, does the sentence make any sense at all. By leaving out the part about lying, the president vitiated the apology.


President Obama also claimed that administration officials "weren't as clear as we needed to be." This is itself another lie, as Charles Krauthammer aptly observed:


"He said, if you have your plan and you like your plan, you will keep your plan, period," Krauthammer, a syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor said. "The punctuation is the key here. No context, no caveats, no exceptions, that's what the word period means. He couldn't have been clearer, and for him to pretend he wasn't is simply appalling."


The president came close to admitting that Obamacare is a flawed law, needing revision:


Obviously, we didn't do a good enough job in terms of how we crafted the law. And, you know, that's something that I regret. That's something that we're going to do everything we can to get fixed."


This would seem to open the door to legislation revising, if not repealing Obamacare. But almost certainly, this president who believes that he can  modify and even suspend laws passed by Congress that he is sworn to faithfully execute, would be loath to allow the GOP_dominated House the chance to tinker with what his supporters like to call "settled law."


Update: Perhaps the most egregious moment of the interview was when Obama cast himself as the victim, saying "I've been burned by a website." He quickly added that the American people had also been affected, but the reveal was there. He's the victim.


You can watch the entire interview with Chuck Todd here.


One note on media coverage of the fauxpology: most outlets, including NBC News itself in its online transcript, have cleaned up the president's words, omitting his "errs," and "you knows." But not the Washington Post's Juliet Eilperin and several other outlets. For tea leaf readers, this is evidence that some of the establishment media have gotten fed up with the lies and are no longer as actively covering for Obama. A small point, but something to keep in mind, because the problems with Obamacare are not only not solved, they have only just begun.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/11/obama_offers_fauxpology_for_situation.html#ixzz2k4Mw8Sm8

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And now the other shoe drops. They were working on this website right up until the day it was released, doing major changes. Which means there is no way it could have been subjected to the federally required audit for security. Yes, that's my kid that will be testifying.



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Doesn't matter. Even if we get a sound bite of Obama stating he didn't care what laws are broken.. It will all fall on deaf (read: left) ears.


I don't think he lied or broke any laws. I just don't think he has any idea what's actually going on. He's just a puppet. 

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So my son has been scheduled to testify before Congress on November 17th about the website. And they are looking for a way for Congress to hire him to do a security audit on the website. He is so getting audited by the IRS.


You must be a really proud papa right now. :)

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Commenting on Street's post... The president didn't lie when he said you could keep your coverage. He didn't know his own administration's law...which might be worse. As I've said before, he's either a liar, or he's incompetent. Pick your favorite.

Puppet, or not...he signed the bill into law. If it's full of holes, that's on him. Just as he gets credit for taking out the baddie from 9/11, he gets all the credit for this complete disaster of hope and change.


sent from a treestand on the back forty

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106,185 have signed up for Obamacare, that is hilarious for many reasons. These were the hard and verified numbers just given, not something that I just googled.


26,794 according to NBC News: http://www.nbcnews.com/health/26-000-signed-through-federal-obamacare-website-first-month-administration-2D11591428

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Both of you are right.  100K includes those that used a state website. 27K that used Obama's website.  So let see, 6 million lost coverage (not counting the 1 million just announced today in California) minus 100K is a net loss of insurance for 5,900,000 people. Can't wait to see Mag's spin this one.

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Interesting turn...democrats worried about getting reelected turning against obamacare?


Heard ole Billy Boy speaking about it the other day. First thing that came to mind was he is trying to distance the Clinton name from Obamacare/Admin for Hillary's 2016 pres run.

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