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Did you sign up at HealthCare.gov


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more promises I don't believe!


The one good thing I liked is he basically called the American public too dumb to properly pick plans and such which for the most part seems wholely accurate

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Made it to Baltimore. Heading to train to DC now. Staying across the street from the Capitol Building. I will be live tweeting the hearing at 10 tomorrow. @TonikJDK

Gonna be a real big surprise on the screen.

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The question of whether the Constitution was obeyed needs to be litigated'



"........The foundation explained that because Obamacare’s “individual mandate is a tax – and, indeed, Obamacare includes more than $500 billion in new taxation, in all – the law should have been initiated in the House, where Article I, Section 7, of the Constitution says new taxes must “originate,” in order to keep the taxing power close to the people.”

“However, in defiance of this constitutional requirement, Majority Leader Harry Reid launched the law in the Senate, by taking an entirely unrelated House bill on housing for veterans, stripping it, and inserting the language that became Obamacare.”

Beard said the “current attempts to roll out Obamacare are frankly a fiasco......”




Another freaking court case.........but at least this one makes sense.  There is a process for creating a new tax, and Obamacare did not go through that process.  I have been wondering when this would come up.......

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Above is a link to the full recording. Short version....All four experts said the general public should not use the website. And at the end....this website is connected to the IRS SS DHS HHS data systems. So hackers will use healthcare.gov to leap frog into those systems.

I am in the background of much of the testimony. I was not wearing underwear.

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I noticed that.  Sad really.  The lack of concern seems to be prevalent in Washington anymore.  I guess they are getting their pockets stuffed with money so what goes on outside of D.C. is really no big deal to them.  I'll bet if they were under the same mandate as the rest of us they would be concerned.

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I noticed that.  Sad really.  The lack of concern seems to be prevalent in Washington anymore.  I guess they are getting their pockets stuffed with money so what goes on outside of D.C. is really no big deal to them.  I'll bet if they were under the same mandate as the rest of us they would be concerned.


For the people by the people, is the farthest thing from the truth. So what can be done about it........NOTHING.

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I noticed that. Sad really. The lack of concern seems to be prevalent in Washington anymore. I guess they are getting their pockets stuffed with money so what goes on outside of D.C. is really no big deal to them. I'll bet if they were under the same mandate as the rest of us they would be concerned.

They are, John Boner just signed up...

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  • 4 weeks later...

The plot thickens. They knew in September the site was full of security holes. And HSS fought the subpoena all the way.  So we have prior knowledge and a weak attempt at a cover up. 




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