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Rider from the Lewis Center / Polaris area


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Hey guys, first time poster, long time lurker... looking to be more involved in the OR community. Hello everyone! How you all doing? If you're anything like me, you're cursing the fact that you don't live closer to the equator!

So anyways, I'm putting together the Ohio chapter of a well-known sportbike motorcycle club. Yes, it is going to be badass. So if youre a badass and are interested in learning more regarding this MC and it's membership, don't hesitate to PM me. You know you want to join. You'll get cool patches like those guys in sons of anarchy! Lol

Well, nice to meet you folks. Gotta get some nookie before she falls asleep!


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This should be entertaining.


Yep.  Here we go...


Suggestions of clubs seem to not go well in here. 

There's a lot of poking fun at the idea, and many

leave in a huff when their good intentions are met

with ridicule and harsher teasing than one should

have to endure when approaching under a banner

of friendship and brotherhood.


We'll post up rides open to others, announce

gatherings in far off places, and sit around a

campfire, smoking cigars and telling lies.  Clubs

require something many here lack the interest in

involving their time in, though others may be



Prepare for an ass raping at the mere suggestion,

learn to laugh about it, and give 'em back as much

as they give you.  Don't stomp off.  Just shake it

off and join in.


Welcome to OhioRiders.  We're glad to have you.



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Yep. Here we go...

Suggestions of clubs seem to not go well in here.

There's a lot of poking fun at the idea, and many

leave in a huff when their good intentions are met

with ridicule and harsher teasing than one should

have to endure when approaching under a banner

of friendship and brotherhood.

We'll post up rides open to others, announce

gatherings in far off places, and sit around a

campfire, smoking cigars and telling lies. Clubs

require something many here lack the interest in

involving their time in, though others may be


Prepare for an ass raping at the mere suggestion,

learn to laugh about it, and give 'em back as much

as they give you. Don't stomp off. Just shake it

off and join in.

Welcome to OhioRiders. We're glad to have you.


well put!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

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Welcome, and :popcorn:

Thank you, Tonik  

Hi. You had me till the bad ass part. Sunofabitch. I like patches.

Hey. Tell you what dude, we are pretty lenient on the badass part... I mean, hell you ride, so you gotta be cool, right? ;) come get some patches!  

I'm in Lewis center and like patches....

Please PM me if you are really interested in getting yours. Regardless, how about we get together and cruise sometime?  

What club?

I'm not sure I'm allowed to advertise that, but PM me if youd really like to know. I'll tell you it is not some gang or a 1% club. There are background checks (which I'll pay for), no felons allowed. Sorry felons, lol society has it out for you.

:welcomeor: sub'd for future entertainment value

......and, we're basically already an MC here -- except we do stickers and t-shirts instead of patches

Hello Hellmutt. Well glad to be a member of this MC. Looks as if I'm going to have to buy a t-shirt then ;)
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Yep.  Here we go...


Suggestions of clubs seem to not go well in here. 

There's a lot of poking fun at the idea, and many

leave in a huff when their good intentions are met

with ridicule and harsher teasing than one should

have to endure when approaching under a banner

of friendship and brotherhood.


We'll post up rides open to others, announce

gatherings in far off places, and sit around a

campfire, smoking cigars and telling lies.  Clubs

require something many here lack the interest in

involving their time in, though others may be



Prepare for an ass raping at the mere suggestion,

learn to laugh about it, and give 'em back as much

as they give you.  Don't stomp off.  Just shake it

off and join in.


Welcome to OhioRiders.  We're glad to have you.



Thank you for the kind words of advice, JackFlash. I can understand that the MC concept may not be as appealing to others as I and had been expecting some ridicule... but hey, this wouldn't be a forum without it lol, let alone be the Internet ;) I've got thick enough skin and plan to endure. I'm just looking to make friends, participate in said gatherings and lie-telling... and not just in the club but in OR as well.!

I'm 23 and have no friends that ride... Just looking for a good time, to talk motorcycles, shop and women, in no particular order. Coming from a very tight knit group of 13 friends that all seem to be drifting different directions in life, I kind of miss that comradery and hope to achieve something similar with this MC. If you're looking for the same, let's get rowdy! If not, that's cool too (yawn).

JackFlash, I think I'm going to stick around these parts and want to thank you for having me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome aboard. You'll find more people to ride with here than you will be starting a club, and nobody here calls themselves president or any other stupid title. Everyone's equal on this playing field (except Magz, everyone is above Magz :D ).

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:welcomeor: sub'd for future entertainment value

......and, we're basically already an MC here -- except we do stickers and t-shirts instead of patches

Now I find out its just t-shirts and stickers....and I just got my wife to up my allowance so I could get a really cool O.R. tat without having to finance it.:(

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Welcome. And as someone who has seen every episode of SOA, I think MC is a stupid thing to be a part of. Just the term MC gets on my nerves. Does anyone really want to join the Boy Scouts for bikers?

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