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Weight loss/ lifting/ dieting thread


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I ran just short of a mile the other day and was a wreck!  I looked back on my running records and 6 short months ago, I did a 10 mile run just for the hell of it.  So frustrating.

I've decided to ease back into it.  I'm doing a 30 day challenge because it only takes 15 minutes out of my day and its building my confidence.


I'm on day 5.

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That's funny never done a mud race and signed up for tough mudder. Should be fun and I may end up doing a few of the shorter ones throughout the year. Got to get my cardio up before May... Getting close

Best of luck to ya! ;)

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I have decided I am going to do push-ups at the top of every hour I am awake. My black belt test is in 4 months and I have to do 100 push-ups in 2mins as part of the test. Training for my brown belt I got to 75. Now I'm back to 50-ish.

For now, each hour I am doing 10. Hope to get up to being able to do 40 or 50 per hour.

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Squated 370x1 yesterday. It was ugly.... Paused at the bottom on accident, depth was not quite there, and grinded it all the way up. Gonna try to clean it up next week for a more legit lift...

Ran 2.36 miles today and will be jogging again tomorrow.

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Hey I got a 3xl black slingshot I'd sale half price of new if you know a big guy that wants one. Only used about 5 workouts.

Sent from my SPH-L600 using Tapatalk

I tried to your pm about this a while ago...it was when the forum switched to the new format and I didn't realize I had a pm for a long time. I can ask around but I'm the only person I know that uses one.

Any reason you chose the mad dog version if your not lifting equipped?

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I tried to your pm about this a while ago...it was when the forum switched to the new format and I didn't realize I had a pm for a long time. I can ask around but I'm the only person I know that uses one.

Any reason you chose the mad dog version if your not lifting equipped?

Didnt really know what I was getting. now after my weight loss its a little big. I can still use it just got to have elbow sleeves on with it. Also now with the crossfit thing I havent been lifting heavy so it just sits.

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The reactive (blue one) would still be beneficial. Or even a set if micro or mini bands. The problem with the red and especially black along shots is that too much band tension is proven to be counterproductive. But anyway glws. Try bb.com or powerliftingwatch.com classifieds.

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Went and started my spring work out routine today. We went to the nature center in the north rocky river park. They have a set of steps that will kick you butt. It is 135 steps up a steep ridge. We did laps up the stairs over the ridge down another set of steps We did about 4 laps and hiked 4 miles on the park path system. I plan to do this daily till I get my wind back. 


Only photo I could find online of the steps. 


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Those steps look fun. I actually really enjoy running steps.

Started lifting with a buddy about 4 weeks ago. Helps to have someone to force you to lift in those days that you don't want to. We have been doing a pretty neat progressive training program. I'll have I take a picture of the work sets. Basically you Move weight up 2.5 lbs a week on your main lifts Which are squat bench dead lift and press. In 4 weeks I've gone from being

able to do about 4 pull ups total to 3 sets of 8. I'm at 205 now and much leaner than I was at this time last year, At a similar weight. I've been eating a lot less and better food the last 2 weeks.

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Today's training:


Warm ups: 135x10 225x5 315x4








405x5 (2+)

Assistance work:

Wide squats 3x10

Hip bridges 2x10-12

Abs: standing crunch 2x12

Lat work


50lb kettle bell swings 2x25

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