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Impromptu formations - what is the etiquette?


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I don't mean falling into a planned rally or a pack of "1 percenters", just hanging with another rider you happen to be near till the next exit or such. Seems to happen most often in city style riding.


It seems like many bikers have a mild compulsion to catch up to other riders - maybe just to check out their ride. I do it sometimes.  Every once in a while I'll wind up pacing another rider either because of traffic or I just sort of feel like falling into formation during a cruise. I always try to stay staggered and keep a safe distance. In slow traffic, I had no choice for a couple miles last time it happened. As the dude turned off, he gave me a quick right hand "pavement wave". I enjoy moments like that, hanging with a someone who enjoys being on two wheels out of pure chance. Feels like a fraternity of sorts.  I also have done it on the highway, but only after the other guy gave me a nod about my bike. 


How do you do view this? I figure I'll leave obvious groups alone or hang back if I'm getting a negative vibe. 

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I always wandered this too. I'm fine riding formations when I'm out with my buddies but I never know about other people. I don't want to make them uncomfortable with me riding near them so I usually stay staggered and a normal follow distance, as if it was any other car.

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If I happen upon another rider and I'm gonna tail him...I'll stagger and look in his mirror and stay where I can see his face in his mirror. That way he knows exactly where I am with a quick glance. If he has to make a quick maneuver for some reason he doesn't have to worry about my position because he knows where I am and if your paying attention you will have plenty of time to react. I just do this in town for the slower stuff. Out on the open road either let them go or pass. Whichever fits the scenario. Never do I join another group. No reason. I just don't.

Read my mind.

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I typically leave extra room if I'm tailing someone I don't know. I don't know their riding style and they don't know mine. Also if they can hold lane position in a staggered formation, I usually go by them or drop further back.

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I completely understand being cautious around unknown riders. It's simple common sense. I do however start from a different mental baseline when it's somebody on a weather worn 80s Goldwing rather than an 883 so new the tire molds are still visible.

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If they are riding left or right, I'll come in on the other side within view of their mirror. If they are going slower than me, I'll give a wave, change lanes and go around. If we come to a red light, I'll pull up along side for a quick chat. 


if it's a group, i'll usually chill a full length behind the sweeper, opposite side until there is room to go around the group.

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tuck into their blind spot for about a mile or so and then blast by them on 1 wheel, middle finger in the air, taking a selfie with that stupid grumpy look on that other guys face.

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Ha. If I get either of my bikes on 1 wheel, I've done something spectacularly wrong. And I'm generally am not prone to that level of douchebaggery.

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who you callin' a douchebag, you refrigerant huffer?!?!?!?!


i'm kidding, i can't do wheelies either.  fuck those guys who can whoolie.  they probably weren't breast fed.

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Link up staggered, yes. I'll ambush any bike I see, just to find out how long it takes for them to realize I'm there.

Yes, there are riders that never look in their rear view mirrors...

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Share their lane and then bounce my motor off the Rev limiter for at least 20 seconds to enforce my dominance. At the next light if you can pull up on their right, hit their kill switch when the light changes. If on their left, wait till its green, then kick down their side stand and put their bike in gear (killing the engine) and take off on one wheel. Wait for them at next light, pull their key out and throw it across the street, do a sick rolling burnout and flip them the bird.

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Don't know them then I blast past if on the highway.

If I don't know you I don't want you pulling up next to me at a light either. Amazing how many people can't take off in a straight line

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tuck into their blind spot for about a mile or so and then blast by them on 1 wheel, middle finger in the air, taking a selfie with that stupid grumpy look on that other guys face.

This, but without the finger or selfie. Im a safe and lazy hooligan

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This thread has gone horribly, horribly wrong.


What I learned in class today: Ohioriders is full of degenerates looking for any excuse, even the tiniest, to perform the equivalent of gratuitous wanking on their bikes.


I don't think my Nighthawk is capable of getting its 500lb lard butt off the ground. The Vulcan can lift a wheel going into 2nd, but again, I'd just as soon not find out how hard it is to blow out the fork seals. I've gained enough stupid habits over the years. I don't need any more. 

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Share their lane and then bounce my motor off the Rev limiter for at least 20 seconds to enforce my dominance. At the next light if you can pull up on their right, hit their kill switch when the light changes. If on their left, wait till its green, then kick down their side stand and put their bike in gear (killing the engine) and take off on one wheel. Wait for them at next light, pull their key out and throw it across the street, do a sick rolling burnout and flip them the bird.


So, you're the F'ker I've been looking for.

I almost never found that key.   :lol:


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This thread has gone horribly, horribly wrong.

What I learned in class today: Ohioriders is full of degenerates looking for any excuse, even the tiniest, to perform the equivalent of gratuitous wanking on their bikes.

I don't think my Nighthawk is capable of getting its 500lb lard butt off the ground. The Vulcan can lift a wheel going into 2nd, but again, I'd just as soon not find out how hard it is to blow out the fork seals. I've gained enough stupid habits over the years. I don't need any more.

I always wank on my bike....gratuitously.

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