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Help me plan my dream date!


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Greetings fellow riders. I am planning a date with my wife to try and show her why I love motorcycles. I own a SV650s and she has only ridden with me once and hated it due to no back rest and forward posture. She said she would feel much better riding on a cruiser. Im having a hard time selling the idea  of getting rid of my bike and getting a cruiser to her. I think I have come up with the best way to show her how fun it can be.


What I know so far is I want to rent a Victory motorcycle and do some sort of picnic lunch somewhere. I wanted to ask some of you for some help. I want a destination thats nice and scenic like a national park or the like. I also want to try and plan a nice route thats not all just highway. I would prefer to stick to the backroads. I also need to keep the trip to within 1 day from around 10am-5pm due to rental hours. So here is a summary of what im trying to accomplish and 2 questions.


A nice destination 2-3 hours from Coulmbus.

A nice route to said destination.

A fun activity to do.


Should I have others join and make it a group ride or go solo?

Should I rent the Victory Cross Country Tour or Vision?


I am trying to keep this fun and a little romantic. I was thinking of maybe something around Hocking Hills with lunch at a nice park and maybe a little nature hike. Im also thinking about the zipline tours. We did a zipline park on our honeymoon and loved it.


I apperciate any help and will be very grateful.

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Hocking Hills is pretty much all you need. Hop  around cave to cave and that will be likely most of the day. The BBQ joint down there I hear is good but I've yet to be able to try it

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Ditch the 2-3 hour thing. That is too long on the bike for her first real ride. An hour or so each way. So Hocking and the zip lines is a great idea. Another would be Mansfield, hit the reformatory, then the carousel and then lunch. Buy her lunch, don't try and pack it. Take all the stress and planning on her part out of it.

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Hocking Hills is pretty much all you need. Hop around cave to cave and that will be likely most of the day. The BBQ joint down there I hear is good but I've yet to be able to try it

Cave hopping sounds fun. Thanks for the suggestion.

Make it an overnight and stay here (hocking): http://www.getaway-cabins.com/special_occasions.htm

That would break the ride time in half over 2 days, which might be good unless she is OK with a lot of hours on the bike.

I actually have their magnet on the fridge. My wife and I love the cabins. But it's hard finding a babysitter that will do overnights.

Ditch the 2-3 hour thing. That is too long on the bike for her first real ride. An hour or so each way. So Hocking and the zip lines is a great idea. Another would be Mansfield, hit the reformatory, then the carousel and then lunch. Buy her lunch, don't try and pack it. Take all the stress and planning on her part out of it.

She has no ideas about this trip. She just knows we need an all day babysitter at some point in the near future. I'll be packing the lunch and that's why I'm going with a bagger so I have some storage.

Get a girlfriend that likes motorcycles.

Problem solved.

Well we are kinda married and have an awesome daughter. I love her to death and she is an amazing mother.

You wouldn't want her wanting to ride bitch all the time anyways. It's gets old.

First things first let me get her just enjoying the ride then maybe we can think about a riding course.

Thread hijack complete.

Lol this picture is great.
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Riding bitch is all about the scenery, being comfy, and feeling safe.  I've ridden on the back just a few times.  My very first ride was beautiful, scenic, just enough adventure and was the ride that made me realize I wanted a bike, probably lasted about an hour. Some of the others were a little on the scary side and made me feel worried the whole time, which lead to a really unenjoyable experience.

I think Hocking is a fantastic idea  You've got a fun beautiful riding aread, but gauge her reaction to your speed through the corners too.  There's plenty of short rides so she can get off and stretch a little.  Maybe take a camera and get a pic with you two and the bike at one of the nice locations and get it printed and frame it for her when you're done with the trip... might conjure some nice feelings about the bonding you can do on bike trips.


Good luck!

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Ditch the 2-3 hour thing. That is too long on the bike for her first real ride. An hour or so each way. So Hocking and the zip lines is a great idea. Another would be Mansfield, hit the reformatory, then the carousel and then lunch. Buy her lunch, don't try and pack it. Take all the stress and planning on her part out of it.

Get a girlfriend that likes motorcycles.

Problem solved.

You wouldn't want her wanting to ride bitch all the time anyways. It's gets old.

Agreed... I grew up on the back of a bike. I also agree with MJ, but I will try really hard not to be on the back again..... I get sleepy and have slept on the back of the ZX-14.

Oh and watch the Rep levels.... the higher the better the idea.

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If you go to Hocking Hills, I'm told there is some steakhouse that advertises the hell out of itself and it's just awful. It only stays in business due to unknowing travelers stopping in thanks to the ads. Avoid. It'll ruin your day!

I'll see if I can get the name.

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If you go to Hocking Hills, I'm told there is some steakhouse that advertises the hell out of itself and it's just awful. It only stays in business due to unknowing travelers stopping in thanks to the ads. Avoid. It'll ruin your day!

I'll see if I can get the name.


Jack's Steakhouse?

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If you're serious about 2-up, make sure you give her some basic instruction beforehand...it can be the difference between an enjoyable ride and a dangerous one!  Better yet is if she has previous riding experience.


Pillions are nothing but trouble. Do what I did & get her her own ride. She'll have a lot more fun.

+1 Gotta agree with this....I've never enjoyed having the extra weight on the back.  The only time I've found it tolerable was when the passenger had a few years of riding experience (scooters)....still can't imagine the seat on the S1000rr was very comfortable for her though.  :eek:

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+1 for hocking. I've done that canopy tour in hocking its a good time.

I dislike riding on the back, mostly because I am not in control, for me riding in a car with someone is one thing, riding on the back of someone's motorcycle is another. Plus after you've ridden yourself, being on the back is meh...

Sent from my iPhone.

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 Im having a hard time selling the idea  of getting rid of my bike

and getting a cruiser to her. I think I have come up with the best

way to show her how fun it can be.


 I want to rent a Victory motorcycle and do some sort of picnic lunch somewhere.

Should I rent the Victory Cross Country Tour or Vision?


Is this in hopes that she will want to ride with you more often, or is this

in hopes that she will be more accepting of you getting the bike you want?


If the bike you tease her with is not the very one that you want to end up

with, there could be attitude directed at you, down the road.


Put her on the very bike you dream of her enjoying, with you.  If she is

happy with it, and talks about it the next day with a smile on her face,

your chances are good that she'll want to be your riding partner, often.




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I like riding passenger, but I think it's one of those things either you like it or you don't. I agree with a shorter ride to start. If you can, have part of it be a group ride and part be solo. That's the best of both worlds. Good luck!

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If you're bent on a date, I have had a few ladies on the back of my bike. Wife included.

The back-rest is a common request. One told me she preferred sport bikes over cruisers because she felt like she would fall off the back of a cruiser.

Scenery and smooth roads are important. And like everyone else said, she is not involved in the riding, so 30-40 mins is a long time for her once the novelty wears off.

I would keep it just the two of you unless you have some good friends to roll as "support"

Without stepping on your toes. The rider community is worth showing her, but don't let it ruin your "date."

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