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What PC backup software do you use?


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I have a 3T WD MyCloud network connected back up drive. The software that comes with it works, but it doesn't mirror my computer so I end up having stuff backed up that I've deleted from my computer. The other thing is that I am able to access the drive from my phone or another PC from anywhere. When i get into it from other locations I have to go through a list of folders to get to what I want. i.e. F:\WDSmartWare.swstor\GOLDENEAGLE\Volume.e0a84afa.50ae.11e3.b82b.e9274f1274ab\Users\Joshua\Documents


I had sync toy before and it worked perfectly as far as being able to mirror folders and being able to access the folders right off the bat i.e. F:\Documents or F:\Pictures. The only down side was it wasn't automatic, I had to remember to do it manually.


I hope this all makes sense. Anyone have any recommendations on free backup programs that'll do this?



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Is rsync available on Windows? I use it on Mac and Linux.

I'm looking now but I think either it's not or it's over my head. Talking about linux and binaries and other stuff I have no clue about.  I just downloaded syncbackfree. It seems to be decent, good reviews. It does scheduled backups not continuous monitoring though. 




Umm yeah lol


Rsync for Windows

This guide is aimed at those who wish to use Rsync to backup M$ Windows based machines to Linux Servers or to other Windows Workstations/Servers.

Set out below are three sections detailing the setup of the Cygwin software, the set up of the Server (daemon) side and the Client side of Rsync.

Before you get carried away: Please note that the packets sent between the client and the server on port 873 are not encrypted. If you are planning to use this method to back-up Windows based systems via the Internet it is advisable to research the use of SSH before you start. See here for a useful guide to using Rsync with stunnel.

If you have a Linux server on-site, it may be advisable to use CIFS mounts to your Windows systems, then use Rsync over SSH to back-up the data.

Edited by chevysoldier
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I only backup the files that I need, to another drive, manually.  I don't do it as often as I should, either.  


For the few things that I might need remote access for, I save them on Google Drive, or one of the many other cloud services that are free.  For one group that I share stuff with, they setup a Dropbox, which I can get from all of my devices, and sync with my PC.  It's not so much for a backup solution, though.


I setup our budget and checkbook register spreadsheet in Google Drive, shared it with my wife, and we're always on the same page on that stuff.


Basically, what I'm saying is that I have multiple solutions in place for multiple portions of what I need to backup.

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1) so I end up having stuff backed up that I've deleted from my computer.





That is working as intended, that way when you f' up and delete something you didn't mean to you can get it back. And that is the most common cause of data loss.

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That is working as intended, that way when you f' up and delete something you didn't mean to you can get it back. And that is the most common cause of data loss.


Yeah I know that's how it's intended, but I've never really deleted anything I didn't mean to. I would just personally have it mirror what I have and not have my downloads folder be filled up with stuff I deleted and doubles of files I've moved or renamed. I do have another 40gb hard drive attached to it specifically for my school work that doesn't mirror but backs up everything just in case of accidental deletions. Actually my school work will be on 3 drives, my PC, mirrored on my cloud drive and backed up on the other external.

Just be sure to have an offsite landing pad in case of full-house fire or flooding. That's Dropbox for me.

Yeah, I've considered that but I'd rather just not have all my stuff on an internet cloud. Plus, I keep a copy of all my DVDs on this and can watch on multiple devices whenever I want. 180gb thus far and I'm maybe 1/4 of the way through copying them.

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I backup important stuff (mostly work related) to an external hard drive.

That's what I have, but it's network attached and online so I can access it from anywhere.


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