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This happen @ work today !


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Our secretary turned on the AC in the office at work today,it wasn't blowing any cold air so when went outside to check the AC unit.

It was completely GONE !

All that was left was the 3 wire coming out of our building.

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:lol: Goddamn! It musta' been hawt in somebody's house to make them steal a whole damn pump. :lol:

I guess so !

Google search article says the copper inside was valued at $11.80 at a scrap yard '

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Yeah, I have dealt with a few scrap theft cases.  It's usually drug addicted parents (mostly moms) who don't have the stomach for violent crime or high-risk burglaries.  The women also seem to think no one will question them if they have a baby or young child with them.  They're just "picking" trash if you ask them.

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In the hood in Cbus the churches are the ones getting hit the worst, which is pretty shady.  I got stuck leaving Bexley after our house closing and ended up south of Livingston and saw a ton of churches with metal bars built around their units.  Shady man, hate thieves. 

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That happened to a friend.

Get a locking cage.

Get armor for the lines in and out.

Get an alarm.

Get good lighting.

Put the AC on the roof.


Part of the problem was that the outside lighting is horrible on that side of our building.

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More and more, I am thinking pepper spray is the answer.  Non-lethal, seriously uncomfortable, and really inexpensive.

Would still be considered assault. I'm pretty sure you can't assault someone, even if they are stealing from you. Odds are pretty good they won't call the cops on ya though :lol:

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Actually the more I think about it the more I think somebody needs to steal mine so I could just pay my $500 deductible and have Grape install me a new one :D

Good point !

It was installed in 1995

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Thieves have been stealing all of the guts out of our wall mounted shelter HVAC's in Cleveland and have hit the same site twice in less than a year.  At $2,500+ to repair each unit (or replace) and despite one customer having cages built around their's, the cost is 2-3 times more than a copper grounding repair which has been the typical theft at our sites.  Oh, and they also stole one section of the compound fence fabric to boot.  


Scum of the earth. 

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I think I might electrify that fence


Or put a sign on it that says its an electric fence. If you're a thief, are you gonna risk getting your ass zapped for a few bucks in copper?

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Or put a sign on it that says its an electric fence. If you're a thief, are you gonna risk getting your ass zapped for a few bucks in copper?

Yes they will. Ever seen the video of the guy getting the crap burned out of him to steal anhydrous ammonia? Making meth was more important than him not being able to breath and getting burned.

Hell, they die trying to steal copper from power lines and stations. They dgaf

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