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So i crashed my bike and i love wearing gear


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So friday after work on the way home i low sided my bike. Yes i had my gear on and walked away from a 65mph low side into a curb. My have lost my bike but anybody that doesnt ride with gear take a look at my pics. i will how ever be upgrading to leaterspost-16437-0-45564100-1405388773_thumb.jpost-16437-0-28180000-1405388799_thumb.jpost-16437-0-10592100-1405388821_thumb.jpost-16437-0-81354400-1405388870_thumb.jpost-16437-0-21650700-1405388905_thumb.jpost-16437-0-90877400-1405389048_thumb.jpost-16437-0-65054900-1405389096_thumb.j



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Sucks to see her wadded up after all the work you put in on that bike Chad. I remember how rough it was when you got it. Like I said man, so glad you came out of it with little injury. Time to streetfighter that out and get back on 2 wheels

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Really glad you're okay.

I ride with mesh in the hotter weather and textile in the cooler...hmmm. Leather might be worth a look.

Also, can't tell if your helmet took a beating too or if that's the design.

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Really glad you're okay.

I ride with mesh in the hotter weather and textile in the cooler...hmmm. Leather might be worth a look.

Also, can't tell if your helmet took a beating too or if that's the design.

His helmet had a shattered look graphic on it, but the scuff/grind just above the visor is where he said his head struck the street. I agree with looking into leather too as I currently wear textile, but seeing that Joe Rocket jacket burnt up makes me want leather even more now.

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Yeah that cbr is or member dubbie yes sweet as hell. The on ramp picture I zoomed in on my lap top and the scrapes start on the far right. But yes I also will be looking into leaters. As for the details it happened so fast I couldn't tell you how the chain of flips happen only what I was told. I can tell you the thump my helmet took either from the curb or when I flew into the ditch. It felt like my freaking eye balls and brain rattled inside my skull. Never even buzzing around town will I never ride without my lid

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I cant stand to think about not wearing gear and getting ground up on the pavement should something happen.  Glad you are okay.  I saw my brother get flipped on a 3 wheeler back in 1986 on a paved road and have skin shaved off this arms and legs...ouch!!!  He picked gravel out for weeks to come.  Risk vs reward!!!  I have leather coat and pants and never ride w/o a lid.

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HELMETS FOR THE WIN!!..... And the stuff that covers the rest of your body!

I just don't get how anyone rides without a helmet though, I can't handle bugs and rocks in my face.... Or road rash in my face.

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I'm curious. Did your jacket have armor in elbow/forearm?  Even though it looks like the top of your forearm took the brunt of it.


My jacket is textile, and suprisingly held up well when I ate shit back in 2009. I was looking at a new JR jacket as an upgrade. But your pictures have me questioning that decision.


A couple small patches of road rash are way better than the alternative. Heal up soon.

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In the groups I have ridden with over the years we have always insisted that people wear gear.  We have been called gear Nazis at times.  That could be true, but I've also seen plenty of crashes and never seen anyone get seriously injured.

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A couple of the guys at work who ride don't believe that I've crashed more times than I can keep track of.


I'm going to wear the full race gear in some day and just let them take in all the scuffs and tears in my leathers.  I really need to tell myself this kind of thing when I'm shopping new gear, but my leathers cost me $650 (used, but un-crashed).  They retail for $1200 or something.  Even if I had paid retail, I'm probably still to the point where I'm spending less than $100 per crash to walk away un-injured.    That's a fucking bargain.

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Thanks for posting this... It helps to remind the rest of us (me, at least) to wear gear no matter how hot it is.  I'm glad you made it through (relatively) unscathed.  In a week or two your arm will stop hurting, you'll have a great story to tell, and what's more... You get to start the hunt for a new bike!  


I picked a jacket based largely on appearance & color (It's ok to call me a poser) but I'm glad that it also happens to be leather, with armor & padding in it.  


I have riding pants too, but don't know what they're made out of or how well they'll protect me in a crash.  I'm not sure I want to make the leap to leather there since I don't ride on the track and they're much more conspicuous that a leather jacket, when around town doing errands.

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