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Michael Brown shooting


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The guy in New York was only getting arrested for illegally selling cigarettes. He was a big man and made the decision to resist arrest and escalate the situation nothing good will ever come from that. What were the cops suppose to do just say never mind and walk away. They were only trying to get him under control so they could take him in. In any situation were a cop is dealing with criminals they can never back down or lose it is not an option. If you choose to resist arrest and escalate things it is on you. It is a shame he died over an f-ing cigarette but he made that choice. Cops have the worst job in this country they have to deal with scum everyday even good citizens treat them like shit. Now these asshats in Washington are trying to make it impossible for them to do their jobs and give criminals like Brown the upper hand

Very well put!

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So as I type this the DOJ is live on TV in Cleveland ripping the Cleveland Police to shreds for a pattern of excessive force, unnecessarily escalating situations so they required force and then using excessive force and a pattern of illegal search and seizures.


Go ahead peeps, tell me again the cops are right in all these murders, because the DOJ says you are full of shit.



Edited by Tonik
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Wasn't speaking to CLE so not sure if that was what you are referring to, if so, that wasn't what I was replying to.  Was replying to the Mike Brown topic and was thinking you were referring to the guy in NYC.


As for the CLE stuff, haven't looked into it any further than seeing that the toy gun looks exactly like a 1911, and being that, that is a fact, I would have killed the kid, or anyone with it too.  If I am a cop and I get a call to something like that, I am going home at night, I am not going to second guess myself and die.


 I played with guns all my life, I was never allowed to take them from my house or a friends house, in cars, parks, whatever.  Exactly for this reason.  Parenting, it goes a long way, probably would have been helpful in the CLE and the Brown case both..... 


Edit;  Also for the record, if you are in a high speed chase from the cops and continue to flee, then yeah, they got what they deserved.


Edit 2: now reading the report, and yes, if in fact they did kill people and escalated to the point they had to kill someone, that's an issue.  And yes, I remember that car chase with the 2 people.  They did not need to be shot to death, but simply stopping might have been a good idea?  I mean that's what you're taught to do.  Sorry they had to die, but I would have been totally fine with being ruffed up(a lot). 

Edited by madcat6183
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So as I type this the DOJ is live on TV in Cleveland ripping the Cleveland Police to shreds for a pattern of excessive force, unnecessarily escalating situations so they required force and then using excessive force and a pattern of illegal search and seizures.


Go ahead peeps, tell me again the cops are right in all these murders, because the DOJ says you are full of shit.



I'm not gonna say that indictment in either the NY chokehold case or the Cleveland shooting case was justified or unjustified since I lack facts, but….


….did you ever stop and consider that the DOJ is just as corrupt, just as politically motivated, and just as much of a tool as most of the prosecutorial departments that you're railing against?  Our nation is suffering from deeper racial divides than 10-20 years ago.  IMHO, Obama's presidency--rather heal and uplift the black community--has done potentially irreparable harm to unbiased racial judgment and created the black-white schism we are experiencing today.  Feds are in it up to their asses along with the rest of our incompetent public agencies.

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I'm not gonna say that indictment in either the NY chokehold case or the Cleveland shooting case was justified or unjustified since I lack facts, but….


….did you ever stop and consider that the DOJ is just as corrupt, just as politically motivated, and just as much of a tool as most of the prosecutorial departments that you're railing against?  Our nation is suffering from deeper racial divides than 10-20 years ago.  IMHO, Obama's presidency--rather heal and uplift the black community--has done potentially irreparable harm to unbiased racial judgment and created the black-white schism we are experiencing today.  Feds are in it up to their asses along with the rest of our incompetent public agencies.


There is no claim of racism in DOJ report on the Cleveland Police Department.  The US Attorney that headed this investigation was born and raised in Cleveland. He is a distinguished civil rights trial lawyer, deputy chief and now NE Ohio US Attorney. He drove this investigation, not Obama or Holder. He is white. You are connecting dots that do not exist in the case of Cleveland.


This is straight up a Cleveland Police Department out of control. You have to be up here to see it, it isn't just them shooting black people. They take guns from licensed CHL holders that get pulled over for speeding and keep them and make you go to court to get them back. Or they take them apart and put them in a bag and give them back to you and tell you that you can't put it back together. Both in clear violation of the law. The CPD has long done whatever the hell it wants to, seriously man, they are out of control. Keep in mind I am an old conservative law and order white guy, I don't line up against the cops lightly. They are shit up here, pure unadulterated shit.

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I saw a picture on Facebook that has figured out the conspiracy behind all these police brutality race fueled issues. It was a picture of protesters and the caption was "Nothing says F*[k the police like giving hundreds of them lots of overtime right before the holidays." The police are committing these acts on purpose to create media fueled riots so they can get extra money for Christmas. So right after Christmas this will all probably stop being covered and everything will go back to normal.

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New federal law to make the police job easier and make everyone happy.

A police officer must ask the criminal for permission to arrest him. If the criminal refuses the police officer must leave the area immediately without any further interaction with the criminal.

Problem solved

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New federal law to make the police job easier and make everyone happy.A police officer must ask the criminal for permission to arrest him. If the criminal refuses the police officer must leave the area immediately without any further interaction with the criminal.Problem solved

No law needed. Police will be on an express bus to Fukkitville shortly.

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In all of these cases the media makes it look like race was the only factor in what caused the police to do the things they did and people are dumb enough to believe it. But in reality I doubt it factored in at all. I believe the results would have been the same if it were any other combination of race involved. What happened to all these people who died were all a result of their actions with the police officers. Had they complied they would have not had any trouble. It was an assumption of risk on their part to not comply.

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In all of these cases the media makes it look like race was the only factor in what caused the police to do the things they did and people are dumb enough to believe it. But in reality I doubt it factored in at all. I believe the results would have been the same if it were any other combination of race involved. What happened to all these people who died were all a result of their actions with the police officers. Had they complied they would have not had any trouble. It was an assumption of risk on their part to not comply.

I disagree, if Tamir rice were 12 yr old "Joey Taylor" there is not a chance the police show up and blow him away within 2 seconds of arriving on scene.

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