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Mid - O Sunday Twilight & Monday Track Day 8/24 - 25


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Since I can't ride and technically I'm not even allowed to drive myself to the track, I'm going to have to guess at the new bike:



Tempted to just say fuck it and ride, but these pills just steal all motivation and the bike still needs fixed.

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Don't be nosy,lol

You see tomorrow

How I remove the 848 from my name?

I think only Casper can change it. Send him a PM.

Are you going to be in one of the garages? I didn't get to meet you last time since I was looking for parts.

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Last days I worked there were Friday and Monday before & after AMA weekend.

I had my KTM SuperDuke with me and road it around during the weekend, but not on the track.

Only took my CBR 600rr out on the track.

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It was a good day.

I don't know who "caters" the lunch, but the BBQ Chicken and Pulled Pork are some of the best I've had in awhile.

The pork was really good. I didn't have any chicken.

Ended up a great day, I was really surprised by the number of bikes. We had 27+CRs in N group.

Edited by snot
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Well over 30 bikes in Intermediate too. Good sized groups and great weather. Good to meet lowcel finally. Lookin good out there for being your first year with the track addiciton, you're surely progressing faster than I am.

And good to chat with a familiar face, DesmoBrian. Btw, you tore that track a new one in the after lunch A session. You had to have been the fastest guy there today.....must have felt much better after the tire swap eh? :D

Also appreciate the tows my wife got from a few CR's. Big props to the MidO crew, as usual it was a good time

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Thanks, man.  Not sure about the fastest, but we had some decent times out there.  Actually had about the same times prior to the tire swap.  I think I dropped a full second, but wasn't pushing as I was having fun with my buddy I hadn't ridden with for a loooong time.  Just a nice day overall as the traffic wasn't too heavy and everyone was pretty much on point and riding well.  Great seeing you and the wifey there.  It's awesome the number of OR members out and riding these things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was kind of disappointed yesterday in "I" group at Mid-Ohio almost every session someone riding above their ability and bring out the red flag.....it's not like is was that crowded out there!!!! so I hope next time you crashers stay home or crash each other out on the first session.


I'm not use to riding with most of these "I" group riders that I seen at Mid-Ohio so I hope that is not the normal with this group.......watching/ following some of them made me nervous........LOL

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I was kind of disappointed yesterday in "I" group at Mid-Ohio almost every session someone riding above their ability and bring out the red flag.....it's not like is was that crowded out there!!!! so I hope next time you crashers stay home or crash each other out on the first session.


I'm not use to riding with most of these "I" group riders that I seen at Mid-Ohio so I hope that is not the normal with this group.......watching/ following some of them made me nervous........LOL


Yesterday had more crashes than I have ever seen in the Intermediate group in one day.  There normally aren't that many crashes in all three groups over a two day trackday.  I believe we had four or five red flags out of seven session.  Two of those sessions had at least two bikes down.  One of them resulted in Advance losing a session.  I am happy that I didn't see any helicopters at least.


Off topic kinda but here is a video I took yesterday.


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