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Apple's announcement today (9-9-2014)


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so did they release whatever faggy new thing that will be the beginning of the death spiral of apple yet?


the larger iPhones go on pre-order(or become available?) the 19th.  The Apple watch will be available next year.  iOS8 (complete with Apple pay) will be available for download next week or sometime soon.


No announcements regarding a new Apple TV.


Apple won't be in a death spiral, their stock should continue to go up.

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That's really cute that you don't think there's a douche factor with luxury watches, but you do with gadget watches priced hundreds (and even thousands) of dollars less. Supporting that point, you're willing to defend classical watches with the term "jewlery" but are unwilling to extend it to something equally expressive.

BTW this is from a man who has not quite a dozen watches of varying age, style and color.

Touche. But i still think there is a difference. I don't wear a expensive dress watch to a bar just to show off to my friends, or a Russian diver because it might rain you want to prove it didn't leak. As so, you shouldn't wear a smart watch just to show your buddies that you can navigate to the moon or ask it how many calories you just spent jerking off in the restroom, "just to get attention". With the exception of a couple close friends i bet most don't even know I'm into watches, yes i wear a citizen or a Invicta on a semi daily basis but i wear them for my use and enjoyment of their mechanical workings but i don't recall ever saying "check this out isn't it cool". If they notice and ask I'll enlighten them if not i don't really care. Edited by 2talltim
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I wonder why it is that Apple products are either loved or hated. I mean.. it's a phone. It's not much different than another phone. It makes calls. It sends messages. It has a browser. It has apps. It's just a different phone than the one next to it. I preferred a Mac OS to a Windows OS, before Windows7. Now, I really don't care. They're both decent and do the job required of them. I like the Apple interface more than the Android. I'm used to the iPod, so the iPhone was a logical move for me. Also, I paid $70 for my iPhone 4, and sold it a year later for double that. :)

I would agree that the products are pretty much the same as others.  What's different is the marketing.    Apple marketing seems to be geared toward lifestyle as much as substance.  That approach works for some but turns others off (ask Harley).  That's where the comments about pretentiousness come from.

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Touche. But i still think there is a difference. I don't wear a expensive dress watch to a bar just to show off to my friends, or a Russian diver because it might rain you want to prove it didn't leak. As so, you shouldn't wear a smart watch just to show your buddies that you can navigate to the moon or ask it how many calories you just spent jerking off in the restroom, "just to get attention". With the exception of a couple close friends i bet most don't even know I'm into watches, yes i wear a citizen or a Invicta on a semi daily basis but i wear them for my use and enjoyment of their mechanical workings but i don't recall ever saying "check this out isn't it cool". If they notice and ask I'll enlighten them if not i don't really care.


I agree, so let's break that down because you and I may wear watches for similar reasons.  Even though I have a smart phone and clocks everywhere I go, I enjoy the thinness of my titanium Fossil, the sentimental value of my grandfather's Bucherer, the class of a 1967 Omega Seamaster, the technicality of my Breitling Colt GMT and the fun factor of my 80s Timex calculator watch.  They're expressions of personality, not terribly different from motorcycle, shoes, the kinds of tools you buy, the car you own, etc.  Plus, there are places I sometimes travel for work where dressing to the hilt is pretty much expected.  I used to go to Wall Street and Park Avenue a couple times a month and if you weren't dressed well, you were already on the defensive.  Ohio, not so much, but I digress.


The point is that what you wear is as much an expression as what you don't wear.  For some, a watch, let a lone a smart watch, is just a tool.  For others it's functional art.


I would agree that the products are pretty much the same as others.  What's different is the marketing.    Apple marketing seems to be geared toward lifestyle as much as substance.  That approach works for some but turns others off (ask Harley).  That's where the comments about pretentiousness come from.


That's one of the smartest posts I've seen.

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i actually don't dislike the apple stuff, i have a few of them.  i've had ipads, iphones, ipods, ibooks, macbooks, etc etc etc.


...they're faggy. faggier than a lighting a fag with the tip of an already lit fag. tip to tip! tip to tip! tip to tip!

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I guess I don't pay enough attention to the marketing.  The Apple section at BestBuy is nicer than the section for the other phones. So, I see an exclusivity there. That tells me that Apple is confident that their product is better than the rest. It's telling me that "we're different" and you should take a look. Harley does do the same thing, but Harley is not cutting-edge design and technology. Ducati does the same thing, but most of the time, they're blowing our minds with the newest superbike they've built.


I like clean, quality design. Form is almost as important to me as function. It needs to function well and needs to look good while doing it. It doesn't have to look trendy. It has to look like it's up to the job. I think that living with a designer broadened my perspective about things like this. Maybe in another life I wouldn't care about presentation and how something meshes with my hands. Industrial design exists for a reason. Apple knows what they're doing. They manufacture quality products that last and look good. That's appealing to me. I want to buy it once and I want it to work every time I use it. If that costs extra, then it costs extra. I don't have a lot of things, but the things I do have are not junk.


100% agreed and couldn't say it better if I tried.  To me, that's one of the things about certain motorcycles.  When a motorcycle balances performance, style, ergonomics, reliability, easy of maintenance and a wide fitness for purpose, it really gets my attention.  Maybe it's because I want more talismans like that around me for inspiration to achieve the same.  Choices in watches, woodcraft, music, art, movies, furniture, friends, coworkers, technology - not that much different really.


Look at me, I'm getting all philosophical and shit.  First time!

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I agree, so let's break that down because you and I may wear watches for similar reasons. Even though I have a smart phone and clocks everywhere I go, I enjoy the thinness of my titanium Fossil, the sentimental value of my grandfather's Bucherer, the class of a 1967 Omega Seamaster, the technicality of my Breitling Colt GMT and the fun factor of my 80s Timex calculator watch. They're expressions of personality, not terribly different from motorcycle, shoes, the kinds of tools you buy, the car you own, etc. Plus, there are places I sometimes travel for work where dressing to the hilt is pretty much expected. I used to go to Wall Street and Park Avenue a couple times a month and if you weren't dressed well, you were already on the defensive. Ohio, not so much, but I digress.

The point is that what you wear is as much an expression as what you don't wear. For some, a watch, let a lone a smart watch, is just a tool. For others it's functional art.

That's one of the smartest posts I've seen.

Sounds about right. Two of my most prise possessions are also due to my grandfather one is the 1968 Hamilton that was his and was left to me and the other is my Ball engineer hydrocarbon that he bought for me before he passed. Neither of which do I wear nor will i, and are locked up at the bank. The founder of both those companies is

from my home town and always thought that was cool.

I have 3 or 4 I wear regularly l and like you said it varies by occasion and formality level. So i guess I see your point but i still think most will buy for the popularity contest, maybe a select few will purchase for themselves.

BTW my go to is my Citizen ecodrive chronograph that my wife bought me on her birthday 8 ish years ago. She still won't let me forget that. .lol

Edited by 2talltim
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I guess I don't pay enough attention to the marketing.  The Apple section at BestBuy is nicer than the section for the other phones. So, I see an exclusivity there. That tells me that Apple is confident that their product is better than the rest. It's telling me that "we're different" and you should take a look. 

That is Apple marketing.  Again, works for some but turns other off.  Some call it innovative.  Some call it pretentious.  There's no right answer for what makes your shorts tight.


If the products, operation, substance, and function were genuinely different there wouldn't be 11 billion patent infringement lawsuits between Apple and Samsung (those lawsuits are in both directions).

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Conversely, I want functionality. I want a device that gives me the most usefulness for my money. I want features that are actually innovative, not just a rehash in a pretty package. That was why i chose the note 3. At the time it gave me the most functionality for the money. The display is large enough for me to run multiple programs at a time, and makes watching online content very pleasant.

Now it's a little outdated, but I'd still put it toe to toe with that iPhone 6 extra.

Why is apple running such a low resolution on a brand new "flagship" device?

Edited by magley64
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Why is apple running such a low resolution on a brand new "flagship" device?

There comes a point where the human eye cannot discern any finer resolution (~300ppi). That point has been reached (surpassed even) so what's the point of going further except for bragging rights (a la Samsung)?


If you're so happy with your device, why do you even care?


I think people often put down anything other than what they own in order to feel better about their purchase. (Mags, this isn't necessarily directed to you and encompasses more than phones).


I have no issues with the android phones...I was considering getting one depending on what I saw with the new iPhone. Some of the features on the Samsung phones are gimmicky IMO like the eye tracking and the motion/wave sensing. I know a ton of people with these phones (some very anti-Apple people) and they say they rarely to never use these features and they can be more of a pain than anything.

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I'm just sitting here and waiting to see how the Apple competitors develop their products over the next few business quarters. I feel the ones out now aren't polished enough to be worth buying yet. Battery life, miniaturism and quality of the UI have a little bit to go before I consider purchasing one. As for Apple it's a nice looking item, but the fact you have to forced into "their" ecosystem of products just to use it is utter BS.  

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Sometimes I wish they would concentrate less on shoving the new shit into market and more on making the current shit work.

Every iPod I've ever owned has bricked multiple times.

Every android phone I've owned starts to freeze or lag or do stupid shit eventually...but I've never lost data.

My note 3 was the hottest shit out there a year ago when I got it. It still is an amazing device with more ram and higher clock speed than the last pc I built, but like all smart phones it has its issues. I used to think it was just htc because I went through 3 evolutions of the evo before deciding the brand was trash. I'm not married to android, if something better comes along I'll happily switch. I've used people's iPhone before and didn't like it. I have fat fingers. While my fiance may appreciate them it makes things dificult. Smaller screen = smaller keyboard = slower more deliberate typing or massive typos....for me a huge burrito phone with a 4.7 inch display makes sense.

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There's a reason why they have a "closed" ecosystem...several actually.

> Quality control

> Security/Privacy control

> Profits :D


You take the good with the bad. I personally love the fact that I don't have to worry about malware, viruses or having to install software that hogs system resources to protect against them. I like the fact that my iPhone, iPad and Macbook Pro all stay in sync with contacts, photos, etc. It works for me and my family.


To each his/her own.

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don't give 2 shits about apple phones. 


I've had 2, Iphone 4 and 4s. Both severely dropped in call quality after a year to the point no one could understand what I was saying. 


Every time I took it to apple or verizon. They'd tell me it was fine and do a network reset. And it still wouldn't work. 


I finally said f' it and after over a year not having a contract I bought a motorola phone and haven't looked back. 

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Many of the features in my device I don't use regularly, but if i want to use them, they're available. One feature I like is the look stay. If I'm looking at my phone (reading or something) it doesn't dim or auto lock.

I've never worried about viruses or malware.

One of my favorite features is the ir blaster. No matter where I go, I have the remote control. And I use it, at restaurants mostly.

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There's a reason why they have a "closed" ecosystem...several actually.

> Quality control

> Security/Privacy control

> Profits :D


You take the good with the bad. I personally love the fact that I don't have to worry about malware, viruses or having to install software that hogs system resources to protect against them. I like the fact that my iPhone, iPad and Macbook Pro all stay in sync with contacts, photos, etc. It works for me and my family.


To each his/her own.


Interesting viewpoint considering Apple is now scrambling to find out how a bunch of celeb pics got thrown across the interwebz from their devices/services.


Just saying (nothing personal), security doesn't mean shit...nothing is safe.  I don't care what your on anything can be hacked.

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Interesting viewpoint considering Apple is now scrambling to find out how a bunch of celeb pics got thrown across the interwebz from their devices/services.


Just saying (nothing personal), security doesn't mean shit...nothing is safe.  I don't care what your on anything can be hacked.


99% sure iCloud wasn't hacked. The general consensus last I read was that email accounts got hacked, which then lead to this. Makes the release of 5 million Gmail usernames and passwords that more interesting: http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/105954-5-million-gmail-passwords-leaked. 

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Interesting viewpoint considering Apple is now scrambling to find out how a bunch of celeb pics got thrown across the interwebz from their devices/services.


Just saying (nothing personal), security doesn't mean shit...nothing is safe.  I don't care what your on anything can be hacked.

Ben is right, it was a phishing related password compromise, not an iCloud hack as initially reported. Unfortunately, once it was reported that way, it has been perpetuated because people lost interest and quit reading the updates.

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