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hug your dog today.

Gixxus Christ!

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I feel for you, My mom and step-dad had to put down their german shepherd a couple weeks back, due to cancer. He wasn't my dog but he buddied up to me every time I stopped there, when my mom told me what happened my dogs got an extra treat and some hugs.



Hang in there dude.

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This is not a pity post. This is just me getting shit out.

My dog tyton was diagnosed with lymphoma today. He'll be

7 next month if he makes it that long. I always knew this day

would come but I also always thought it would come a lot later

. We don't have kids so the dog is literally our baby.

If you have a dog, hug him, give him a cheeseburger, let him up

on the good furniture and just be thankful that you have him.


I was just looking at pups today.  Maybe getting one

would be a good idea, to help ease what is coming.


We feel your sadness.  It's totally okay to cry.

You don't have to tell us that you cried more than once.



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This is Daisy she was never intended to be my dog but over the years she has become my buddy. Always the first to greet me at the door and when I wake up in the morning. She is almost 15 years old so I know her time is near. We rescued her from an abusive situation when she was young, and has always been part of the family. We have a younger dog named Rocky that little turd doesn't like me at all, but he's good to the kids. We are probably done with dogs until at least retirement age, once the kids are out of the house we want to be able to travel and go out whenever we want without worrying about dogs at home.

Sorry to hear about your pup Sam.

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Always hard to hear. 


Went throught he same with my bestest buddy Josey just a couple years ago. Symptoms came on quick, the Vet gave him a week to a month once diagnosed. With prednesone and pain meds he "improved" immensely--albeit only temporary.


He hung on for 6 months... I attribute it to "Steak and Ice Cream" Sundays -- which we started that very first weekend after he got sick.  He had to stick around another week since he knew we'd split a steak come Sunday.



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We're trying prednisone with pepcid so his stomach doesn't get hurt, and massive doses of vitamin c. It's a long shot but it has shown to fight cancer in some cases. He's not acting sick yet, his lymph nodes are swollen up tho, so it's a matter of time...just trying to extend the time in which he has a good quality of life.

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My eyes are sore from crying....I didnt bawl this much when any of my 4 grandparents died. Aside from my good friend committing suicide and my sister being murdered this is the hardest shit I've ever gone through....and all I can think about is getting another dog so I can do it again in a decade or so. I don't like living in a house without a dog, I just think there should always be one there.

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Lost our last three dogs to cancer. It has sucked every time! Give them a great last few months and enjoy your time with them. We have found that the dog rarely knows he's sick, but lives the extra attention. I would hold off on getting another pup, new pets can cause lots of anxiety for existing pets.

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Sorry about your dog Sam. We went through this exact same thing with one of our golden retrievers just last year. They never stay around as long as we'd like them to but they are the best of friends while they're here. Good luck in getting through this.

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Condolences. I buried my buddy Jack in may. He made it 12 good years and his grave overlooks his favorite swimming spot. Had to have my father drive us to the vet to have him put down because I was such a mess. Still have my 15 year old kitteh to keep me company, but another very hard day awaits me with her as well.

The hurting will pass, but the good memories will remain.

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It really is one of the worst feelings ever. I had to put my little guy down a couple months ago, and my big guy down the year before. You're doing it right with the extra treats, special meals and lots of attention. It helps knowing that you've done your best for them. Sorry you're experiencing this tough time. 



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Ty's favorite thing to do is butcher toys and dine on the delicious squeaker within. My wonderful woman hit petsmart today and bought the toys with the most squeakers. Here he is starting in on a 3 ft long Japanese dragon with probably 20 squeakers inside.


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