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Mid Ohio 2016


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Ummmm.....I didn't say anything about lap-times( I like the system).....you have me confused with someone else.


I'm an expert Wera racer in "I" on a Motard and I'm over beating the dead horse!!! I'm just looking for track and tuning time that's all....

Expert at being a dbag mabey

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i believe all 3 levels will have 35 spots, this way we have some room bump people up or down.

the intermediate group remain same,we just going evaluate riders by their riding skills by most experience coaches and select them A or B.

same for advance ,plenty people last few years sign up to advance and they not really advance riders.

we going bump people up or down if need it,some people may complain but all is for safety.

anybody can ask any instructor work one on one and get better.

some people have no judgment on their skills.i witness last year at putnam guy on street R1 go directly to advance because he thought his fast base what his street buddies told him.he end up in hospital,total bike, and ruin few sessions for everydoby.

we want avoid stuff like that.

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Maybe this is a redundant question -- but will those that ran "A" last season be able to run "A" at all without a race license?


Asking because I want to know whether or not to have my leathers on when I show up for my first trackday this year -- being auto-bumped to I(exp)


...or if I can keep running slow "A" pace. :)


None of the coaches gave me any feedback last season, good or bad, right or wrong; so I just assumed I was out there doing OK.

Edited by Trackbikez
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before season start everything will be explain on website.

pretty much nobody can bump themselfs to higher level,it can be done only by coach staff.

if you miss riders meeting ,you will have meeting one on one,and probably miss a session.

there is few people who constantly coming late,bikes not prep,we need stop this.

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Ok...  Rusty has given some great info.  That's awesome!  However, a few things...


"A" Group riders will be evaluated for proposed entry into that group.  If you are an expert licensed racer and provide that license at registration, you are permitted to sign up.  HOWEVER, you are still being watched and we will bump you down.  Point is that no matter what the card says, you have to follow rules...

Those that ran "A" last year - you need to run a set number of days in "A" group to be permitted in and sign up the first day.  This prevents that one guy in "I" Group that didn't have room and bumped up to "A" that was not filled so they could ride.  We are looking at QTY (4) or QTY (5) days to be allowed in to sign.

"I" group will be broken down into two different levels.  Think Novice/Inter level and Int/Advanced level.  This will be based on the number of days that you have participated in our track days at the "I" level.  The second level or more advanced "I" rider will include those that may have ridden a1-3 days or so in "A" last year with us and of course, Novice race licensed riders for evaluation.

It's pretty simple - you wanna ride "A" group?  Get with the "i" instructor, have them follow and lead and such a session.  If they feel you are ready, they will talk to the lead in "A" group.  That person will assign you an "A" instructor and you will have a session of evaluation before we confirm or deny the advancement.

Also, second level "I" riders are eligible for Twilight events.  This will give our "A" riders comfort knowing that an "I" rider at Twilights is a rider that has the track time, is a more advanced "I" rider and will be a safe addition to the event.  We were getting too many first time "I" riders or those that rode "I" only a few times and were a safety concern mixed with much faster riders.



Lap times do not measure everything.  So everyone please keep that out of the conversation.  Smoothness, consistency, predictability and ability are the measures.  If you are upset at the fact that you have to ride "I" instead of the "A" group you rode last year, understand that this is a safety issue.  We need these days to be less crash oriented and more fun oriented.  Many riders that should be bumped down or even up are based on safety of those around them and themselves.  Plus, you will have more fun riding in a group that better suits your own ability.

The sessions will be the same, the day will start a little differently as we have some more changes that I do not think we should discuss yet.  But, in the end I can promise that we are looking at this like a business.  We have a product that sooooo many other companies have available.  How do we stack up?  We feel that we were slacking and that the quality of the product was dropping.  Changes are always hard to take at the outset, but in the end, I think the changes we are discussing are for the better and above all, SAFER!!!

Think about this.  You make a small error in a golf game with your buddies.  Maybe you break a car window or a house window on the course.  In this sport, a small error can lead to a resting spot in a pinewood box.  Much different.  We need to make these changes to prevent that from happening.  Plus, the quality of the event and desire to be at these events will increase.

See ya out there!!!

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So intermediate will be 2 groups running at the same time? I think if safety is the concern limiting to 25-30 people on track at a time should be implemented. Having 35-45 people running at the same time with 20 seconds difference in lap times is just straight unsafe.

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I'd expect the rider limit on track to remain the same....it is just subdivisions of the intermediate group.


On 1/30/2016 at 9:16 AM, Moto-Brian said:

"A" Group riders will be evaluated for proposed entry into that group.  If you are an expert licensed racer and provide that license at registration, you are permitted to sign up.  HOWEVER, you are still being watched and we will bump you down.  Point is that no matter what the card says, you have to follow rules...

Those that ran "A" last year - you need to run a set number of days in "A" group to be permitted in and sign up the first day.  This prevents that one guy in "I" Group that didn't have room and bumped up to "A" that was not filled so they could ride.  We are looking at QTY (4) or QTY (5) days to be allowed in to sign.

That prerequisite # of days might catch the one stray fish that bumped to A to get on track (who would still be caught if A group is observed), but it is going to frustrate a lot more A riders who don't have the time or funds to attend 4+ days.  It will push more potentially fast riders from A into I group increasing speed differential until they can be bumped back up to A.  # of days attended is not related to pace or consistency....unless it is your very first day at the track, which should begin in I or towed in A IMHO.

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So what about those of us that are already A riders with other groups such as N2  ( which already incorporate the bump  evaluation). and hold a Novice license and have ran in A last year but only did three days at Mid O in the previous season?  

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I'm a fan of everything mid ohio is proposing except the prerequisite for the number of days ran. I ran one day at mid ohio last year so I have to go to intermediate. Intermediate/advanced requires you to have ran intermediate days which I haven't done in years. So now I'm in intermediate/novice?

Anyone want to buy a mid ohio gift certificate off of me?

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jester your overthinking it... you would go to int/adv not int/nov you didn't run the # of days for adv last year so you would drop to int /adv

I really am gonna get the   flame here but to many people are to caught up in the sticker...  I can have just as much fun in  intermediate as I can advanced. sometimes more if the right people are in it!


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Jesus people take a chill pill.

For example Jester, we know how you ride and you did more than 5 days in last 2 years,you will be in A

We know who is A and who is not.

This is more towards intermediate riders who sign up to A when intermediate was full.

Same for riders who go to intermediate and not on pace some off them maybe go back to novice.

There is no 2 x35 riders groups in intermediate .

Even if you can sign up only to intermediate, if we know you and how you ride we can change your status at registration. If we don't know you grab coach for evaluation, and next session you can be bump up if you pass.

Because you novice racer and riding in A with other organizations means nothing,I  know plenty people who been riding only at their home track,and when they finally go somewhere else they been at bottom in intermediate. 

I see plenty guys at PIR with n2 who shouldn't be in A.

You guys over thinking this

Previous years if you been in A with midohio,and stt and you were new to N2 you have to go through evaluation to get to A.same is now at midohio.

Pretty simple.

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