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What's Your ISP Speed

RC51 John

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Crappy DSL service in RADNOR test to RADNOR


thats what i get for living in the sticks!!!!

Still better than dialup!!!

Not much better than dialup :) DSL bites, roadrunner is the shit.

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...about the same no matter where i test too....6.5 meg dl and about a half meg up......except when using like singapore or australlia or some shit like that......i would think the up speed on RR would be a bit faster , but who uploads anywho :) lol..shit, i do :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

the worst part is that I've got a 2 second ping (YES, 2 FREAKING seconds!)


Satellite 2 way, NEVER try to play a real-time game on it. by the time the image appears on the screen, everyone else has moved, and you are dead...(insane lag)

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