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Need a new home for our cat


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This is the first animal that I have ever given up in my life but it has to happen...Long story short my 2 year old son has found a liking to our cat and she is not amused by him in the least. I didn't think it would be a big deal and that it would pass but it has not and unfortunately she did swat at him the other day. She is a great cat but has all of her claws so if she gets him (especially in the face) it could be bad. So unfortunately i need to re home her. Ideally I would like to see he go to someone single with no other pets. I will buy all new litter box and anything else that she/you will need to give her a loving home. She has always been an indoor cat with full roam of the house and I know I am going to get flamed for this but If i cannot find her a good home soon I will have to euthanize her. I cannot bare to take her to a shelter to live out her remaining life in a 4'x4' cage! If you are interested or know someone that would be please get a hold of me for more details. Thanks

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Check out this website for rehoming. https://rehome.adoptapet.com/

I gave up one of my cats to a shelter and she found a home within 2 weeks. I consider that really lucky. The shelter also works with the cat cafe, so that could have become an option. 

The kid is only 2 and this just became a problem? I would think that he would grow out of annoying the cat soon enough. A swat without claws is a warning. I doubt that the cat would go full claws to the face unless it was being hurt bad. A scratch to the hand might teach the son quick enough and not kill him. 

Separating the cat from the kid also sounds like a good option. Maybe take time with the kid and a stuffed animal to try to teach him how to play nice with the cat. Then supervise him with the cat to see how it goes.

The idea of capping the claws sounds good. Trimming can help. (De-clawing is barbaric--like cutting off fingers at the 1st joints. Messes a cat up and makes them more likely to resort to biting.)

Whatever you do, please don't kill the cat. Respectfully, let's call it what it is. Just think of how people at the movies or at a supermarket might feel when a 2-year-old is annoying them! haha You can work through it.

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3 hours ago, max power said:

That cat would be outdoors with a quickness in my world.  

Probably in a trash bag. 

Clearly Adam needs the cat gone, we don't have all the info here.  I trust his judgement. 

But this seems like a reasonable option.  Not the trash bag part, but cats like being outside, maybe this one just found a spot on the barn mouse hunt squad.

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3 minutes ago, jacobhawkins said:

Clearly Adam needs the cat gone, we don't have all the info here.  I trust his judgement. 

But this seems like a reasonable option.  Not the trash bag part, but cats like being outside, maybe this one just found a spot on the barn mouse hunt squad.

I mean, a human does something dumb and the cat is punished? Train the human, save the cat! heh

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My cat started pissing in the new house.  Clean litter boxes multiple places.  Hes outside.  Not a punishment at all for him, bummer for me cause I liked napping with him.  I grew up with outside/inside cats.  They can handle it.  Dry and out of the wind is about all the shelter they need.  

That's Jack, or as he prefers to be called, Lord Handsome.


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1 hour ago, hiro said:

I mean, a human does something dumb and the cat is punished? Train the human, save the cat! heh

Sorry I will never put an animal above a human, especially my own child. Send that cat packing. 

Edited by durk
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13 minutes ago, jacobhawkins said:

My cat started pissing in the new house.  Clean litter boxes multiple places.  Hes outside.  Not a punishment at all for him, bummer for me cause I liked napping with him.  I grew up with outside/inside cats.  They can handle it.  Dry and out of the wind is about all the shelter they need.  

That's Jack, or as he prefers to be called, Lord Handsome.


As long as he is "fixed" outside is a pretty good option, as long as coyotes don't come around. We have always had indoor/outdoor cats, but we lost two in Dublin and don't know how. We suspect coyotes. 

We had a pee'ing issue in our old house. Not before and not after. It could be due to other cats roaming around outside. It could be some lingering scent from another animal. It could be the type or smell of the litter. (I found that my cats didn't like the litter I was giving them.) Could even be a urinary issue like crystals or infection. Maybe just stress from moving.

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24 minutes ago, durk said:

Sorry I will never put an animal above a human, especially my own child. Send that cat packing. 

That's reasonable, but there is a long way between a minor problem that might be resolved and a major threat to life and limb. heh I just hope that a permanent decision is made over a temporary problem. Growing up with a cat or other animal is really good for kids. 

I wonder how old the cat is. Younger cats may be more likely to scratch by accident or even on purpose. Like kittens don't know when to keep their claws retracted, and a one year-old is like a teenager with angst. heh Cats usually tolerate a LOT of annoyance. 

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2 hours ago, jacobhawkins said:

My cat started pissing in the new house.  Clean litter boxes multiple places.  Hes outside.  Not a punishment at all for him, bummer for me cause I liked napping with him.  I grew up with outside/inside cats.  They can handle it.  Dry and out of the wind is about all the shelter they need.  

That's Jack, or as he prefers to be called, Lord Handsome.


Have you tried the litter that has am attracting agent? My cat did this and I got litter with an attraction agent. Problem solved

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50 minutes ago, max power said:

This.  It scratched his kid.  There’s no questioning that.  Goodbye cat.  

A scratch. Pfft. Sounds like an excuse to me, but whatever. Just don't kill ("euthanize") the cat. Give it a chance somewhere else. Probably shouldn't have animals anyway with an attitude like that.

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+1 to teaching your kids the limit's around family animals. I've seen plenty of GOOD cats and dogs get extremely ANNOYED when little kids that don't understand how to treat an animal just get up in their face, start grabbing shit they shouldn't. Any living being has a limit of what they will put up with. 

You think this is a single cat problem, while it might be, if you continue to let your child do whatever they want to animals it's going to happen again with a different one cat or dog. I doubt this cat just came up to your kid and scratched it just because.

Edited by TimTheAzn
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