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Mini prepping. (Covid-19 thread)


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"For the general public, the reason for wearing a facial covering is to help protect others from you when you cough, sneeze or even talk and spray viral droplets into the air.  Many people who become infected can unknowingly spread the COVID-19 virus because they have few or no symptoms. So wearing a mask is showing respect for others and is your way of helping lessen the spread of the disease. It is important that the mask not be so thick as to make breathing through them completely uncomfortable. Filter inserts are probably not necessary and may make the masks more uncomfortable."

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3 minutes ago, snot said:

So, an issue in Dayton....

It is illegal to wear a mask in Dayton while committing a crime, intimidating others or if you look threatening. 

This is a new law too.

Will people committing crimes follow it? Probably designed to hit them with more charges and not make it easy to do anonymously. Uptick in crime?

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2 hours ago, motocat12 said:

Will people committing crimes follow it? Probably designed to hit them with more charges and not make it easy to do anonymously. Uptick in crime?

It was put in place because of a KKK rally that was denied. So, the KKK has a lawsuit against the city. The city then made the law, then Covid came to town.

So, now if you wear a mask and look intimidating you can be sited and arrested. We have had several robberies with people wearing mask since then.

The protesters and other people not wearing mask can use this as a reason to not wear one.

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55 minutes ago, Bubba said:

In truth, a true democracy can ONLY work when you have an well-educated voting populace, one of the reasons that only land owners were allowed to vote when our country was established, as they were essentially the most well educated who had a stake in the outcome of the country's direction.  What we technically have historically is a republic, or at least a hybrid system combining democracy with a republic.  Allowing the ignorant, the uninformed and the uneducated to vote, while a rampantly popular idea on citizen rights, is a recipe for disaster over many decades.  As soon as the majority discovers for themselves or are urged or "told" they can vote themselves free benefits at the largesse of the tax-paying minority, it becomes a socialist democracy, which is where we're headed rapidly.  Sanders, Warren, Booker, Yang, Harris...name your progressive of choice.

I know that sounds terribly "privileged", but it is our history.  If we could somehow instill the understanding of the need for EVERYONE to exercise their right to vote, so that a thin majority truly represents the "will of the people", then we could have a functional democracy.  When you have voter turnouts of 20-25% of registered voters, you effectively have the will of a 10-15% minority imposing their will on the 80%+ majority....and we allow it because we're too f'ing lazy or busy or disconnected to make our desire known.

Pure democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. 

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G4 EA H1N1 - G4 for short - Chinese Pig Flu - Fauci says it has elements of Swine Flu 2009 and Spanish Flu 1918. It's currently of concern in China. Just what we need, another pandemic for late this year and next. Before we even get rid of the one we've got. Food supply isn't fully recovered yet. Potential to get worse. I'm going to slowly start stockpiling more canned food and other long shelf life staples. I'm getting tired of this...


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I have had horrible luck getting Wu Tang masks. Of the four I have ordered only one has shown up. Those type are pretty useless in the current environment anyway since no one else is wearing them. So I stick with KN95's now.

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Dayton is mandating masks, but unfortunately......

"Whaley said there will be exceptions, such as for children under 6 and people who are unable to wear masks because of medical conditions or developmental disabilities."

....the development disabilities exception will cover pretty much all the Covidiots.


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