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Mustang got hit


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PEOPLE IN AMERICA CANNOT DRIVE. Ok I get the mustang back last night from Ford after they re-did my theft system for me. So I tell the tow truck driver to put the car in my driveway cause I live on a dead end road with a retirement home at the end of it... we can all assume why people dont park there cars on the street now... right ? Ok so I get home and the car is sitting a foot from the driveway in the road Im like oh yeah thats fucking cute! So Im like oh well guy is hauling it to his shop tomarrow night.. should be ok for one night...


So my idiot neighbor we live diagnal from each other she rings my door bell at 730a and is like umm I kinda backed up into your mustang IM LIKE WHAT/!! Oh yeah crunch, and my fuel system is back there... MIRRORS= Fucking Use Them!


Then she tells me how she has backed up into poles and all sorts of other shit.. Im like well maybe you shouldnt drive anymore... Now when I think last night I was gonna get the car back and running in the next few days now fucking this! I give up!!!

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Doesnt change the fact the car is going to the shop... just embarressed to take it to the shop where its going to be sitting next to some beautiful cars.. Im so mad I cant think straight.


I mean Im glad she was honest enought to tell me then what really got me heated was when i walked outside she slammed her heavy purse and keys on my car and started to write her insurance info for me... Im like damn if ya didntalready fuck up enough fuck up some more!

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I'm sorry Amy. I agree, anyone over the age of 65 should be tested on their driving skills at least once a year every year from age 65 on. This sounds werid now, but everything happens for a reason...and maybe, "maybe" something good will come out of this at some point. Again, I'm sorry that happenned to you. I know it sucks...I'd be pissed too.
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How bad is it? Where exactly did she hit you? Got any pics? I'm sorry to hear that happened to your car, but remember, the car can be repaired, and no one got hurt (as much as I know you kind of wish you could hurt her) and in the end, it'll all work out. Now, obviously her insurance company will pay for the damages, so you need to make sure that you advise them about any scratches in the paint where she slammed her purse on the hood. It may not do any good, but its worth a shot to have those items repaired anyway. Get an estimate anyway so that if they don't cover it, you can take it up with her.
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thanks for the advice... Does anyone know of any shops that you can take a heavily modded car to and trust them to take care of it and do a good job. Worst part is my fuel pumps and lines are right under there where they are going to have to take the bumper off... so maybe someone who i can have the bumper taken off and they paint and me put back on.?
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yeah I dont think ANYTHING on earth is going right fo me this year... first car gets screwed up by pauls automotive then i got ripped by them, then my new procharger blew the seals a month after it was on, then something happened to the timing, then it gets hit... and then all my trips for tuning out of state...NOT FUN! Im about ready to sell the damn thing.
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I dont know you but thats messed up sorry to heart that just some advice not to sure about domestic cars but there is a shop off of refugee road on the east side of columbus they do good work from what i hear and can be trusted not sure the name i know its in the Mc Thai Center on refugee road :-p good luck
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Amy, my car was tuned by LaSota Racing here in Columbus if you need a tuner recommendations? They use SCT software and I've been pleased with mine thus far. I've had mine back for about 2 months. Car runs a little rough when started cold so I always drive her easy until she gets to running temperature (180+), but once she does get to running temperature she drives better than when she was stock. Just a thought. Shoot me a PM if interested and I'll be happy to refer you.
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Originally posted by Stolen 5.0:

that sucks amy, i know a good painter u could take the car, or bumper too

I know who he is talking about and I will vouch for them too. If I decide I'd like to touch up the S4 and/or Talon I will be taking those to them.


Really sorry to hear about what happened. I haven't heard any of the stories about what's happened to your car but have heard you've had alot of bad luck with it. It sucks that your just having more right now, stick with it and when the cars done you will be glad that you did. graemlins/thumb.gif

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I hope so.. cause Im starting to give up. The guy that is looking at my car now here in GC thinks the not running problem is a vacum leak somewhere that we just couldnt find... so I am praying thats it. So would be nice to get the car back out and enjoy a little bit this year before all the funs over.


What is the shop? I am thinking about having the whole car stripped and repainted since most of you know about the key marks on it.. just get it done right.

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