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Would you stop?


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Yesterday I was coming home from boating when I noticed traffic was backing up/going around something in the road. When I get up to the scene I see an Infinity with the windshield smashed out and a kid laying on the pavement in front of the car.


The kid got up and started pleading with everyone to take him home. He was bleeding from the head (no helmet) and had some good road rash, he had broken something in his shoulder. I tried to get the kid to calm down, I finally got him to sit back down and then lay down until the paramedics came. They strapped him down and took him to Childrens.


Here is my question, I must have saw 10 people drive right past a bleeding kid like they had something much better to do, would you stop to help? As a parent I feel it is my responsibility to try and help this kid and at the very least call 911 or find out if help was on the way.

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Of course i would parent or not, people are just selfish assholes who couldn't be bothered now a days and it's prevelent all over the world. There is no way in hell I could of saw that and not done anything. I've stopped for things not even that serious in the past. Good man you are Akula.



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Originally posted by Mowgli:

I would've stopped. Question though - what was the driver of the Infinity doing all this time?

The guy that hit the kid was on the phone with 911 when I pulled up. After he hung up he started asking the kid why he pulled out in front of him, I then told him that didn't really matter. So he went and stood by the side of the road until the police/paramedics/fire showed up.
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i would have stopped, unless there were already 2-3 other cars stopped first. With no CPR/medical training there wouldn't be much i could do if other people were already there, but i would call 911 as soon as i could.


Sometimes it might not be that people have something better to do. It seems EVERYONE is afraid of getting sued. Blame the lawyers, greedy lazy bastards, juries that award lawsuits just to screw over insurance companies because "they can afford it." or who ever you want too.


If i were the first person on the scene, no doubt i would stop, but in the unfortunate case that the kid dies because I don't know CPR and just stand there while it happends, i very well may lose my shirt becausesome fucked up parent thinks, "if you don't know CPR to save my billy, why even stop"

I'm not saying it's right, it's sad on many levels, but don't solely blame a bystander for passing by in the land of "if something bad happends, sue"

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I didn't know the kid, he was put in the ambulance and taken away, I hope he is ok.


I know in this day and age that you can be sued for anything but it doesn't stop me from trying to do what I would want people to do for my kid. I have very basic training in CPR and treating trauma (like if you got your leg blown off) but I had to do something this kid was hurt.

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Two bike wreacks under my belt, and twice have people driven around me. I was laying in the middle of the street both times, one was a freeway offramp, atleast 5-6 cars drove past me both times, one had to go almost in the grass to do so.


People are all for themselves these days.

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Originally posted by Crash:

Two bike wreacks under my belt, and twice have people driven around me. I was laying in the middle of the street both times, one was a freeway offramp, atleast 5-6 cars drove past me both times, one had to go almost in the grass to do so.

My guess: It was the sportbike. Hate to say it but among non-riders who are seeing a sport bike wrecked, they are thinking something along the lines of "ha, come-uppance".


I catch alot less grief from cars when on the cruiser vs on the ninja even.


Akula was this kid on a sportbike or a peddle bicycle?

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Guest infamous me 235

Bystander effect, Tilly would know the "psycological" name for it. They think, someone will stop so they dont have to, next person comes along, same thing.


or i will find it before the doctor chimes in

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Guest infamous me 235

The bystander effect (also known as bystander apathy) is a psychological phenomenon where persons are less likely to intervene in an emergency situation when others are present than when they are alone.


Solitary individuals will typically intervene if another person is in need of help: this is known as bystander intervention. However, researchers were surprised to find that help is less likely to be given if more people are present. In some situations, a large group of bystanders may fail to help a person who obviously needs help.


An example which shocked many people is the Kitty Genovese case. Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death in 1964 by a mentally ill serial rapist and murderer. The murder took place over a period of about thirty minutes, during which at least 38 alleged "witnesses" failed to help the victim. For this reason, the name Genovese syndrome or Genovese effect was used to describe the phenomenon at the time.


The death of Deletha Word in 1995 after witnesses failed to thwart her attackers, as well as the James Bulger murder case, may have been other well-publicized cases of the effect.

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Originally posted by Drunky McDrunk:

you can't be sued. Ohio has the good samaritan law

you may want to double check on that one. if you pull someone out of the ditch in the winter and fuck up their car, they can sue you for the damages. true story.
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Good samaritan laws are supposed to protect the person acting as a samaritan. If you have a heart attack and I perform CPR as well as I know how to and save your life, any subsequant injury is not my fault (say I crack one of your ribs doing chest compressions). The spirit of the law is to protect the person helping so they don't get sued for screwing it up.
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Guest rperry74
The Good Sam Law only relates to people and bodily injury or death, not property or damage to said property. In the case mentioned above, yeah the asshole could sue you, but if the same incident involved pulling said vehichle from a ditch to save a life, no way, you are safe. Mainly because the damage done to the car is negated by the fact that it HAD to be done to save someones life. They arent expecting you to wait on the wrecker when someone is trapped and dying, unless you can't do anything about it.
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We are in Ohio, USA, and here you dont need a good reason to sue.


What happened was bystander apathy, the most frustrating of sociologies quirks. It's a direct result of lazyness, apathy, and selfishness. The idea being "I dont have to, because someone else will". This line of though permiates every aspect of daily life, and is one of the main reasons that humans suck.


It's common, unless your a fucked up individual that feels honnored by being presented with the opportunity to help some one. Those of us who would stop are the fucked up minority.

Try it some time, show up 1/2 hour late for work, tell your boss "I stopped and helped a bleeding kid who was hit by a car". Most (51% or more) of your bosses will hold it against you. 90% will probably first ask "was it you that hit him?", assuming that no one would ever stop unless it directly effected them.

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

My guess: It was the sportbike. Hate to say it but among non-riders who are seeing a sport bike wrecked, they are thinking something along the lines of "ha, come-uppance".


I catch alot less grief from cars when on the cruiser vs on the ninja even.


Akula was this kid on a sportbike or a peddle bicycle?

Well that sad part is, the first wreack i got naild by a car that decided to turn 5 ft infront of me, I went over the hood. The car behind me slowed, and drove around my bike. Bastards
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Guest Rane

If I see them already on a phone etc. I would have probably asked if they called 911 and then left. Nothing much I can do besides be in the way, and the last thing the kid needs is 100 ppl surrounding him "Helping."


If I saw a biker on the ground, and no one helping them I would def stop. Same if I saw a car crashed and the person isn't being helped.


If there on there cellphone next to there wrecked car. No point in me stopping because all I can do is loan them my cellphone O.o.

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