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Your Ideal Girl

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue">Recently, I've been doing alot of casual research in the area of facial structures and composition, and how race, ethnicity and ancestoral heritage affect these features. To this end, I've studied hundreds of pictures and faces, and examined countless people and their unique dominant and recessive traits.


Naturally enough, I've learned what I find most attractive in women, from body type to facial structure, and the type of girl I repeatedly found as most appealing. This is 'my' girl, so to speak:




So what does your ideal girl look like? Ever even thought about it? If not, it's an interesting process to work through. I don't know as to how successful this will be, but I was just curious as to what others found to be most attractive. According to a survey I took, it appears that my tastes are in the 3rd percentile of the nation, meaning that I'm very selective or, as they put it, "picky".

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Master Chief:

This may sound stupid, but how exactly did you go about the process of finding the traits that you find attractive?

<font color ="midnightblue"> I really just meant to post a picture of a girl you thought was really, incredibly, blow-a-hole-in-your-pants-from-looking-at-her, hot. However, if you want to get scientific about it, here's how I did it, and how most ethnographer's would recommend doing it.


Browse around the internet and look at pictures of various girls (Or women, I suppose) and take notice of specific features each one has. For example, her chin: is it pointed (the girl I have chosen is characterized as having a pointed chin); the general shape of her face (my girl would be said to have a diamond shaped face); her nose (my girl has a small, lean nose); etc, etc. Just look for repeating patterns in the women you choose. You don't need to name or categorize it, just be aware if their chins are pointed, round, or square, etc.


Or, run a search on all the hottest celebrities you find most appealing, and see what traits they have in common. It isn't hard, and it's actually kind of fun.

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Im a dork so I know a bit about the topic.


It looks like your Ideal is the typical Petrarchan standard of beauty. You have competition as it is the most commonly accepted notion of beauty.


DaVinci had a number of theories on beauty and aesthetics, most of which lay in specific ratios and symmetry. His "Study of Man Sketch" that you see in all kinds of medical representations, is a diagram of the ratios that he mapped. He also suggested that we seek in a mate features most like our own or most like our vision of ourselves. His Mona Lisa is supposedly a feminized self portrait. Though if this was the case I would heart my sister since she is my so called twin.


Anyway, it's a very interesting topic whose understanding is far from being complete.

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This would be mine.

Im partial to brunettes, I dig the accent, the fullness/length of the hair is also a plus. I love someone with light colored eyes and a shapley but not too jagged face.



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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Veritas:

This would be mine.

Im partial to brunettes, I dig the accent, the fullness/length of the hair is also a plus. I love someone with light colored eyes and a shapley but not too jagged face.


<font color ="midnightblue"> Catherine Zeta Jones has a classic look that many find appealing. She was born in Wales, however, a fact which few are aware of. Yet if you look at her closely, you can see she does have some distinctly Brünn-like features. The slight up-turn in her nose, her dark hair, though most Brünn are characterized by blue eyes, instead of brown. Her bizygomatic diameter is classic for this type, as is the width between her eyes, which is large, by most standards. She also has a wide, orthognathous face. All in all, she's classically Brünn, which is a sub-race of the Nordish type.


So, essentially, you like Irish women. This is the type most common among that group. Here's another girl typical of the Welsh, or Brünn sub-type. You can see the similarities.



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Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> Catherine Zeta Jones has a classic look that many find appealing. She was born in Wales, however, a fact which few are aware of. Yet if you look at her closely, you can see she does have some distinctly Brünn-like features. The slight up-turn in her nose, her dark hair, though most Brünn are characterized by blue eyes, instead of brown. Her bizygomatic diameter is classic for this type, as is the width between her eyes, which is large, by most standards. She also has a wide, orthognathous face. All in all, she's classically Brünn, which is a sub-race of the Nordish type.


So, essentially, you like Irish women. This is the type most common among that group. Here's another girl typical of the Welsh, or Brünn sub-type. You can see the similarities.



the girl in that pic is pretty close to perfection as far as I can tell
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My wife (and no she isn't looking)


-cooks, cleans, does laundry, does the finances, and essentially let's me be the lazy bastard i am as long as i take out the garbage on occasion and fix/maintain the cars. Without complaint.

-lets me go out with the guys untill all hours of the morning, without complaint.

-never says "no"

-Awesome cook, and is not bothered at all bay cooking for my friends at short notice.

-Hates to leave the house aftter getting home from work, homebody.


my wife = June Cleaver on steroids. I love Her smile.gif


I think anyonw who has come over for, or cooked pizza for will vouch that my wife > * tongue.gif


Although, wife + a billion dollars would be more ideal :D

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I like way too many types of women to label a specific type, although I have never tried to be scientific with my tastes. I do lean more towards olive skin toned women...or brunettes. I'd marry Penelope Cruz right now if she knocked on my door.


I usually know right away how I feel. There are women whom I find attractive..and then there's the ones that I'm attracted to (if that makes sense)...intrigued by.


Even if we could find the ideal look, the odds of them feeling the same way in return are small. Lord knows what the hell women want graemlins/doh.gif:D





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Take heed to this, guys;

I have learned through experience that who you're idea girl is is just a quantitative assessment on paper. For a happy, long term relationship, you need the big L word, and atractive traits "on paper" have nothing to do with it.

The big L hits you like a truck, and ya never know where it'll come from. I'm dating a girl that meets about 93% of my ideal, and have been for a good while, the truck has yet to hit.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Tenzig:

Take heed to this, guys;

I have learned through experience that who you're idea girl is is just a quantitative assessment on paper. For a happy, long term relationship, you need the big L word, and atractive traits "on paper" have nothing to do with it.

The big L hits you like a truck, and ya never know where it'll come from. I'm dating a girl that meets about 93% of my ideal, and have been for a good while, the truck has yet to hit.

<font color ="midnightblue"> That is very true, but you're missing the point. The point isn't to find the girl you think you be best suited to in all areas, but rather the girl you find physically most attractive. Example: Penelope Cruz is hot as hell, I could stare at her all day; would I want to be married to her? No way- I've heard from people who've talked to her that she's a bitch. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy staring her up and down. This is really just where you post the pictures of the hottest girls you can think of. Therefore, your ideal girl. ;)
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