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Any ideas for good Drinking Games?


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meijer has them by the boatload (yes, i detected the sarcasm)



my friends have this game where we get really drunk then run out on 270 at morse and see who can survive the night without getting hit by cars or semis. its a great way of keeping Darwin's ideas alive.

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oh my bad...is ping pong some sort of Forbidden Fruit of America in england, or is it just not popular?



you could play beer soccer with a soccer ball and bathtubs full of beer 30 yards apart. that'd be fuckin sweet



EDIT: i worded it funny and i sounded like an asshole

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Tex mex. Get two dice and a cup. Fill the cup halfway with beer. The object of the game is to NOT be the one with the lowest dice roll. the "points" go like this: Highest number rolled first, then the second number is the second. Example: You roll a five and a two, your score is 52. If you dont like your score, you get up to three rolls (if youre the first person). dice pass to the left, and after the circle goes around, the person with the lowest dice roll drinks the beer.


Catches: If someone rolls a 21, thats called a tex mex and the cup gets filled with beer.


If the first person uses more than one roll, everyone gets as many tries as he does to beat his score.


If you're trying to beat a score and roll doubles that arent snakeyes, you're safe.


Snakeyes must instantly drink the beer.


Rolling for the next round is always started by whoever just drank the beer.



Disclaimer: this game gets you fucked up QUICK, but it's fun as shit.

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Drinking Jenga buy a jenga game and take a sharpie and write to give a number of drinks, take a number of drinks etc. And the person who knocks the tower over has to drink the community bowl that everyone pours into before the game starts. More entertaing when your half lit already.
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Football is one that hasn't come up yet.


Take a long coffee table and tape off two endzones with electrical tape. Use your judgement, not too big but not too small, you gotta land dice in it. Stick a 1" tape hash mark in the dead center of each endzone.


The idea is to use 2 man teams with each player rolling one die. One team rolls for the endzone, then the other team collects the dice and rolls. You can knock your partner's die into the endzone, or sometimes off the table. If any part of your die sits in the endzone at the end of your turn, they drink that many. Landing on the hash is the roll value +10, and rolling doubles gives your team a second turn.


Play to 50 with the losing team getting a last rebuttle turn to make up some difference. OT is when the losing team surpasses the winning team and you keep going till someone wins for good. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Seth, should I try to explain HiYa to them? :D


Drinking Jenga is really fun. You can start out sober and everyone is usually feeling really good by half way through the second game. Football is a favorite of mine too. Seth, we used to play to 100 at Grandmas. ;)

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You should play "beer Battleship" it is the concept of beer pong throw ball in to cup but you can set your 3 ships up how ever you want. When yopu sink a ship you get the balls returned. Or you could play "hockey" a four person game with tree periods of drinking.
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pyramid rocks.. You can down 3-4 beers a round if someone gets picked on..


A great game is mushroom. You take a can of beer and put the joker under the beer can tab so 3 corners are sticking over the edge of the can. Then put the rest of the deck face down. when it's your turn, u pull a card, if its red, you drink the card value, 2-10, j,q,k, and ace are all 12 drinks.. If its black, you give those drinks away to either one person or split them up. Then you put the card on top of the beer can with 3 edges hanging over. This keeps going on until all the cards fall off the beer can, then the person that knocked them off has to chug the can.

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Originally posted by Homey D. Clown:

pyramid rocks.. You can down 3-4 beers a round if someone gets picked on..


A great game is mushroom. You take a can of beer and put the joker under the beer can tab so 3 corners are sticking over the edge of the can. Then put the rest of the deck face down. when it's your turn, u pull a card, if its red, you drink the card value, 2-10, j,q,k, and ace are all 12 drinks.. If its black, you give those drinks away to either one person or split them up. Then you put the card on top of the beer can with 3 edges hanging over. This keeps going on until all the cards fall off the beer can, then the person that knocked them off has to chug the can.

I remember Mike got pretty messed up on this at your last party.
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Originally posted by 10xworse:

meijer has them by the boatload (yes, i detected the sarcasm)



my friends have this game where we get really drunk then run out on 270 at morse and see who can survive the night without getting hit by cars or semis. its a great way of keeping Darwin's ideas alive.

I like laying down on those roads and watching the cars try to dodge me.



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