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youve got to be kidding

Guest RJ1074

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Guest RJ1074

Secret Service questions student on drawings


PROSSER, Washington (AP) -- Secret Service agents questioned a high school student about anti-war drawings he did for an art class, one of which depicted President Bush's head on a stick.


Another pencil-and-ink drawing portrayed Bush as a devil launching a missile, with a caption reading "End the war -- on terrorism."


The 15-year-old boy's art teacher at Prosser High School turned the drawings over to school administrators, who notified police, who called the Secret Service.


"We involve the police anytime we have a concern," Prosser Superintendent Ray Tolcacher told the Tri-City Herald newspaper.


Secret Service agents interviewed the boy last Friday. The student, who was not arrested, has not been identified.


The school district disciplined him, but district officials refused to say what the punishment was. Tolcacher said the boy was not suspended.


The artwork was apparently part of an assignment to keep a notebook of drawings, according to Kevin Cravens, a friend of the boy's family.


The drawing that drew the most notice showed a man in what appeared to be Middle Eastern-style clothing, holding a rifle. He was also holding a stick with an oversize head of the president on it.


The student said the head was enlarged because it was intended to be an effigy, Cravens said. The caption called for an end to the war in Iraq.


A message left by The Associated Press with an after-hours duty officer with the Secret Service in Washington, D.C., was not immediately returned on Monday.


"If this 15-year-old kid in Prosser is perceived as a threat to the president, then we are living in '1984'," Cravens said.


Tolcacher insisted it was not a freedom of speech issue, but a concern over the depiction of violence.


"From what I saw, [school officials] were right to be concerned," Prosser Police Chief Win Taylor said.

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if i drew that stuff with the presidents head on a stick i wouldn't be surprised to have the secrete service show up at my door




As for the art student, he is no longer attending Prosser high school, sources say instead, he is enrolled at the alternative school. Police say they never arrested the student, and did not press any charges against him. The school also said they did not seek any punishment.


no punishments, no charges, sounds like the kid didn't get anything for what he did.


Its never a joke when a violent anything is directed towards the president, sounds like the secret service was just checking on something that might have been dangerous found out it wasn't and moved on, unless there is more to the story

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thats small stuff. you want to see the secret service swam and surround a building with automatic weapons..do as two of our guys done on bush SR. several years ago when his was president


dispatcher bored along with a deputy bored decided to take the presidents birthday and run him name and date of birth through the LEADS data base to see if his license was valid in D.C.


computer locked up, in less than 20 minutes a swam of federal agents with big guns and pissed off looks showed up.


sheriff was called, the sheriff's office was in lock down for 13 hours no one in no one out. it was all bad. no jail time but it was real bad for the guys.

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Its not that they're jsut cracking down on an innocent 15 year old boy, "oh no!!!"

its that this kid is in a public school and he's drawing violent pictures about the president. The kid is deranged and could go violent himself at any one time. And who knows, if the president visits that area, what if the kid goes violent then.

Obviously thats a far fetched idea, and because they didnt arrest him they know he probably wouldnt do anything of the sort, but i can understand why they'd want to check it out.

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I personally think thats funny, just like the guy dressing up in the devil costume to see "the passion of christ." not that the government had anything to do w/ that, just that people are over-reacting so much.
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Do you guys understand what free speech is and is not? Let's try an exercise:


Yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater where there is no fire. NOT freedom of speech.


Logging onto Columbus Racing and spouting off your opinion that Bush is a moron and that the Iraq war is an international crime. YES, freedom of speech.


Logging onto Columbus Racing and advocating the violent death of a senior elected government official, particularly a President or Presidential candidate. NOT freedom of speech.


Yelling at someone in traffic that you intend to kill them because they cut you off. NOT freedom of speech.


Yelling at someone in traffic that they are an idiot and shouldn't have a license. Rude, but technically freedom of speech.


Now, here is a good one for all of you -- freedom of speech DOES NOT APPLY to students in high school. There have been numerous court cases on this issue, including in the Supreme Court. You can't wear a shirt to school with obscene messages, cigarette advertising, racist messages, etc. So I would take a wild guess that depicting the President being killed would also NOT be allowed in school.



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You know, 15 yrs ago when I was in school, a kid told you he was going to kill you, you laughed at him and kicked him ass. Now, a kid tells you he's gonna kill you, he just might have a gun and get you and everyone around you as well. Times have changed, I dont know that what this kid was a specific threat, but it needed checked out. I guess the other issue is this, what in the fuck is the school doing letting him draw something like that in the school to begin with. Art or not, nude posses are considered art if done a certain way, but possesing a book with those pictures in school is a big no no. So what the hell?? This is a school problem and a parent problem, I have a 14 yr old son. Some of you have met him. He was over a couple of weekends ago and started in talkin all this "Gonna be a Gansta Badass" bullshit. Told him to shut up and he got in my face. After getting himself back up off the floor, I explained that isn't any way to act to anyone. Some of you might not agree with that, so if you don't STFU about it, I don't care. But it sounds like maybe this kid needs abit of that himself.
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I understand all that but c'mon. The kid drew a picture. It was an art project. I dont remember him saying he was going to kill anyone but I guess each person sees it their own way. I am all for protecting the president and I do know that it is illegal to threaten him. Maybe the kid was just misunderstood in what he was trying to depict. I guess only he knows though.
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Originally posted by jallen100:

I understand all that but c'mon. The kid drew a picture. It was an art project. I dont remember him saying he was going to kill anyone but I guess each person sees it their own way. I am all for protecting the president and I do know that it is illegal to threaten him. Maybe the kid was just misunderstood in what he was trying to depict. I guess only he knows though.

but do you not see that he didn't get in any trouble, the authorities did a good job here they heard about something and instead of jumping the gun they went checked it out and decided it was nothing, the school said they didn't punish him either, so the only thing is he moved to a different school which by how it sounds was his and his parents choice. It didn't sounds like any kind of freedom of speech issues were violated here, if there was someone is going to have to point them out to me. I can only hope that all incidents that involve anykind of violence towards the president go this smoothly
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Guest RJ1074
in my photography class we are supposed to make scrap books, and one girl has a picture of bush with fire all around it... do you think thats threantening? i think its just more personal opinion and a way to express yourself.
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Guest nightracer
Its hillarious that they'd consider him a thread to the point that they'd dispatch the S.S. to interrogate him. It should have been overlooked there are bigger problems to spend our tax dollars on man hours for. Calling the cops was an outrage, they should have just called his parents and raised hell with them.
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