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I have a very serious problem.


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I just got back from lunch, and on the way back we passed by the AMC movie theatre at Lennox. As usual, Star Wars nerds are already lining up in front of the theatre so they can be the first to be adored on their I-wish-I-was-a-Vulcan (or insert Klingon, Willow, Harry Potter, Elijah Wood, etc) message forums. We decided to round the shopping center to gawk at all of these gems of humanity as they wait for the best three hours of their lives. It was pretty funny, there are about 20 out there now, most dressed in Star Wars t-shirts, and a couple in full name-your-Star-Wars-character-here costume.


Here is where it takes a turn for the worse, and I am presented with what I feel has been the biggest problem I have ever had to face...


We rounded the corner to turn onto the access road behind the shopping center, when what do we see in the grassy area next to the theatre? 8 people, dressed head to toe in their favorite character costume, in a circle, having a physical battle with fun-noodles (those long colorful foam pool toys). One of them even had a foam wake board, spray painted gold to look like a shield. These people had their faces painted to be in character, making their own sound effects, hitting each other with pink, bright green, purple, and blue fun-noodles. Just going at it like they were on any other planet but this one, where they were doing the silliest, most pseudo-homosexual, and downright funniest thing I have ever witnessed. Ever.


Now, here is my problem. As I said, I believe this was the funniest thing I have ever seen. It was so funny that I couldn’t even laugh. I just kind of flopped in the car seat like a fish out of water gasping for oxygen. Tears came to my eyes, but I just could not eek out a laugh. I thought I might have a stroke – a humor stroke.


To quote Cartman, I think I have blown a funny fuse. Now I don’t know what to do.

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Guest ravedave
hahahahaha !!!!! wow. atleast my friend is trying to force me to go tonight and i REALLY don't want to, he already bought the ticket so i believe i have a worse problem than you do bro!!!
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Guest stevil

Hahaha! graemlins/lol.gif I like Star Wars and will see it opening weekend sometime, but that is rediculous!


No video camera!??!?!


Hmmm, go back you must, get video of this you will.

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Those people are funny. I went and saw unleashed there 2 nights ago and they were there. With their tents and full gear on. They even had a tv and games, they were watching Star wars cartoons. I didnt even know they made star wars cartoons. Must be the only time movie theaters let that happen dont have to worry about breakins or sex well because you know why.
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I grew up with Star Wars, I love the movies. They were a big part of my childhood, growing up. Those are the keep words: "Growing Up". I've since became an adult, got married, have a family, job, etc.. While I still enjoy Star Wars and plan on seeing it Friday afternoon, no way would I ever devote my life to it like those poor bastards... graemlins/nonono.gif
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Originally posted by Coke:

why would you want a picture of a 16 year old girl in a white poncho dress?

dude, this is Adam we're talking about tongue.gif


I'll be there, but more than likely be drunk and making fun of everyone else.

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Man, that's worse than when Episode 2 came out. I went to the midnight showing at Lennox for that (the line was INSANE), and though there were some dressed up freaks, isn't wasn't anything insane.


I'd love to go tonight, but I don't have anyone to go with, plus I have to be up at 6:45am to get ready for work, so I'll just have to go watch it this weekend. :(

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Guest racinbird
If that made you laugh then head over to the soccer fields on sunday afternoons near the Gahanna golf course. They have all sorts of kids/guys dressed in full midevil armor and equipment. They have sword fights and hit each other with sticks!!
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Man, that's worse than when Episode 2 came out. I went to the midnight showing at Lennox for that (the line was INSANE), and though there were some dressed up freaks, isn't wasn't anything insane.


I'd love to go tonight, but I don't have anyone to go with, plus I have to be up at 6:45am to get ready for work, so I'll just have to go watch it this weekend. :(

Aww.. Joe, I would have dragged Nathan out and we could have been big geeks together :D oh well.. we are going at 4pm at Easton.. I am excited
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Where is that vid of a bunch of dorks dressed up and pretending to be playing a real-life Dungeons&Dragons fight in the woods? Dressed as wizards and knights and shit...


I would fucking roll on the floor laughing if someone found that. One of the characters kept throwing little plastic arrows at someone yelling "lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!"


Anyone? Bueller?

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