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MTN biking this week?

Science Abuse

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I'm thinking after work Thursday, Alum Creek. Looks to be dry from now till then, but I still wouldn't wear anything you wouldnt want messed up. ;)

Shoot for 6:00pm?

I'd be up for going sooner if you all want to. But from reading, it seems to be trail ediquet to let the trails dry a bit, since running them when soggy perpetuates mud pits and ultimately destroys the trail.

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tonight, the weather will rock. Tomarrow it'll blow.

For the sake of shawn, should we pick a trail now?


we can take a long one, sunset isn't until 8:30 ish.


[ 01. June 2005, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: The Stig ]

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No one got away without something to laugh about. I'll be back next week to face the mud again. tongue.gif


I say we do the same trail next week, and possibly the week after. Lets ya get used tot he obstacles, of which there are many, so you can be better prepared for new trail. You guys should see phase 2. ;)


[ 01. June 2005, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: The Stig ]

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Damn part time jobs............I will ride as soon as the weather clears again...And it is the memorial tournament this weekend, so we all know what that means.


(P.S, no one happens to have a spare Bottom Bracket lying around, mine clicks, which means a bad bearing.)

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Originally posted by The Stig:

I'm in dispose saturday and sunday. :/


Why not schedule a "CR day". Set it about a month from nowgive people time to plan and grow balls. tongue.gif

Balls ehh, I will make sure I take you down the most severve drop they have there, and hopefully its still there, although, i am sure they got rid of it cause the trail builders are pussies. Also if you get into enough, traveling down to AEP to ride that trail is really nice, i liked it a lot.
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Originally posted by Mr. Wright:

Balls ehh, I will make sure I take you down the most severve drop they have there, and hopefully its still there.

If you're thinking of the same one I am...no. :( It eroded on both sides, was closed off, and is now overgrown.
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Originally posted by Mr. Wright:

(P.S, no one happens to have a spare Bottom Bracket lying around, mine clicks, which means a bad bearing.)

You need a square taper style or ISIS?
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define "stunts"? There were soem obstacles with alternate ways over them, and one downed tree with a board nailed to the side of it, as if they intended people to ride it across the creek bed.

phase 2 has some of this stuff:


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