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If you live in the Northland area...


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Beware. V8's have been the target of choice for car theives in the past 3 days. One of our tenants had his old peice of shit stolen today. We were wondering why somoene would steal a 1970 POS, then he told us it had a 383 in it. When I was talking to a cop that showed up to take his report, he told me that in the past 3 days in the area lots of Caprices and Camaro's had been stolen, all of which have a V8 in them. So if you live in the Northland area, and have a car with a V8, be on the lookout.
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damn better put the el-camino in the garage and lock the garge cause nobody can get the camaro too, nobody suspects my s-10 to have a 350 in it


where at in the nortland area, like around Old Northland Mall, and Northland Highschool area, because I live 5min from the highschool and about 5min or so from the old Northland Mall


thanks for posting about the thieves in my area

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