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WTC..9-11. where were you?


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I know it's been a few years, but just curious. Where were you when it happened. I remember exactly where I was. Woke up around 8:30. Turned on the TV (unemployed), and started watching NBC. Everything started happening.


About 9:30ish, I got a call from a former co-worker at my old company asking me if I wanted a job as a tech at a company. I was out of a job for 6 months and she called.. my manager. Of ALL times to tell me I got a job, it had to be that time.




So, where were you, and what were you doing?


Btw, does anyone have the original footage of 9-11, from NBC. I remember it so clearly in my head, I just wanted the video to see it again.

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at work, inspecting topsoil removal for what would be and what now is the expansion on marion elementary school. I called my friend who worked in the pentigon 2 days a week and the lines were busy, called her parents and they said she was not there. releaved but stioll shocked, I was glued to howard stern he did a great job that day.
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Junior year in HS. Found out in my speech class I think, then went to lunch and watched the news (we had lunch at like 10:15) My mom left me a mssg on my cell phone telling me to come straight home after school. Damn, that was a long time ago.
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I was in Junior year, American History. A kid ran into my room and said that a plane hit the WTC (The first plane) and my teacher flipped on the TV. My teacher said that we could continue watching after his lecture.


I ran to my next class and told that teacher what happend and that I needed to turn on the TV. Right as I turned it on, I saw the second plane hit. From their, I didnt stop watching unless I was switching class rooms.


After I found out that a plane went down in Pennsylvania, which is where I am from and where the majority of my family still lives, I called my mom to make sure my grandpa who was flying to Florida was OK. Luckily, he was already stuck in Atlanta, which is where he had to stay for a week.


Sad fucking day, and I will never forget. I like to compare this to the day JFK was assasinated. Ask your parents where they were, and I am sure they can tell you exactly what they were doing.


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I was a camp counselor for 6th graders that week... it happened on a tuesday and they refused to tell us what happened. All they would say is that there was a terrorist attack in New York and not to mention it around the kids and don't turn on the radio's, only listen to cd's for the rest of the week. Just in case any of the kids families lived in NY I guess. But they didn't even tell us counselors what was going on. I didn't find out until I came out of the woods on the friday after and couldn't believe what I was hearing from everyone and seeing on tv. Definately couldn't believe I was a few days behind everyone else in the shock of it.
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Working at Worthington Cylinders - Westerville, run by big time republican soft money contributer John McConnel.


I got 3 breaks that say, a 15min, a 1/2 hr, and another 15min. During the first 15min break I learned what had happened, saw footage ont he break room TV, then was sent back to work when the 15 mins was up. During the 1/2 hour lunch break, I saw live footage at the first tower went down. I remember whoever was commentating seeing ht eexpanding cloud and saying "It looks like theres been another explosion". I thought 'what an idiot, thats the upper floors collapsing'. I also learned it was terrorists, and that another plane hit the pentagon, and one was missing. I was allwed a 1/2 beak and nothing more, it was not an easy 1/2 hour, I got alot of bad news, and had to return immediately to work. The rest of the day was all down hill, that was constantly in the back of my mind, especialy since one of my cousins worked there. Ont he final break, I learned that it was not just the upper floors collapsing, but the whole building was gone, as was the other one, in its entirety. 15 mins later, it was back to work for the rest of one of the longest days of my life, I felt physicaly ill.

2 days later, I learned my cousin was alive, but still in shock and by no means "all right". She lived 5~ miles from the trade center. She remembers fleeing the building afte the first plane hit...then waking up in her bed at home, covered in dust. After time what happened came back to her, she remembers watching the bodies rain down, and watching the buildings fall, and walking all the way home, covered in dust.

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I was at work in Fairfax, Va. My wife was about 2 hours away on a work retreat, and my son was in day care 25 miles away from me. Someone ran into the office yelling that a plane has flown into one of the WTC towers. My boss flipped on the TV in his office, and we all crowded around his little 13 inch screen to watch the coverage. I stayed in his office and watched horrified as the second plane hit, then as the plane hit the Pentagon. I left work to pick up my son because at that point we still didn't know what was happening. My son's day care was less than 5 miles from the headquarters for both AOL and MCI Worldcom in Ashburn, VA. I listened on the radio as the towers came down, and the plane went down in Pennsylvania. I don't think I'll ever forget hearing the sirens as Fairfax County Police and Firefighters headed for DC, or the helplessness knowing that my family was all over the state, and not knowing what might be coming next. Over the next few weeks, I met a couple of people that were there that day. I saw the wounds one of them sustained as he was pulling people out... Fortunately for me, all of my family and loved ones were alright. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people that couldn't say the same.
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I was at work listening to Howard Stern at work.I put down my tools(mechanic) and went up front to watch it on the news,called all of my family and friends. I'll never forget that day! The wife and I went to New York about a year later,there were still windows broken out of buildings you could see the impact it had made on the hole city. All the people that died that were just working doing their everyday jobs. The fireman and police had to know that the Towers were going to fall but they went in anyways (HEROES)! Not to forget about the plane in PA and the Pentagon. I have some pics somewhere from my trip to NY,if I can find them I'll post them.
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I had worked the late shift at Target (those were the days!) the night before, and got home around midnight. I didn't have to work until 4:30P the next day, so I was sleeping in. I got a phone call from my (ex) girlfriend at ~9:45A and she told me that we were being attacked, and to turn on the television. I flipped it on just in time to watch in horror as the second plane hit the World Trade Center. I immediately called my Father and asked him what the hell was happening, and he said something to me that I had never heard him say, he said he didn't know what was going on and he was scared. If you know my Dad, as many of you do, you know how frightening that can be. I was terrified.


I continued to watch in horror as the news broke into the crash at the Pentagon, and then in Pennsylvania, and then back to New York and the World Trade Center as the towers fell from the sky. I watched as a stunned and ill-prepared FAA pulled every plane from the sky in a desperate attempt to try and control the situation. I remember as they were talking about how almost all of the planes were now grounded, I heard the sound of an airplane outside. But it wasn't a normal airplane engine, no; I remembered that sound from my years in Florida next to the Air Force Base. It was the sound of a jet. I ran outside to see, not one jet, but six F-15's blaze through the open sky. Not something usually seen in Columbus. After they had passed, I stood there dumbfounded at the sound... of nothingness. There was nothing. No traffic, no air planes, no helicopters, nothing. I couldn't believe it. Something that hadn't happened in a CENTURY and probably will never happen again, there was no air traffic.


That is when the gravity of the entire situation sunk in. I stood there in the quiet, and it was the loudest sound of horror I had ever heard.

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Guest ImprezaWRX
I was just getting to my job at the time. The Toy Barn on Post rd. in Dublin. I heard howard stern talking about it and when I got to work I watched it in the break room for like an hour.
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I awoke and started to watch ESPN to see if Ed Mccaffery a WR for the Broncos was ok after a very bad injury the night before on monday night football and they broke in and said they would like to acknowledge the trajedy that is happening in the US I then switched channels to see that our country would be changed forever
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I was getting ready to leave for work, (NAPA in Grandview at the time) when I turned on the TV... I was watching the news anyway when they broke in with the first plane in the side of the tower, before they knew what happened.... Then we saw the second one hit. I went to work, but the phones weren't ringing, and we all sat around and watched TV half the day... :(
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Originally posted by blinkkilla182:

junior year in highschool in my science class. Watch the tv in total shock and couldnt believe something as horrific as this could happen. Damn the cowards known as terrorists

Also my junior year in high school - was in English class that morning.
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I was sleeping when my friend called. He goes, "Did you see what happened?" I said, "No, I was asleep." "Two planes hit the WTC." I flipped on the TV and was stuck to it for the rest of the day. I was listening to Howard Stern while on the way to my parents house when the first tower came down.


It's like every generation has one of these.


Grandparents had Pearl Harbor.


My parents generation, "Where you when Kennedy was shot?"


This is ours.

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Guest Elinar Longsight
I was watching tv with Jordan(at the time was 1 1/2 yrs old) and babysitting (2) 2 1/2 yr olds when the news came on saying that a plane had hit a WTC tower. I remember grabbing all 3 kids and watching, in shock, as the second plane hit. Anthony came home while working to see what was going on. I remember trying to explain to 3 toddlers why they couldn't watch their cartoons, and doing nothing but hugging Jordan and crying.
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Bet EVERYONE remembers what they were doing! I was completing a sales meeting with my staff of sales reps, doors closed etc. As the meeting ended my secretary burst thru the door, crying & histerical / we moved the TV into my ofc & with total shock & horror I watched the re-run of plane #1, then LIVE plane #2, then Pa. where I lived 1/2 my life, I was grateful my Dad was already in Atlanta & safe (like Mad Malibu). I'll also always remember taking my two sons outside & making them look at the sky! No planes in the air - I told them in their lifetime they'll probably (hopefully) never look up & soo No Commercial planes.
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