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Do you use Spybot and Ad-Aware to clean troubled PC's?


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If you do, download the new Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta. It found 25 more instances after both Spybot and Ad-Aware said the PC was clean.


I knew it wasn't because it still had a fucking ad server on it SOMEWHERE. I spent an hour going through each system process trying to find which one it was but to no avail.


Downloaded the MS AntiSpy and it was located and gone in about three min.


Definitely worth a look. graemlins/thumb.gif

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This link bypasses that Windows validation crap.


Edit: Now that I've used it, here is my review:


My PC for the most part is Spyware free. I'm fairly careful about where I surf, what I click on, etc. Before running this program, I ran fully updated copies of Ad Aware SE V1.05 and Spybot V1.3. Ad Aware found 26 tracking cookies, and Spybot found 10 small Spyware things (I hadn't ran it in a while). I had been seeing no spyware impacts on my PC.


After this, I run the Microsoft AntiSpyware software. First I changed about 1/2 of the default configuration. I can stand things running active in the background (like the realtime scanning, as that eats system resources). Changed some update stuff to my liking and stopped it from loading on startup. I'll give it a D for defaults.


Scanning: It scans fairly quickly, far quicker than Ad Aware, and on par w/ Spybot. Gives real time results of what it found (like Spybot, unlike Ad Aware). Give it an A


Results descriptions: Doesn't give detailed, file specific results like Ad Aware, but more of a general "this kind of file does this" info. Not a real biggie, but that's something nice about Ad Aware. Also, their ratings for things (moderate, severe, etc.) seem a bit overboard, as what they are rating as "severe" has never impacted my PC. I give it a B


Spyware Removal: Makes you think a lot more about what it is removing, giving you choices about ignoring, quarentining, removing, etc. Definately an A for useablity for an experienced PC user, but a C for someone who may be a novice w/ computers.


Ability to find stuff: Well, it found 10 objects, and I wasn't expecting it to find any, so that's pretty cool. It didn't really benefit my PC any, as I've had no problems with any Spyware.


Will I use this on customer's PC's? I think I'll try it on a heavily infested PC and see how it stacks up vs. Ad Aware, especially on deletion time. I loaded the program to my USB drive, so next infested PC I come across I'll try it out.


[ 20. February 2005, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Nitrousbird ]

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Originally posted by 00 T/A:

I own a Mac, what are you guys talking about tongue.gif


I just leave it on 24/7 and nothing ever goes wrong. I will never understand why you people stick with your Windows redface.gif

#1: I believe IE based spyware can still impact your MAC if you are running IE (not positive on this one, as I don't use a Mac).


#2: The REASON you don't have the problem is people don't make virius, worms, trojans, spyware, malware, etc. for Macs. Why would they....there just aren't enough people that use them to make it worthwhile.


#3: We won't talk about the software/price difference between the two


#4: In my informal survey of customers with Macs, approx 50% of all Mac users are homosexual. True story.


#5: This video says it all


BTW, my PC is never turned off, and I don't have any Spyware or Virus issues.

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Nobody in their right mind using a Mac uses IE.


On average the computers cost a little more, big deal. Want to pay a little bit, buy a Mac mini for $499. Software costs the same for both OS's.


It's harder to create malware for UNIX/OSX, True Story.


Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

#4: In my informal survey of customers with Macs, approx 50% of all Mac users are homosexual. True story.

The homosexual point you made is moronic.


And that video makes me laugh every time I watch it.

Here's another one, Right-Click Save As:



[ 20. February 2005, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: 00 T/A ]

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00 T/A there is a MAJOR security issue affecting all browsers but IE. Including those on the Macs.


Here's a link. I'm not joking. This is a brutal security hole because you as a user would have NO WAY TO KNOW you are being redirected. So you could think you're going to say your bank site, but are getting redirected to another site and you'd have no indicator. Not the address bar, not the status bar, not even the SSL certificate!


Browser Redirect security flaw


BTW - this affects every browser *BUT* IE (mainly because IE was late coming to the party with international scripting support)


Also, there's been some pretty malicious security intrusions via Mozilla and everything that's built off mozilla (which is alot) in the last month or so. also some found in OS X

OS X holes


Like was said: It doesn't get any news time because a) few people use these b) the people who *do* use these tend to not want their problems to become general knowledge. Too bad too, because this IDN spoof, for example, is going to burn alot of users.


Anyhow, posting this to help you keep it safe. You probably already know about it.


... On another note - why is Nitrousbird hitting on his customers?


[ 20. February 2005, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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I appreciate the post Mowgli. I had read about this problem a little bit ago. It was on a few of the Mac news sites I frequent.


I'm not gonna sit here and say that any system is %100 safe. I just like to take jabs at the Windows user any chance I can get ;)

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

... On another note - why is Nitrousbird hitting on his customers?

Only the ladies, bub. Sadly, all of my customers tend to be old, lonely ladies. :rolleyes: God forbid I get a hottie every now and then. :mad:


As for the 50% gay thing; out of every Mac I ever come across, I'd estimate 50% of those users are gay. Now I realize part of this is because Macs are art/design oriented, and gay people tend to be attracted toward that field at a higher percentage than straight folks. But that's just my own observation, and I've had other people tell me the same thing. smile.gif

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