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Why must you order pizza?


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[begin of Rant]


Heres the layout....


I have 6 drivers, and my deliver time quickly rises to a very appealing 185min... 3hrs and 5 min... BUT POEPLE STILL ORDERED PIZZA! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? Oh you dont want to drive in the weather? THEN WHY STIFF MY DRIVER WHEN HE GETS THERE! Standing there, in the snow, cold as fuck with hail bouncing off his face... and you stiff him?

Normaly, i dont think a tip is required, but tonight we werent allowed to close down and i was pretty pissed that drivers were getting stiffed in a LVL 2 Snow Emergency.




[End of rant]

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Guest jpurdy2003

I deliver a couple nights a week, and I can't comprehend why people don't tip. When pizza is late, it is almost never the driver's fault. From my experience it's either because there are not enough drivers scheduled, or because the line cooks aren't getting shit through the oven quick enough. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing a line cook ignore a ticket on the printer for ten minutes. Most customers have absolutely no idea how pizza delivery works.


And to all of you: if you're not going to tip, pick it up.

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Originally posted by Tractor:

I don't agree with tips myself. they should be paid well enough or given a bonus program based on performance or something.



We should change the way a business has always been because you're too cheap to tip someone who is going to bring your lazy ass a pizza, to your house, in whatever weather there happens to be. Like Jack said, if you aren't going to tip, pick it up.
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I remember one night last year at my ex gf;s house we ordered a pizza and had it delivered. When we ordered and asked for delivery, it was barely snowing, and they said 30-40 min. Well, thinks got a lot worse, very quickly. The pizza guy showed up almost 2 hours later. He had no change (i paid for the whole pizza and gave him a $8 tip) he had lost a few orders due to bad weather, being in someone else's car because someone else hit his. Then to cap it all off, the poor guy slid into a tree as he was leaving her place. That dude should have been employee of the month for what he went through
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Guess you wouldn't mind walking to get it no matter what every day 6 days a week. As opposed to driving your car to someones front door, getting out and handing them a pizza.


BTW I normally give pizza people $5-10

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Originally posted by Rane:

Guess you wouldn't mind walking to get it no matter what every day 6 days a week. As opposed to driving your car to someones front door, getting out and handing them a pizza.

Am I the only one having trouble understanding this?
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Its such a priority to tip a pizza man, who drives 5 feet from your door to deliever your pizza.


Yet, since republicant wasn't asking to get his mail he doesn't have to tip a mail carrier who walks through all the shit to peoples doors.


How would you like having to walk through that shit to get your mail?

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I used to deliver pizza's back in the day. I remember one winter, it was really bad one night, they ended up calling a level 3, so we had to stop delivering. Anyways, there was so much snow I couldn't tell where the driveways were at. I had a lifted Toyota Pick up at the time. I would just pull up to front door, as close as I could. This one house the guy opens the door and starts laughing, "Hey honey" he yells, "the pizza guy is parked in your flower bed". I was like, oh shit. She came down and they started laughing. They gave me a $10 tip. Fun times
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My mail man doesnt walk through my door, he drives a truck? So based on this, you shouldn't tip waiters either, because all theyre doing is walking your food like twenty feet from the Kitchen. Rane, if you're such a acheap bastard, i hipe you always make food for yourself.
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So I decided to show some common courtesy and pick my pizza up tonight.


Roll up to the pizza shop, after they told me it would be done in 15 minutes.


I was late, by 5 min.


I did not receive my pizza until 30 minutes later.


But........I'm cool with it, alot of people have it alot worse than I do right now!!

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Originally posted by Cone Smasher:

So I decided to show some common courtesy and pick my pizza up tonight.


Roll up to the pizza shop, after they told me it would be done in 15 minutes.


I was late, by 5 min.


I did not receive my pizza until 30 minutes later.


But........I'm cool with it, alot of people have it alot worse than I do right now!!

what pizza place?
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Ricochet:

Maybe pizza shops shouldn't automatically tack on an additional amount for a delivery charge, that makes the buyer assume they are already paying the delivery guy's tip.

The delivery driver typically sees very little of that. The delivery charge where I work is $1.25, but I get $1.00 per delivery, which is triple what most drivers in the industry get. When I worked at Zeppe's, the delivery charge was also $1.25, but I only got $0.25 per delivery. The going rate per delivery in the industry is $0.25-$0.50 per delivery, but the customer typically pays $1.00-$1.50 for a delivery charge. In theory, this is to cover fuel and wear and tear on our cars, but unless you drive a small 4-cylinder econobox, you're lucky to break even on gas alone. When the Celica was alive and well, I used $15-$20 in gas per 6-8 hour shift.


Originally posted by Tractor:

I don't agree with tips myself. they should be paid well enough or given a bonus program based on performance or something.



I completely agree with you, but we all know that this will never happen with the major national pizza chains. I know a couple independent pizzerias that take very good care of their drivers though.
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I was actually thinking about calling up my local papa jons and seeing if they needed drivers (under the table) My car loves snow and i thought i could probibly make a killing by making deliveries in 30-40 min even in lvl 2.


alas. I didn't follow through. I would think much of hilliard would be pretty cool about tipping too. smile.gif


I hate delivery charges, if a pizza place tacks on 1.50-2.00 I subtract it from the tip, my usual tip is 2.00-5.00 total, no matter how bad you think your nieborhood is, I worked delivery in portsmouth, that is a shit hole town, and we had TONS of welfare bastards that ordered pizza from accross town and wanted thier penny back on a 9.99 order. :mad:

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