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How motorcycles get dropped...


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I got stopped by a train that was stopped on the tracks so I decided to turn around, mind you the tracks were up hill, so as I was turning around and perpendicular to the road I picked up my foot and the bike dropped down hill. Granted this was like a month after I started riding lol.

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  AOW said:
ALWAYS turn the front wheel towards the side stand. That keeps weight on that side.

LOL, I had a buddy that didn't care what way it was turned and he would sit side saddle on it when we would stop somewhere for a break. I would tell him don't sit on it like that or you'll fall over and can't stop it. One day we stopped and he grabbed a Pepsi and sat on the bike and a couple minutes later the bike rolled a bit and over it went. It was like going in slow motion and he was falling backwards while flapping his arms around like he was trying to fly and his eyes were as big as softballs, we still get a laugh out of his flopping around that day.

Edited by bandit12
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A few weeks after i got my first bike my foot slipped pulling into a parking spot at my old apartment complex and i dropped it. I'm a scrawny guy, and then i was only about 120 pounds, trying to pick up a 480 pound bike. After much frustration, I finally got it up, and it went over on the other side! Got it back up eventually.

Finally, exhausted, i went inside and took a breather. Came back out to see if the thing would start, hit the button, and it rolled forward, and went down for the 3rd time in a 20 minute period. I had left it in gear. The clutch lever sensor was bypassed by the previous owner since it was broken.

That was a bad day for the old nighthawk.

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Before I started riding some one was showing me how to move there bike (in case I needed to in our garage) and dropped it! So I know how not to move it...I have had a few close calls my bike is very heavy (to me).

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Shoot - almost forgot, unloading one from the Uhaul - 8/10 of a mile on it, it hit the ice (bought it new in January) and slid out from under me - all that did was break the brake lever - than goodness for the snow!

In a similar note, I also unloaded a bike from the bed of a lifted F250 with nothing but a 2x6... we basically dropped it as it came down the "ramp" but it rolled to the end and landed standing straight up in the loose soil at the end of the ramp.

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3 days after i got my first scooter ever, too much front breaking on uneven pavement.

second time a fellow scooter rider while filling his scooter with gas spelled too much gas " somehow all over my rear tire, 20 seconds after , had to apply breaks, looked under me " no bike " , third time on scooter as well, placing license plate i pushed kinda hard on the bike and wasn't fast enough to catch it, 4th time had to stop quickly too much front breaking again, 5th i don't really wana tell :)), i love to act more carefully now .

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i've only ever dropped the first bike i had and that happend like 5x I'm sure

1) working on kickstand side and put too much force into something and basically pushed it over

2) was rolling backwards down my driveway grabbed too much front brake and lost balance

3, 4 and maybe 5 lol) lost my footing on wet leaves on the ashtabula covered bridge ride

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i've honestly never dropped my bike. Came close a few times, but never dropped it. Nearly dropped GrapeSmuggler's bike backing it up the ramp into PJ's toy hauler once too :D

I taught my wife to ride at a house I was renting before we moved in together. She was moving, but wouldn't pick up her feet.

I was telling her to get her feet on the pegs, and she did. Ended up in my garage, and when she put her feet down on the smooth concrete, her left foot slid out from under her, and the bike went down.

somehow the only damage was a broken clutch lever; and the bike was 100% rideable with the lever broken.

I was freaking out that something major was wrong, because it would start, but would stall when I tried to release the clutch. The wife was crying her eyes out, freaking out that she had broken my bike. To my credit, I did make sure she was unhurt before tending to the bike. Anyway, she felt TERRIBLE, and went inside to cry some more.

...then I realized that I had the kick-stand down, and that was the only reason the bike was stalling.

I think I got a couple BJ's out of that incident,a nd like I said, the only damage was that the ball-end of the clutch lever snapped off. All things considered, I might let her drop the bike again :D

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I've dropped my Vstrom twice a low speed. Once when the engine was cold and it stalled as I went to pull out of a parking lot. I call that a stupid newbie mistake.

The second time was decending a muddy rutted "road" where the front end slipped out from under me. That one pinned my foot between the bike and muddy bank until someone could give me a hand. I don't think that should count :D


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I dropped my Bandit backing out of a parking spot by rolling backwards down a slight slope, then turning. Gas in the tank sloshed and took me down.

I dropped it again trying to turn around inside a driveway. I was on my way to look at my current bike. Fortunately they didn't see me since I was planning on going for a test ride!

My current street bike fell off my makeshift work stand while the wheels were off. That was a treat to pick up. It fell on carpet but did catch a toolbox with the front fender leaving a little scratch.

It also fell in the garage when I moved it and didn't realize the kickstand got bumped up. No damage there.

I've been run off the track and dumped in the grass, and lowsided once on my street bike. Minimal damage but that's why I have two bikes for two uses.

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  Josh1234 said:
I'm scared to admit that I've never dropped my bike... Because now that I've said that, I'm sure it'll happen promptly. Good thing it's plastic.

This. And another reason to not paint mine all pretty or buy a new bike.

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I honestly think I've dropped and/or crashed every bike I've had. Dropping is far preferable. Probably the most embarrassing was at Mid-Ohio when I dropped my 954 at a track day, my right heel got stuck on the footpeg just as I was coming in after a session. Far worse than when I got a ride back in the crash truck... :cry:

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Common reasons I've dropped my bikes:

1. On side of hill, bike stalled

2. cross rutted

3. mud wasn't deep enough to hold up bike with me still on it

4. slippery rocks

5. so cold I couldn't move my leg fast enough when I stopped

6. shoe lace caught on peg (when I was a kid)

7. put foot down in slick mud or gravel and well..... it slipped

8. kickstand sank in the dirt, hot pavement, mud. couldn't get back to bike fast enough to save it.

9. bike was tired and needed a nap :)

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So I think reading this thread jinxed me. YESTERDAY I was leaving for work. and I keep my bike under the steps next to the apartment at night. and there is a small hill from the apartment to the parking lot. as my usual I just ride down the hill and on with my ride. except this time a Very large lady on her cell phone came screeching around the corner just as i was rolling through a parking spot. I slammed on the Front brake and locked it up and It was turned just enough to wash out and down the bike goes, I reacted enough to be able to stick a leg out and stay up. Now this is the kicker.. She looks right at me as she goes by and clearly sees me going down. Then Takes off, out the other side of the parking lot and down the road. This is when I get pissed. my bike isn't perfect because of a little target fixation issue at mid ohio but its not the point. she clearly knows that her speed in the lot caused this. and now she's running away. SO I pick up the bike and get out to the main road and she is hauling ass away. Had I not had to be getting to work I would have caught up to her and stuck my foot up her ass. Rant over.. STUPID STUPID PEOPLE......

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While learning to ride this spring I accidently rode down a no outlet gravel road. Not quite wide enough to do a u turn, so I tried to back the bike around when my boot slipped on the gravel. I basically did the splits trying to hold the bike up and retain my footing. I realized I didn't have enough leverage to get the bike back up so I succeeded in very gently laying the bike down on its side. Didn't even scratch the paint on that one but pulled the hell out of my groin muscle!

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Test ride 600RR, buy 600RR.

Ride 90 miles home, pull in the driveway.

Kick kickstand down like a champ, hear it hit the stop.

Swing right leg over the tail to dismount. Realize the f-cking kickstand bounced off the stop and I'm past the point of no return.

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My FZ6 went over in a parking lot because I put the stand in a soft spot created by something that must've leaked most of it's oil. The only damage was it snapped my left peg off. It's very awkward shifting when you have nothing to put your foot on. :D Good thing I had frame sliders to act as an impromptu highway peg. lol

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I just about had drop #2 Monday ...getting the TL ready for this weekends trip and I had it up the wheels stands..when I was done I was removing the stands without making sure I had the kick stand down, at the last second I reached for the passenger grab bar and put all I had into it, lucky im a lard ass and had enoughs weight to save it..lol

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When I had new carpet done in my house, I kept the old carpet and cut it into runners about 3' wide to use in the garage. Each spring, I just roll up and toss the old runners and lay down a fresh set. Really helps keep the inside carpets clean.

Last march, 1 week after buying a '05 Boulevard, while moving my bike to gain access to the garage cabinets behind it, a single loop of thread from the carpet runner caught and pulled back on the kickstand; not enough for it to flip up and hit the stop, but far enough that when I leaned the bike back to the left, it just kept on going.

No damage to the bike, but the clutch lever put a nice crease in the hood of my car

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