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How motorcycles get dropped...


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Standing on the left of the bike, at balance backing out of the garage, step on a loose socket(why was it on the ground!?!?) with wet/snowy shoes, Catch yourself from falling using the bike and then the bike falls to the right with nothing you can do about it cuz your off balance and on the left of the bike. was a sad day.

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End of season last year, my friend (John) and I had loaded his bike and mine into the back of a lifted F150 (That was fun enough on its own).

We got to the track and John and I were unstrapping his bike and getting it out of the truck.

Insert: The friend (Sam) that wanted to tag along and watch.

Sam watched how we unstrapped the bike, and figured he could be helpful, and unstrapped the inner strap (opposite of the side of the bed) on my bike. I'm currently at the bottom of the ramp, guiding the other bike down and hear "NO! STOP!", followed by a disheartening *Crunch*.

Picked the bike back up, and luckily nothing major, just minor paint damage and a crack or two. We promptly chased Sam out of the pits.

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  • 7 months later...

First time I tried to get on my 500, my husband had it on the center kickstand, and since I was totally ignorant I had no idea how to get it down. So, I sat on it, rocked back and forth a little, then fell over with it. Totally gay. Scratched my mirror.

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i've had my bike 2 months and i was backing up and just turned the wheel to hard...it was slow motion. it toppled over and took me with it. i was fine, not a sctatch. i bent the clutch and scratch the hell out of my shiny new toy! damn it! paul was more freaked out than i was, he threatened to take my bike away if i wasn't more careful...anyone else wanna ride with me! : )

he he. right there with ya. I will ride with ya!!!

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I dropped the loaner bike in motorcycle class. Climbing off and it just started going down to the left. Whole class got a lesson on how to pickup the bike when it falls because I had mine fall.

Haven't dropped my own bike though.

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At a poker run in front of hundreds of people! The bad thing...I wasn't moving...Just looking behind me! I couldn't even get it up...had to have help! All I kep thinking was...hurry up...if I get it up..."no one will even see or notice it fell".. That didn't happen. hahaha

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put my bike up on centerstand for the first time and decided to try and get it off the center stand and did not know you had to be on the bike to do it. i pushed it forward standing beside it only to realize this is not good and watch it fall over onto its side

then on the new bike i was doing some parking lot practice and tried to turn only to find out that i was not moving forward and over i went

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Wind has gotten "my friend" twice. I had my old Ninja outside under a weather proof cover and that monster wind storm we had last fall blew it over. Then, last week I was riding to school and made a turn into a parking spot right as a huge gust of wind hit me. I didn't dump it... but I came damn close! Eeek.

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you don't HAVE to be on the bike to get it off the centerstand.... you just have to be able to control it .... which can be easy or hard depending on the weight of the bike!

Ninja 250... no prob..... anything larger, good luck!

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you don't HAVE to be on the bike to get it off the centerstand.... you just have to be able to control it .... which can be easy or hard depending on the weight of the bike!

Ninja 250... no prob..... anything larger, good luck!

72 cl350 first day first bike i imagine i could do it today but its easy to just hop on and go

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Holy old thread batman. Since Im here though, I dropped my first bike on a nasty down grade in a friends drive way, and the second was a nice patch of melting asphalt. The crunch of a brand new ducati part is a heart breaking sound.

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Playin' with the ABS in a gravel drive. Didn't realize it was deep gravel. Came to a full stop, was leaned over a lot, couldn't hold it up and was a very slow mo drop. Wish I had a video. (-:

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I was walking mine back down the drive at my mother in laws and got stuck between her car and the damn railroad ties we put along the drive, and TIMBER! I was pinned between the bike and the tie, pissed and cussing.... my mother in law and my wife had to pick it up off me... Embarassing... to say the least...

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I was rolling it backwards down the driveway and when i went down the curb the front wheel was turned farther than i expected and the bike tipped. by the time i caught it, it was past the point that i couldnt lift it from the straddle position so it essentially got "laid down." Only scratched the right side slider, but it was embarrassing and my neighbor watched the whole thing and came to help me lift it back up.

I'm paranoid about making sure the kickstand touches the ground before i even start to move my plant leg.

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Post up how you, I mean, how your "friend" has dropped their bike. The common things that happen when you/your friend drops their bike.

I'll start...

Thinking that the kickstand is down.

Oh, I have done that one...


Working on bike when drunk, tipped it over wrenching, caught bike in mid fall by handle bar. This happened more than once, I'm afraid... First time I caught it, but severely pulled a tendon in my arm doing so.

Another occasion I grabbed the hand grip and almost caught the bike until hand grip slipped off and I managed to accidentally punch myself in the face with it because of how hard I was pulling... oops...

Why did I try to catch a falling bike?? Reflexes. I catch shit when it falls without thinking and it is NOT smart... Especially if you are clumsy and have sharp knives...


Right after taking a flight over the handlebars (had some clutch issues, got impatient, let bike get away from me and clipped curb... took flying high-side exit over handlebars into perfect somersault followed by less perfect head plant on ground.... ) I got up and picked up my bike immediately. Too much adrenaline and bad form resulted in me picking the bike up in a big heave and promptly dropping it on it's other side. Lucky I broke it's fall with my leg that time... Super lucky, people got to watch. Not at ALL embarrassing... ARG!

Haven't knocked the cruiser over yet... (knock on wood) But I'm a clumsy fuck... Maybe I will edit this later today.... LOL

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