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what do you think of this do you think it works

Guest 4dooralero

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OMG. That is the absolute coolest thing I have ever seen. You should order atleast 15 of those kits. You could have the absolute fastest car in Columbus with that. I have a friend with a honda that has just ONE of those kits on his civic, and it runs 10's, maybe 7's, I'm not exactly sure. I can, however, tell you that it is the fastest thing I have ridden in.
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It might work a little bit, but you need to think about what you are getting here and how Nitrous works to make power. And since you are asking, you don't know.


First, for nitrous to be truely effective, it needs to enter the intake as a liquid and change into a gas at that point. To remain a liquid after leaving the tank it must be at or above 700 PSI. Any less and it's a gas. The line supplied with this kit would burst at 300 PSI less.


Second, is quanity of nitrous.these cylinders, known as whipits, are for charging whipped cream cans, they are the same size as a CO2 cylinder for a BB gun (not a tank on a paintball gun, which is MUCH bigger) most BB guns that use CO2 the littel tank goes inside the grip of the gun, so that should give you some idea of size. Figure that 5 lb cylinder will give one 3 second shot to a V-8 motor, and these cylinders have 3 Oz of nitrous in them if you are lucky, so how long a shot are you gonna get???


So you figure it out, and answer your own question now that you know how it works.

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I am curious about them myself and have been tempted to throw away 35$ just fo rshits and giggles I know i could cool down my intake charge for about all of 7 seconds with it but shit whats what gonna do.. We need a Dyno shop to donate the dyno time and i will pay for the kit and put it on the monte :)
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Figure that 5 lb cylinder will give one 3 second shot to a V-8 motor

Do you realize how big of a HP shot of spray it would be to expend 5lbs of N2O in 3 seconds??!!!


To give you an idea, I run in the lower 11's, and spray out of the hole. 150 wet shot. I use about 2.5lbs of nitrous per pass (I've never accurately measured, but it's a good guestimate).


So to uses some generalizations and simple math, I'd use 5lbs of nitrous in 22 seconds. To use that in 3 seconds, well that's nearly 7 times as much. 150 x 7 = 1050HP shot of nitrous. Ummm, no. Sure, an 8-9 second car might use 5lbs per run, but they are spraying longer than 3 seconds. Also forgot to mention is you can't use a bottle up until it is empty, as you just can't keep the pressure up in the bottle w/ that little in there.


That said, this e-bay gimmick won't work, at all.

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Do you realize how big of a HP shot of spray it would be to expend 5lbs of N2O in 3 seconds??!!!


To give you an idea, I run in the lower 11's, and spray out of the hole. 150 wet shot. I use about 2.5lbs of nitrous per pass (I've never accurately measured, but it's a good guestimate).


So to uses some generalizations and simple math, I'd use 5lbs of nitrous in 22 seconds. To use that in 3 seconds, well that's nearly 7 times as much. 150 x 7 = 1050HP shot of nitrous. Ummm, no. Sure, an 8-9 second car might use 5lbs per run, but they are spraying longer than 3 seconds. Also forgot to mention is you can't use a bottle up until it is empty, as you just can't keep the pressure up in the bottle w/ that little in there.


That said, this e-bay gimmick won't work, at all.


You forgot that the capacity of the tank also has to do with the pressure that the liquid will be kept at over time.

Guys that are running 1000 shot's on outlaw cars are running 2 10 pounders, parallel and swapping out the tanks every run.

You can't look at it as 5 lb of total nitrous flow because some of it turns to gas as the liquid leaves the tank and below 700 psi it's all gas.

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Actually the little doodad they use for it with the trigger is for bike tires you can buy them at bike source and they use them to fill bike tires on the trail instead of a big bike pump. http://www.bikesource.com/yvs450/shopexd.asp?id=2298



Well if someone buys one i will buy some Whipppits from Waterbeds and stuff. if it dont work we can fill up some ballons :)

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Almost everything in that ad is spelled wrong, or used incorrectly. I'm pretty sure if I am contmplating buying a car product from a vendor who has trouble with basic English speaking skills, I may doubt the integrity of his physics-based claims.


Please don't buy that kit, and please don't "Mod" your Alero.

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