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What pisses you off


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I'm curious, and I need to vent. I'm tired of the squeeky wheel getting the grease. I wanna take that wheel. Throw it around, show it who its daddy is and throw it in one of those 1000 degree furnaces. The whole while asking who's yo daddy as I do the triple-H "x" across my crotch. (Sorry I dont watch or condone wrestling, it makes you stupid). These people I work with. I wanna strangle the lot of them. I gotta work 3x's as hard because I'v taken the time to perfect my craft. I have to put in the extra time because I can do all the hard stuff and theres less likely of something going wrong if I'm there. Maybe if I acted stupid I'd be better off. When did things change? It use to be the harder you worked the more you received. Not any more. My boss actually told me I make him too much money to take me out of the field. I'v been passed up 3x's now. Once by a guy who was to stupid to buy steel toed boots and dropped something on his foot and broke. He made salesman because he got to sit in the office and recuperate. The other 2x's are just as bad. I got a hard job. Alot of people say the most physically demanding job there is. I cant take it. So I'm moving on. Not right away. But soon. Come this november I will be trying out for the police department. So bring on the pig jokes. Because hopefully soon I will be taking out this frustration on unsuspecting "yoots". And i'll be "packin".
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heh I hear that, I'll be going to columbus states police program hopefully this winter. But won't be able to join a department for a couple of years (driving violations.)


I'd have to say I hate the same thing you do, I hate working harder and understanding faster than most do, and when I feel I could make manager or something else of higher stature. Annnnd I don't.


I'm only 20 though, so we all start at the bottom right? I'm getting more and more used to it though. I guess now I at least have a decent job. At least have benefits.

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What pisses me off?



-People who talk with no place to talk

-People that hit and run

-People that dont look before they turn, change lanes

-Ricers and everything they do

-People who break promises

-People who talk shit from Ski lifts

-People who hit and run

-Rubber neckers

-People who pull the "race card" for everything

-People with no work ethic

-People out for themselves

-Being stabbed in the back

-P.M.S.ing women

-People who lie about everything


-The play Catz

-Those little twisty things on the bred pakaging

-People who can't drive




-People whom jump to conclusions

-People who expect to much

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I'm still mad whats up with all the shitty work that are tax-dollars go to. The center medians on 71 north of 270 were just painted less than a year ago and their alredy peeling. Shouldn't somebody get asked why. The new flood wall that was just put up off greenlawn ave, that cost 3x's as much because it has pretty pictures of trees formed into it, is now covered with vines. Whos bright idea was it to plant flowers next to a wall on the side of the freeway. Somedody has to take care of them. Why not plant bushes or shrubs, something low maintenance. Shame thats whats missing in todays society. People have forgotten what it feels like to be shamed. A bunch of people start hooting and howling in a theater. Does anyone say anything, No. If they did they would feel shameful for their actions. Not me I let-em have it. You start talking stupid to me, where everyother word out of your mouth is dawg, I start asking the people next to you if they can speak english. Theres a time and a place for talking like that. And its not at work. And for those out there who think I am talking just about people of color ( or black, yes I still say black) I'm not. Theres just as many stupid white, yellow, brown and flurple people as well.
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Guest mudbutt

I agree about the work thing. It is awesome when you keep learning things that SHOULD keep you from doing more grunt work, but you end up doing the same amout of grunt work + the technical aspects of what you know.


The single most thing I regret in my life is not starting school earlier. Im 24 with 2.5 semesters total on a degree that requires a masters! It feels like it will never happen.

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-working stupid ass jobs that will get me no where in life


-people who have kids at young ages and then dont hang out w/ me anymore cuz there girlfriends are bitches

- people who do sumthin they love and then get pissed when they dont get paid for it

-mirrors on motorcycles

-people who call me a "squid" even though they have never seen me ride

- people who drive z06's that get more pussy then me

-waking up still drunk at 8am to find out your grandparents arrived early to visit

-when you have no alcohol

-when someone says "dude u gotta listen to this cd, its awesome" and they put it on and it sucks a brand new asshole and if you have to listen to the whole damn thing

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Inmates that keep going back to jail

when inmates dont listen to me

Criminals that put holes in there bed, just so they can bust a nut.

When I dont pull out in time, leaving me no choice but to punch her in the ovaries.

Alpha keto-gluterate(It's used in too many sports supplements now)


When I'm trying to push out my last rep on 315 squat, and start grunting because it hurts, and people look at me funny.

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Inmates that keep going back to jail

when inmates dont listen to me

Criminals that put holes in there bed, just so they can bust a nut.

When I dont pull out in time, leaving me no choice but to punch her in the ovaries.

Alpha keto-gluterate(It's used in too many sports supplements now)


When I'm trying to push out my last rep on 315 squat, and start grunting because it hurts, and people look at me funny.

ROFLOPTER thats fucking hillarios my mom is always talking about the REGULARS (shes a deputy)


I hate Car manufacturs that make cool cars FWD :\

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