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How do you feel about CCW?


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  2000silvergtp said:
I carry a glock 9mm. I can carry and use as I deem necessary. And if your going to carry, be prepared to KILL. You don't want to shot someone that can make up a different story from your. Think about it.....someone tries to rob you with a gun and you shot them in the shoulder, they are going to lie about ever having a gun and that you robbed them. But, shooting someone should be a life or death situation. I see no problem for anyone to get the CCW, but whether you carry is up to you. And it sucks that every establishment that you go into dosen't allow CCW.




Hey Eric. Aren't you a P.O? I know you are somehow involved in legal system, I just don't know how exactly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest BlackHatch

I have not gotten my CCW transferred yet, since I am relatively new to the state. I got mine in 1999, and carried the majority of the time. Never had to use it, or threaten to use it.


"it's better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it"


Personally, I hate guns, but unforunately we live in a society where one would be insane not to have one. Had it been me, I would have given them the money, and when they turned to leave, I would have shot all 3 in the back, gotten my money, and left, provided there were no witnesses. I would have taken my chances on getting caught, I think it would have been doing the city a disservice had I NOT killed them. I am also a liberal.

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Years ago I had the permit when I lived in Pennsylvania. I got it because 3 guys followed me 15 blocks to my parked car in Pgh? As soon as I started the car, turned the lights on, they turned around & walked away. Scared shit out of me. Sooo I went thru the red tape & obtained the license. Later I thought, christ if I kill someone in self defense, by the time the courts are thru with me, I may wish I'd have just let the perpetrators kill me???? Another dilemma (as mentioned earlier) is - if you pull that firearm, you'd better be ready to use it! I thought about it & ended up never carrying. I've killed pheasants, rabbits, squirrels, & approx 30 or so deer, but to take another persons life? Wow thats a tough one. I could do it when I was in the Army because that was a whole different scenario & today I could & WOULD do it in this circumstance= some tool breaks into my home at 3:00 am. Now that person or persons I'd take right OUT, no question. But back to carrying? It's a personal decision for people & will remain a hot topic for sure ---
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  BlackBird96 said:
The only sure fire way to get shot at: pull a gun on some one.

I've pulled one out on someone and they backed down hard. If you were to want to carry, a compact series from the major brands aka glock, kimber, S&W, etc... would be a good investment. I'd go with nothing less than .40, .45, .357, for a carry weapon just for the sheer fact of stopping power. If you ever had to pull and use, you want that 1st round to hit and drop. It's a shame that in the Army we still rely on the goddamn Berreta 92F that's chambered in 9mm. Last story I heard of a 9mm on an insurgent 8 rounds were used for a take down. If that had been .40 and above, that soldier would've used a lot less for a good take down. Me personally I like the Kimber and their 1911 series .45's. While they're pricey to some, it's well worth the 700$+ for em.

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I'm assuming by holding there guns upside down you mean sideways?


Isn't there a method behind the madness, like glocks bullet trajectory makes it so its better if you hold your gun to the side.


Your better off buying a hi point throw away off the street, and shooting anyone who looks to suspicious approaching you then tossing it in a sewer or just driving to the most populated hood you can find and dropping the gun out the window for some unlucky 12 year old. They repeating the process.

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  Rane said:
I'm assuming by holding there guns upside down you mean sideways?


No. I mean upside-down. I had read/heard somewhere, not too long ago, that 'thugs' and 'gangtas' were getting tired of holding their guns sideways because Hollywood had copied it too much. So they decided to start holding them upside-down so they could be unique(gay) again.


I also remember seeing the statistics for approx. how much accuracy they lose by turning the gun sideways, and also upside-down. The amount of accuracy they lost was completely rediculous. They'd almost be better off to throw the gun at you, than to try and shoot you, holding it upside-down, and pulling the trigger with their pinky finger.


But I'm told by my friend who was mugged, that they were infact, holding them the wrong damn way.




Oh, and blackbird. The whole "pulling a gun on someone is a surefire way to get yourself shot" comment. Well, that works BOTH ways.

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  Redneck-Scott said:
If you were to want to carry, a compact series from the major brands aka glock, kimber, S&W, etc... would be a good investment. I'd go with nothing less than .40, .45, .357, for a carry weapon just for the sheer fact of stopping power.


I've already decided on the Glock 23 (Compact, .40) for a carry gun, If I ever do decide to carry. 13-15 rounds of .40" hollowpoint goodness.

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  2000silvergtp said:
I carry a glock 9mm. I can carry and use as I deem necessary. And if your going to carry, be prepared to KILL. You don't want to shot someone that can make up a different story from your. Think about it.....someone tries to rob you with a gun and you shot them in the shoulder, they are going to lie about ever having a gun and that you robbed them. But, shooting someone should be a life or death situation. I see no problem for anyone to get the CCW, but whether you carry is up to you. And it sucks that every establishment that you go into dosen't allow CCW.





My dad learned in his CCW class that it isn't illegal to carry in places where they say you can't carry. You can still carry in there, but they can kick you out if they catch you carrying.

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CCW is great as far as self defense. I don't know the stats but i'm sure there are some people with hot tempers that flash their guns or have used them for something stupid like a bar fight.


I personally don't care for it, it would suck to carry around a weapon and have to worry about if people can see it or not. I'll probably get one for my house.

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As far as I'm concerend. If you own a gun you plan on A. Hunting animals or B. Shooting someone at some point and time so you mideaswell just start now.


Everyone with a pistol, mideaswell find the person or stereotype of the person that made them want a gun and start there killing spree now.


This is why I don't own a gun...yet.

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Unfortunatley our CCW law here in Ohio is a joke!!! They put so many restrictions on it that it is almost not worth getting. For people who have jobs that require them to carry large amounts of cash it might be a good idea. However every store and restaurant in the state put up no carring CCW signs. So every where you go carrying your weapon you would be breaking the law.

There are three ways that you are allowed to carry your firearm in your car if you have a CCW and if you deviate from this you get arrested and charged with a (F5)felony. T

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I was not done however I hit the wrong button.

If you do get a CCW abide by the rules and dont forget to tell the officer when he pulls you over that you have a CCW when he walks up because if you dont you can be charged and lose you CCW license. The officer knows because when he runs the tag on your vehicle it will come up on his computer screen in the cruiser.

I carry two weapons at all times both S&W. The main is a .45 model 4506, the backup is a chiefs special 9mm model CS9 samll yet very light and accurate. The .45 is a cannon and fun to shoot, great accuracy also. My 9mm is small and compact and people dont even knnow its there.

You dont need a lot of rounds for your gun unless you figure your going to be in a shoot out. Most gun battles dont last very long because most people start to run at the first sound of a gun shot. If someone pulls a gun on you and shoots at you and you pull yours and return fire they are going to be surprised and run or duck for cover same as you. If you find your self in a shady side of town in the wee morning hours and you do get in to a gun battle then shame on you for putting yourself in that position. You get what you get then.

CCW is not a bad thing because only the good and law abiding citizens have gone through the class and spent the money to get trained and take the class. Its the criminal who carries every day and does not care about society that you have to worry about.



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