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Why you should'nt drink a flaming shot....


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LOL - quality entertainment right there.


BTW, do flaming shots ever not end up with someone getting fucked up? And, on that subject, who exactly decided that mixing fire and alcohol would be a good idea? Seriously, that's like someone coming up with the "chainsaw and grenade" shot; there are things that just shouldn't be done together, you know?

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when i was young i poured cologne in the sink and set it on fire just to see what would happen. some got on my shirt and it started to burn. the no more than a week later a grabbed a hot exhaust pipe from the tractor after it was running for 3 hours straight. needless to say i wasnt a smart kid...just thought that i would throw out a stupid moment.


oh yeah this video is full of girls screaming

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Wow that guy was a pussy who got lit on fire.


Here is my stupid moment. I was hanging out with the Vdub guys on here. Shooter, Damion, Shanton, Sean, Chris etc..(I know you two dont have VW's)


So, for the past couple of days everyone has been lighting off fire works partying and drinking. I've mostly just been watching, they would throw firecrackers around eachother to scare eachother and then they got into roaming candle fighting. So, there outside chasing eachother and I am standing near the door to the house. Everyone runs from Shooter, someone runs into the house and shuts the door. I am outside and now he's aiming at me. My last words were. "Shooter, I've stayed out of the fireworks fights especially so I didn't get shot with any..." So he fires one off and I duck behind a screen door. I pull the door as shut as it will go with my back against the house door. Next shot bounces off the door. Next I see him aim at the crack and I am like "Dont shoot thats bout to F-" One hit the door behind bounced off and went in my shirt still burning for the duration.


So, the people behind me let me in the door and I'm all like "Damn you guys smell that?!?" There like yea wtf is it. So I tell them its my skin there like whered you get hit? I showed them my back and it was all bleeding and shit burn that covered like my entire upper back. Still have a big ass mark from it.

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My stupid moment... really fuckin stupid...


Me and my buddy... only about 15 at the time, were messing with his dirtbike in his basement. For some reason, we got the idea to light some Turbo Blue on fire. And not just a little puddle, or a couple ounces... we filled a big 64oz cup to the rim. So we take it outside of his basement (had a door that came out under the back porch) and set it on the sidewalk. Our way of lighting it was by shooting a flame at it from a WD-40 can... by now you can tell the level of our stupidity. So we light this thing and it starts burning... and pretty soon there is a TON of smoke. So we decided to put it out before someone called the fire department. Then we noticed the bottom of the porch turning black. So we grabbed a hose and shot a quick burst of watter at the cup thinking it would go out.... WRONG. It knocked the cup over and now we had a huge fuckin puddle of burning gas under a wooden porch. So hes spraying water at it, but the fire is hot enough to burn the Oxygen in the water so i start throwing dirt on it. After about 30seconds of shear terror, we put it out.

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