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What do you do with 23 years of memories?


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I'm cleaning up my basement, which is where I store pretty much everything I've ever accrued in the 23 years I've been alive. I have about 20 boxes of various things I've collected throughout the years, most of it dumb shit that I just have emotional attachments to from when I was a teen, that I don't want to get rid of. But as I sort and move things around my basement, I feel some remorse just sealing up box after box and stacking them in the corner.


What do you do with all of the things you have collected through the years? :(

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I had an assload of Garbage Patch kids cards.. I think I tossed them out a LONG time ago.. which sucks too . I bet they'd be worth something now. (doubtfully).


Depends on what it is Chris. I'd hold on to the stuff like Vinny said. Get drunk one night and go through the stuff and start laughing at it :).

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Ooh, you really hit a hot button with me! Please bear with me on this rant, as I have just spent the better part of a weekend organizing and boxing up and throwing away!


I have been married to a wonderful woman for (coincidentally) over 23 years, and plan on staying married for another 50 or so, Lord willing. Her one flaw? She keeps EVERYTHING, valuable or not, for "...the memories". I love her dearly, but after 23 years of marriage, our house is full of crap. Our closets and cabinets are full. We have school papers from when the kids were in grade school - they are now 17 and 20. We have almost all their toys and games - most are broken and missing pieces. We have some of her grandmother's furniture - real junk that is pressboard with fake woodgrain. We have Christmas decorations that have not come out of boxes for years. And it goes on.


Most of it ends up in the basement. It is not to the point where it is obsessive, but there are days I wonder! When ever she is gone for a few days, I go through and throw out stuff. She has yet to notice anything missing.


Don't confuse keeping junk around with memories. At your age you have more to look forward to than to look behind on!


Thanks for listening. It may have not done much for you, but I am much better now!

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Guest wesxprs

Chris, I don't know if you have seen my basement or not but the bottom line is, like someone said above, get rid of shit. Even boxing, archiving, saving, whatever you want to call it doesn't work. It all still collects dust and will eventually get in your way. Then when you move, guess what, you have to move it too.


I vote trash can!!!!!



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Yup, throw everything away. IIRC we moved everything I own to our new place in two trips with the van, plus two trips later in my car of stuff I didn't move when we first moved in that I don't use all of the time (ski stuff, hiking stuff, crap I need to sell, etc.).


Every time I move somewhere I go through just about everything and throw a bunch of stuff away that I haven't used in a while, that way I don't have to move it.

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